I’ve got the same problem (and I suspect most other MailPoet users have). In addition, the Suscribed/Unsubscribed drop box is on the same line as Status * instead of being on the line below.
I’ve managed to solve both those problems by making very minor additions to two MailPoet files in the folder wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/lib/form/block:
Segment.php line 28, change:
$html .= ‘<label class=”mailpoet_checkbox_label”>’;
$html .= ‘<br /><label class=”mailpoet_checkbox_label”>’;
Select.php line 16, change:
$html .= ‘<select class=”mailpoet_select” name=”‘.$field_name.'” ‘ . $automation_id . ‘>’;
$html .= ‘<br /><select class=”mailpoet_select” name=”‘.$field_name.'” ‘ . $automation_id . ‘>’;
Perhaps these changes could be included in the next update of MailPoet?
I also need the option to hide the list selection element completely on the Manage your subscription page. Could that be included in a future update?