Forum Replies Created
Ciao Matteo,
non ho ancora deciso, riprenderò l’argomento fra un paio di mesi, in quel momento verificherò i 4 fornitori di cui sopra e deciderò in base al prezzo poi chiederò a Mostafa di integrarli nel suo plugin se per lui fattibile e corretto o di ricevere altre istruzioni.
Se procedi prima tu fammi sapere anche se trovi di meglio.Ti ringrazio
ora replico in inglese per correttezzain future i’ll decide for one of the previous provider according to the pricing then I’ll ask to Mostafa di integrate his plugin if possible or for other instructions.
Let me know what you think and if you find better solutions.Thanks
MikHi Moustafa,
i’ve made a little inquiry on some italian provider that offer webservices, api to send sms
For sure there are a lot of them but i’ve no time to be more accurate.
Please check the following documentation to define if all of them of witch can be integrated with your plugin.
I’ve asked them to provide documentation in english.Mobyt and smssender also offer a trial to check how it works.
let me know what you think.
Thank you
https://www.subitosms.it/gateway_sms.htmlGLOBAL ITALIA
They write me wwhat follows and that the use of webservice via HTTP is quite simple.In order to send the SMS through our website https://www.smssender.net you need to call the following function:
Public Function InvioSms(Userid As String, Password As String, Mittente As, numeri() As String, Testo as String) As InvioSmsResult
Regarding those variables:
Userid and Password are the credentials that the client uses to access our website
Mittente is the sender name or Alias that the receiver will see on top of the Text Message. It can have a maximum of 11 characters
Numeri is an array of telephone numbers. They don’t need to have the country code since all SMS sent by our service go to Italy. So the right format should be 334123456 or 3341234567 or 33412345678 where 334 is the prefix of the number
The function will return an object called “InvioSmsResult” with the following:
Successo: True or False (Boolean)
CodiceErrore: Error code in case Successo returns “False”
MessaggioErrore: Error descriptionHi Mostafa,
thanks for your reply.
I’m a newby on this argoument.
If you can explain me what kind of webservice should i look for
i’ll try to find one compatible with your plugin.My challange is to send sms every time a user make some comment/post or something change on my WP.
I’m looking for the name of a provider that can give me the webservice to understand also the costs.
Do you have maybe other users from Italy already with a working setup ?
thank you again