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  • Solution worked for me as Ldt300 stated, BUT I first got an error that said there was a duplicate post ID created, so I removed the Default Post ID 0 and Hello World Post ID 1 from the database, and then Auto-Incremented the row mentioned above…. worked perfectly!

    This method works, tested and tried. Add to your functions.php. file at the end.

     // Enforce single parent category items in cart at a time based on first item in cart
        function get_product_top_level_category ( $product_id ) {
                $product_terms            =  get_the_terms ( $product_id, 'product_cat' );
                $product_category         =  $product_terms[0]->parent;
                $product_category_term    =  get_term ( $product_category, 'product_cat' );
                $product_category_parent  =  $product_category_term->parent;
                $product_top_category     =  $product_category_term->term_id;
                while ( $product_category_parent  !=  0 ) {
                        $product_category_term    =  get_term ( $product_category_parent, 'product_cat' );
                        $product_category_parent  =  $product_category_term->parent;
                        $product_top_category     =  $product_category_term->term_id;
                return $product_top_category;
        add_filter ( 'woocommerce_before_cart', 'restrict_cart_to_single_category' );
        function restrict_cart_to_single_category() {
                global $woocommerce;
                $cart_contents    =  $woocommerce->cart->get_cart( );
                $cart_item_keys   =  array_keys ( $cart_contents );
                $cart_item_count  =  count ( $cart_item_keys );
                // Do nothing if the cart is empty
                // Do nothing if the cart only has one item
                if ( ! $cart_contents || $cart_item_count == 1 ) {
                        return null;
                // Multiple
                $first_item                    =  $cart_item_keys[0];
                $first_item_id                 =  $cart_contents[$first_item]['product_id'];
                $first_item_top_category       =  get_product_top_level_category ( $first_item_id );
                $first_item_top_category_term  =  get_term ( $first_item_top_category, 'product_cat' );
                $first_item_top_category_name  =  $first_item_top_category_term->name;
                // Now we check each subsequent items top-level parent category
                foreach ( $cart_item_keys as $key ) {
                        if ( $key  ==  $first_item ) {
                        else {
                                $product_id            =  $cart_contents[$key]['product_id'];
                                $product_top_category  =  get_product_top_level_category( $product_id );
                                if ( $product_top_category  !=  $first_item_top_category ) {
                                        $woocommerce->cart->set_quantity ( $key, 0, true );
                                        $mismatched_categories  =  1;
                // we really only want to display this message once for anyone, including those that have carts already prefilled
                if ( isset ( $mismatched_categories ) ) {
                        echo '<p class="woocommerce-error">Only one category allowed in cart at a time.<br />You are currently allowed only <strong>'.$first_item_top_category_name.'</strong> items in your cart.<br />To order a different category empty your cart first.</p>';

    You know what, you’re right, you should not be held accountable for anything, it’s everyone else’s (WordPress’) fault, I am 100% sorry. I wish you the best of luck.

    You keep blaming WordPress on your problems my friend… if you have that mindset and expect others and the opensource WordPress community to solve ALL of your problems, you’re in the wrong place.

    Again, like mentioned above… no reply will satisfy you, you are just trolling and looking for freebies, and a mooching troll.

    Another note, is adding the reverse compatibility backonce again for 4.4.1 for those plugin authors who aren’t staying up to date which should be aware. If you want to complain about a platform…. feel free to move to Joomla @jmunce

    @jan thank you. Enough said.

    None of that costs money if you can do it yourself. So it is 100% free.

    WordPress is 100% FREE. If you are worrying so much about constant conflicts, compatibility, then take it upon yourself to learn to code your own plugins that YOU control and can update to work with all future updates with WordPress.

    For instance, our plugin, Foodpress, was affected by the 4.4. update, but we fixed the problem the next day when we found a proper issue with backwards compatibility that was removed by WordPress, but we still moved forward and found a future solution.

    Out fix was as simple as changing wp_get_object_terms instead of get_terms. That was not the end of the world. Maybe your issues are related to this one.

    If you have a plugin that isn’t working with 4.4 you need to speak to those plugin Authors, as someone above said, it is either crappy coding or not kept-to-date coding. (which we should have taken care of earlier, but the issue has been resolved)

    We’ve remedied this error on OUR end as well for our plugin, so it now uses wp_get_object_terms instead of get_terms as we previously used.

    Thanks @ronald.kubo for the quick file adjustment though to point us in the correct direction to find our own fix.


    This patch does indeed work for our plugin, Foodpress, as well! thanks!

    Also @ryan Paul the post is regarding “Upgrading” to WP 4.4 as the thread title suggests, the previous install should still have the compat.php file already loaded.

    This post is related to the original Post Title… Warning message….

    Just my two cents, we have this issue in a PLUGIN of ours, we will post a solution/fix if we can locate the issue. We are also using Default Twenty-Twelve theme and no additional addons.

    Here are two errors we currently are experiencing after the update to 4.4

    [10-Dec-2015 01:45:06 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/myfoodpress/public_html/ on line 1153

    [10-Dec-2015 01:45:06 UTC] PHP Warning: array_map(): Argument #2 should be an array in /home/myfoodpress/public_html/ on line 1158

    Foodpress Author here:

    OUr plugin should work with any theme, if it is built correctly and the WooCommerce files have not been manipulated in any way or adjusted. Even then, there may be minor tweaks to make to your CSS with our Plugin and Addon.

    It now works with version 2.4.x of WC as well.

    Thread Starter mikon82


    here is my htaccess file:

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    # add a trailing slash to /wp-admin
    RewriteRule ^wp-admin$ wp-admin/ [R=301,L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
    RewriteRule ^ - [L]
    RewriteRule ^(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) $1 [L]
    RewriteRule ^(.*\.php)$ $1 [L]
    RewriteRule . index.php [L]
    # END WordPress
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