Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Show Category, and Sub Categories for posts?and like always i find out how to do what i just asked, seconds after i ask.. it takes me an hour searching before i post here, and seconds after to find it myself…
for anyone else looking
in your permalinks structure put
/%category%/%postname%/then, when you are making a post, you must only categoriez the post at the Latest sub cat
so for me i had to categorize my wireless mic product/post as wireless mic, NOT Products>Audio>Microphones>Wireless Mics..
To many cats in the bag, now my urls are all efficient and stuff
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: image hosting/upload plugin ????
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: echo post title, with permalink as the linkahh! exactly.. i knew it was that easy too it just wouldnt cick.. pretty straght forward.. just like displaying a regular link only the actual like is the little line of php and same with the anchor. ..
thank you!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: echo post title, with permalink as the linksorry, i think i should be more detailed..
id like to do this
the quoted text id like the be the link the the post.. i found some other help on the subject but its not coming out right
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: is there a plugin to add theme hooks?xD what do i add to it though.. i dont know where to start i need to add a div just to my home page below the posts. iv done if statements before and they work but iv been trying all day on this and its just not happening
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how do i add this meta tag to my head?ah man so im lookin around the plugin i dont see how to do this.. i can noindex a category page itself but not All the posts within it.. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how do i add this meta tag to my head?yeah i saw that but i was acustomed to seo ultimate.. but it looks like yoast has good ratings and a crap ton of downloads so i guess its a safe bet they wont stop maintaining their plugin..
thanks for making me actually look into yoast.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP Removing P tags, is this seriously still doing this???uh man.. the simplest things.. i dont get how wp is so popular not handling what i would think to be pretty basic stuff. why would i not need to be html in a caption.. basic formatting ??
thanks Christine
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP Removing P tags, is this seriously still doing this???PS: In the BEFORE i am using LI tags, i was using P tags, its the exact same outcome with p tags.. I would Rather use P tags if anyone has something for them
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP Removing P tags, is this seriously still doing this???mine are being removed.
Before (Good)
[caption id="attachment_69" align="alignright" width="420" caption="<li>Kaitlyn: Estheetician & Massage Therapist</li><li>I provide all types of body waxing from head to toe as well as facial and skin care.I provide all types of body waxing from head to toe as well as facial and skin care.</li><li>I'm a New Massage Therapist specializing in 4-Hand Massage (Tandem), Foot Reflexology and Thai-Swedish style professional Massage Therapy</li><li>I attended school in Oakland, CA at The International College of Cosmotology.</li>"]<img class=" wp-image-69 " title="cmt-kaitlyn" src="https://wiztechrepair.com/mas/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/cmt-kaitlyn-300x226.jpg" alt="" width="420" height="322" />
After (Bad/Sad)
[caption id="attachment_69" align="alignright" width="420" caption="Kaitlyn: Estheetician & Massage TherapistI provide all types of body waxing from head to toe as well as facial and skin care.I provide all types of body waxing from head to toe as well as facial and skin care.I"]<img class=" wp-image-69 " title="cmt-kaitlyn" src="https://wiztechrepair.com/mas/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/cmt-kaitlyn-300x226.jpg" alt="" width="420" height="322" />[/caption]
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP Removing P tags, is this seriously still doing this???I just had a bright idea to use li tags… and just style them as none,, but this doesnt work either.. wth. someone please tell me theres a fix for it.. if i have to edit core i will.. .i found a core edit was told to make, was told to find two lines of code, one was to stop from removing the other was stop adding, i found the stop removing one and did it but it doesnt work
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Use the showcase template but slightly modifiedi think i was mistaken the showcase template uses a side bar? ah!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Replace search in header (TwentyEleven) with phone numberokay nvm i just did
<form role=”search” method=”get” id=”searchform” action=”<?php echo home_url( ‘/’ ); ?>”>
</form>and that works..
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Replace search in header (TwentyEleven) with phone numberhmmm.. i made a searchform.php file and typed the phone number in it but it just comes up under the banner.. .
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moved WP to new host, now home page is off centeroh sweet i got it!!
#content-sidebar-wrapi removed float:left, and added changed margin:0; to margin:0 auto;
and bam!!!!!
mixed with the width change, it all works, i say thank you, and my cat says MEOW!! :-D!!