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  • Thread Starter MilkyTech


    Yes, turns out it is very easy to manipulate the code. Huge-IT support was awesome! They actually recoded the plugin for me and emailed me my own custom copy of it. Then I was able to compare what they sent me to the original files and figured out where the changes were made and I was then able to make a few more changes to customize it to my specific needs!
    portfolio_front_end_view.php is the file that contained the styling for the “Gallery/Content Popup View”

    Thread Starter MilkyTech


    I did but I figured it out and so tried to delete my post

    Thread Starter MilkyTech


    The only thumbnails there are. the small pictures on the right side of the popup window (Gallery/Content Popup View)

    I’m having a similar issue. I understand why !important can correct the issue but I don’t understand why it happened in the first place. I was working on the site last night and the text-decoration and :hover was working fine but I guess I was messing around with some other css and when I get up this morning, chrome is overriding with a:-webkit-any-link. I can’t find anything I did to cause this but obviously I did something.

    Thread Starter MilkyTech


    i tried that index.php and all that’s in there is this:

     * Index
     * Default home page blog
     * v0.7 - Added php comments
     * v0.7 - Internationalized
     * v0.7 - Replaced default pagination with emm_paginate()
     * v2.0 - Remove sidebar for mobi
     * v2.1 - Fixed link
     * v2.3 - css grid class constant added
     * v2.3 - fixed mobi for child themes
     * @author Tim Bednar
     * @version v1.0
    <?php get_header(); ?>
      <div id="content" class="<?php echo constant('ASHFORD_CONTENT_RIGHT_GRID');?>">
      <?php if(function_exists('wp_content_slider')) { wp_content_slider(); } ?>
        <?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
          <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
              include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/post_excerpt.php');
            } else {
              include (ASHFORD_CHILD_DIR . '/post_list_mobi.php');
          <?php endwhile; ?>
        <?php else : ?>
          <?php  if (is_user_logged_in()){echo '<p class="hint"><a href="" title="Get more hints">HINT &raquo;</a>: When you add more posts, they will be listed here. </p>';};?>
        <?php endif; ?>
        <?php if (function_exists("emm_paginate")) {
        } else {?>
          <div id="paginate">
            <span class="paginate-previous"><?php next_posts_link('<span class="meta-nav">&laquo;</span> '.__('Older posts','ashford'), '10') ?></span>
            <span class="paginate-next"><?php previous_posts_link(__('Newer posts','ashford').'<span class="meta-nav">&raquo;</span>', '10') ?></span>
        <?php }?>
      </div><!-- /#content -->
      <?php if (IS_MOBI=='false'){get_sidebar();} ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    You can see where I threw that line of code in at the start of the content div. I saved this file to the /themes/energy_pros/ folder and it didn’t work

    Thread Starter MilkyTech


    it is a custom theme based on Ashford or hero or both, i don’t know. Someone started this site and now I’ve been given the god awful task of figuring out wordpress and fixing the site.
    In the /wp-content/themes/ folder there is 4 theme folders and 1 index.php file that only contains “silence is golden”. The 4 theme folders are:

    i would think the file I need to add the code to is in the Energy_Pros folder, but there is no index.php in there, just function.php, meta-page.php and a bunch of post-blahblahblah.php’s. In-fact, I can’t figure for the life of me where any of the website is. if you go to the site, there are like 10 webpages! where is all that data on the server? I have opened almost every .php file on the server in dreamweaver and none of them contain anything remotely resembling the visible site. sooo frustrating!

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