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  • OK, I’ve tried setting the cache time to zero, on the assumption that this will disable the calendar cache. This seems to have worked OK today. I’ll monitor for the next week and see how it goes. Obviously not ideal, but if it continues to work I MAY then be able to resume cacheing the PAGE that the shortcode is on using ZenCache (I currently have the page exempted from cacheing to rule that out of the equation). If that works, then it may be an acceptable work around.

    Same problem here. I appreciate the difficulty, but it would be really good to get this fixed. I don’t like giving editors admin privs.

    Ah! By grouped you mean showing multiple calendars? No it’s not that, just a single calendar from which certain events are selected by a “search query”. In any case I have cleared all the other calendar caches.

    So, I’m assuming the way it is supposed to work is that when the page is accessed it checks to see if the cache has expired, and if not uses the cached results, otherwise it pulls down the calendar from google again. But since events that have passed are ALWAYS removed even when new events that should appear are not added, I’m assuming it always trims expired events from the front even when the cache has NOT expired.

    If it DOESN’T do that trimming when the cache is still valid it would seem to indicate that the cache is expiring correctly but for some reason it is unable to get new data from google.

    Is there some kind of debugging I can turn on which might help to determine what is really going on here?

    Thanks again for your efforts.

    Just another data point. Sometimes it DOES update withoput needing a manual cache refresh, but I haven’t been able to identify the circumstances. I’m also running it in a sandbox which gets no public access, and that behaves differently and usually DOES update. When it doesn’t it isn’t necessarily at the same point as the public version. So this MAY point to the fact that it is somehow traffic dependent. Maybe?

    I’m having this problem. I was having it with V2, and had hoped that moving to V3 would fix it. I’m running 3.0.11 and have even set my cache time to 15 mins and I am still not getting it updated. The page that the calendar is on is NOT cached, so that is not the problem. It IS a grouped calendar, if by that you mean multiple events on the same day with a single date line. The calendar is set to “list” view, hide header, NOT compact list. You can see it at but it is now up to date becuase I have manually cleared the cache. It looks 8 days ahead.

    Thread Starter MikeShand


    as far as I am concerened html support is working as expected.

    What I mean by events grouped per day is this.

    In the original grouped list, events were displayed like this

    Wed 02 Dec
    10.00am Advent Holy Communion and MU party
    3.45pm Kids Alive 325

    Thu 03 Dec
    6.00pm Compline

    Sat 05 Dec
    8.30am Prayers for the Parish

    i.e. for each day, the day and date are listed, followed by a list of events happening on that day.

    See for example

    In V3 using the default list we get the same thing, BUT the date is a white on black block with a line. That is not what I want. I want it to look like it did in V2. So is there a way to remove that styling?

    I tried the “compact list” but that doesn’t group the events by day. It just lists each event on a seperate line. I can either list them without dates, or list them ALL with dates, but I cannot get the grouped by date behaviour I am after.

    Essentially, what I want is exactly what I had in V2. Is there any way of getting that?

    Sorry this really ought to be a seperate thread from the html one, but I had both issues at the same time.

    Incidentally, I am still having trouble with the cache not getting refreshed (sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t) in V2 and I’m hoping that V3 will fix this. So far it seems to be OK in V3, but I haven’t been running it long enough in my sandbox to be sure.

    Thread Starter MikeShand


    This version seems to have fixed my problem with <p id=xx>. I haven’t yet tried it to see if actual html links display correctly.

    However, I’m still struggling with the display options. I can remove the “banner” dates in list view by using compact view, but then (as it says) this puts all the events in one list rather than blocking them per day as it used to.

    What I want is

    Wed 02 Dec
    10.00am Advent Holy Communion and MU party
    3.45pm Kids Alive 325
    Thu 03 Dec
    6.00pm Compline
    Sat 05 Dec
    8.30am Prayers for the Parish

    but what I get with compact list is just

    10.00am Advent Holy Communion and MU party

    3.45pm Kids Alive 325

    6.00pm Compline

    8.30am Prayers for the Parish

    How can I get what I had before. i.e. blocked per day, but without the fancy per day header?

    Thread Starter MikeShand


    In case it is relevant, here is what I have for the template

    [if-not-all-day] [start-custom format=” D j F g.ia”]: [event-title] [if-location] – [location][/if-location] [if-description] : [description html=”yes”] [/if-description] [/if-not-all-day]
    [if-all-day] [start-custom format=” D j F”]: [event-title] [if-location] – [location][/if-location] [if-description] : [description html=”yes”] [/if-description] [/if-all-day]

    I suspect I don’t need all that any more, but that’s what I have that is giving the trouble.

    Thread Starter MikeShand


    Thanks for the detailed reply. I removed and re-installed the plugin and it SEEMS to be working OK again. Thanks for your help anyway.

    I’ll give the beta a go in my sandbox when I have some time to check it out.

    Thread Starter MikeShand


    Yes, using a shortcode

    [gcal id=”3994″]

    The pages ARE cached by ZenCache (6 hours), but clearing the Zencache does NOT result in the feed being refreshed, and in any case ZenCache disables caching for logged in users, and again the feed is not updated for logged in users.

    The only thing that causes it to update is doing a “clear cache” in Gcal.

    Thread Starter MikeShand


    In case you ask, I’m running v2.4 of Gcal and wordpress 4.3.1

    I see that this issue was supposed to be fixed in, so there must be some peculiarity about my setup that still provokes the issue. I can’t believe that everyone is affected.

    expand recurring events: Yes
    multiple day events : NOT ticked
    display mode: grouped list
    events per page: number of days:8
    display start date offeset: number of days back:0
    earliest feed event date: number of days back:0
    latest feed event date: number of days forward:8
    cache duration: 20000

    Thread Starter MikeShand


    Well I tried deleting the feed and re-creating it, but it is still not refreshing automatically. I have to click “clear cache” every day to get it to update, which kind of defeats the point of it all (but as I said, it removes past entries without needing that).

    Perhaps, I’ll just have to wait until v3 is ready for prime time, and see if that fixes it.

    Thread Starter MikeShand


    Same, as far as I can tell (can’t easily change the window sizes, but there are some natural conveniant breaks) in both safari and chrome on iPad.

    Thread Starter MikeShand


    both firefox 35.0.1 (to do the edit and check the result) and chrome 40.0.2214.115to check the result

    Thread Starter MikeShand


    Ah! I didn’t mis type it the html is being interpretted in this post, so it is turning the code for non-breaking space into a space here. SO if I repost that using NB to stand for the html code It would read.

    I used the button to insert non-breaking spaces between the words
    “non breaking spaces”, and NB between “the real deal”.

    So I had




    where (button) means I pressed the button

    and (NB) means I went to the text editor and manually typed in NB instead of a space.

    Hope that is clear now.

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