• Resolved toyshot


    I was looking for a menu plugin that took into account the page hierarchy, and I must say that the Advanced Menu, Sidebar is the one who has come closest of the ones I looked at. It is easy to use.

    I’d like to give some suggestions on functionality and that is that the menu that is generated that the parent may be bold and a few pixels bigger. Think it will make the presentation look prettier.

    Another thing I noticed and did not find any setting for, was how many levels down it would build the menu. Now it seems as if it only goes two levels down and I think it would be nice to be able to specify the number of levels it would build. I have some pages that go down 3-4 levels.

    It was my proposal and I may say that it is the closest I found that suited my needs.



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  • Plugin Author Mat Lipe


    Good Morning ledlightingwholesale,

    What is the IP of the server that has the site that is not working? I might be able to determine what is causing the issue if I point my browser to the broke n one and take a look.


    Hey Mat,

    Thanks for the plugin. I was combining two plugins before to get this functionality and now I can use just one. Awesome!

    Question for you. The plugin does not appear to inherit the menu order from the custom menu capability in WP3X. Is that expected behavior or am I seeing a bug?

    Without this ability, I have one menu order from the main nav and a different one from the page nav. Would like to have them the same, if possible.


    Plugin Author Mat Lipe


    Hello PaulHedges,

    The plugin currently supports using the built in page order field to order the menu.

    It functions the same way the main navigation used to before custom menus. It pays no attention to the custom menu order.

    Let me know if you need some basic instructions on page orders. I will be happy to find/write a quick tutorial.

    Hello Mat,
    this actually helped a lot, thank you ??
    One problem: no matter what I edit in the css, I can’t manage to add some space between all the rows.
    Is it possible?

    Plugin Author Mat Lipe


    Hello Again cloudfe,

    Try adding this to your stylesheet.

    .advanced-sidebar-menu.widget ul li, .advanced-sidebar-menu li {
        padding: 3px 0;

    You can change the 3px to a larger or smaller number depending on how much space you would like.

    Hope this helps!

    That worked very nicely, thanks ??

    Are you planning for the future any “hover” option (you know, underlined links etc) or some other kind of style option?

    So no future options for that?

    Plugin Author Mat Lipe


    It’s hard to say what the future holds.

    This week at the office we have been kicking around making a pro version of this plugin which will include a full styling interface and many other options, but we decided to shelf that idea to focus on some of our other projects.

    For now, the best I can say is the future of this plugin is unknown.


    Too bad ??

    hi and thanks for this good plug-in. It was exactly what i was searching for.

    I am currently working on the design of the homepage.
    Basically i think that i have an understanding of how to work with css, but since i am also quite new to wordpress i got confused and don’t seem to manage to style the sidebar menu.

    a) If i want to change for example that a link when hovering on it is not underlined, where would i do this?
    text-decoration: none

    b) I want to add a separating line after ( <hr />-tag??) after each page (menu item) so the sidebar menu is making a more organized impression. Do you have an idea on how to achieve that?

    c) Where do i have to add the code – in the sidebar-menu.css or in the style.css of the theme?

    Sorry but i got a little confused with all the different .css files and trying to get into wordpress. Also playing around with the stylesheets hast not been very productive so far, so i hope somebody can help me out.


    Its me again.

    Maybe I was already to tired yesterday evening…

    I found all the answers (well at least to my questions above).
    If it is of interest to anyone:
    a) I couldn’t make the underline of my links go away even though i changed it in the sidebarmenu.css because in my theme in the style.css there links were set to be underlined with an “important” tag, which overruled my later settings.


    I had to change that first in my style.css (and also do what i say in point c)…)

    b) In the end i added a “border-bottom: dashed 1px” tag to this class “.advanced-sidebar-menu ul li” which made a separating line after every link.

    c) Well, I did not check the “Use Built in Styling” checkbox in the widget-area so no wonder i was changing things in the sidebarmenu.css file and nothing happend.

    Cheers and thanks again for this plugin! Its really usefull and works without problems now.

    I feel incredibly stupid to ask this, but I didn’t find a solution so far, so…
    How do I change the size of the squares at the beginning of every link in the widget?
    I’m using the Built In Styling.

    MrSlartibartfast, is it possible to achieve your first result (the hovering) without giving up the Built in Styling?

    Hi Cloudfe,

    Sorry to ask, but which squares?
    Maybe I already edited it and that is why i don’t have squares?

    Are you using the Built in styling?
    I have checked the box for built in styling (in the admin panel > appearance > widgets) and after that edited the stylesheet… so i might have taken them away if there where some. Maybe i explained it a bit confusing in my last post, but i am definitely using built in styling! (i just forgot in the beginning to check the checkbox so my styling didn’t work)

    Cloudfe, maybe you are talking about this option in the sidebarmenu.css file:

    .advanced-sidebar-menu li.current_page_item{
            list-style-type: none;

    Here you can set what is displayed in front of each menu-item.
    I set it to none for my homepage, but you can use these options:

    decimal (makes a list like this: 1., 2., 3., …)

    The size of these squares can not be changed. At least not that i know.

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