Forum Replies Created
@corylamleorg Figured it out. Basically you upload the archive_zip extension in the PHP pearl packages section then tick the ‘zip’ option under the PHP version section. Thanks for all your help!
@corylamleorg Ah okay, thanks. Looks like I have to create one myself. All seems very complex to do a simple back up. Thanks for all your help on this:)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Editing / updating code for a live site@sterndata Thanks. I’ve always got the localhost version, but if I just needed to update one particular template file I can just launch it via the file manager, right?
Also, if I need to add a template file, I just upload through the cPanel file manager?
@corylamleorg Thanks Cory, I don’t seem to have a php.ini file in my cPanel public folder, is this typical for GoDaddy hosting?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Issue with uploaded site to cPanel file manager@rossmitchell I’ve just typed this into my browser – https://www.havoccreative.com/havoc and got some semblance of a site showing up. I think it must be to do with the filepath in public_html. Do you think I should move all the files out of the havoc sub folder and directly into the public_html folder?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Issue with uploaded site to cPanel file manager@rossmitchell What could it be then, Ross? It’s quite frustrating because I’m not sure where to start. All the files are there but aren’t launching.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress – exporting a localhost database@davidsword Isn’t there a plugin that deals with this changeover?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress – exporting a localhost database@davidsword Thanks David, I’ll follow the process as you describe above. Yes, the localhost links is something I’m wary of, particularly as the site has quite a few images also – I think I have to change all these over too, right?
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: WordPress – going live checklist@macmanx Thanks James, I really appreciate your help. My client wants to use GoDaddy hosting for the site (they have a one-page holder for their domain name at the moment) but I’m hearing that GD hosting is not very compatible with duplicator migration – which is what I aim to use? Should I recommend another hosting platform for them?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Updating stylesheets whilst website is on a live server@macmanx Thanks – that’s what I thought but just wanted to check. What circumstances would you use a cache system in wordpress? I have some javascript files for the site but otherwise no major plugins or anything – it’s mainly a front-end ‘shop window’ kind of site.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Font-weight differences in Chrome and Safari@fevered @brothman01 The site hasn’t been launched yet so is still on localhost – all the fonts have been copied over so I don’t think that’s it. I’ll have a closer look in inspector to see what’s wrong. My initial thought was that it was a webkit styling issue.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Is using wp_nav_menu compulsory?@jakept Ah, I see. I guess I’m okay to leave it as it is then – my main menu is set up with some javascript to scroll to sections on the home page so I’d rather leave it as it is. I won’t be submitting anything to the theme repository, I’m using the html5 blank child theme as I’ve been led to believe it’s a good way to handle front-end files to move across to wordpress. I’ve set up quite a bit on the CMS site so it was worth moving it to wordpress but I doubt the nav menu will change at all really. I can also see why it would be a good idea to do nav menus the conventional way. Thanks, Jacob.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Best themes for an Events Business@numeeja Thanks – these look great. So, could I just use a ‘shell’ theme like html5blank and build it out from there with plugins?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Using bootsrap for RWD.@sterndata I can understand how this looks – like I’m just looking for a quick fix. But the issue I have is this site has quite a few pages/sub-pages with different images and elements that this could take a me a week to figure out – so, I wasn’t sure if bootstrap can be ‘parachuted’ in to an existing file to assist with the media queries which I’m a little wet behind the ears on.
This has definitely been a wide-first project and now I need to look at the mobile aspect.
Are there any plugins that can be dropped in that can help?Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Database migration – Which is the best plugin to use.@seanperryman Many thanks. Yes, it does provide the two files you mention so it must include the database – I just wasn’t completely sure.