Hi Josh, Thanks for your reply. Great looking pligin and some useful stuff there for sure. Not sure (by looking at the demo video) if it will fix my issue though.
I want my store to stay in $US, and display all items as such… but…
Here’s an example of my issue…
Item = US$10.00 and Austrlia post plugin works shipping to be AU$7.65 But the checkouth shows it all in $US
Item $10.00
Post $7.65
TOTAL $17.65
I need the $7.65 (post) to be converted to $US
going off google exchange rate it should show;
Item $10.00
Post $5.86
TOTAL $15.86
My only other way around this is to make it all in AU$, and use the currency converter to show it in $US ? If I did that, would the payments then go into paypal as $US??