Forum Replies Created
its still run even i try to deactivate all plugins ??????
run all time and cant even access website, help me fix it please
since i change cloud to contabo (Tweaks)
I found that my post_content received direct data without any relationship. and can be used Every situation and I like it. it help me can delete everything of relation and mydb will be slim ?? how can i make all my post_content the same?
i think its slow cause i have too much data maybe
hallowww sir, my english isn’t that good but i think i can share someting
like they said: https://deliciousbrains.com/wp-offload-media/doc/wasabi-cloud-storage-quick-start-guide/
you need to install then activate Tweaks Plugin
edit “amazon-s3-and-cloudfront-tweaks.php” file
add code in ” __construct()” function
add_filter(‘as3cf_aws_s3_client_args’, array($this, ‘contabo_s3_client_args’));
add_filter(‘as3cf_aws_s3_url_domain’, array($this, ‘contabo_s3_url_domain’), 10, 5);add function in “Amazon_S3_and_CloudFront_Tweaks” class
? ? public function contabo_s3_client_args($args)
? ? {
? ? ? ? $args[‘endpoint’] = ‘https://<regions>.contabostorage.com’;
? ? ? ? $args[‘use_path_style_endpoint’] = true;
? ? ? ? return $args;
? ? }
? ? public function contabo_s3_url_domain($domain, $bucket, $region, $expires, $args)
? ? {
? ? ? ? return ‘https://<regions>.contabostorage.com/<trace-id>:<bucket-name>’;
? ? }