Millennial Monitor
Forum Replies Created
ISSUE: Unable to access WordPress Dashboard when WP Statistics plugin activated.
?Plugin disables the GoDaddy hosting server. All other plugins are disabled and then dashboard is disabled when plugin activated. Times out. They will probably block the plugin.?
?At Plugin Console user disables all Plugins. NEXT: User activates WP Statistics. User attempts to GOTO WordPress Dashboard. RESULT: Dashboard times out – Unable to access dashboard. Unable to manage WordPress files.?
RESULT: Host provider must perform a reset by plugin deactivate and rewrite htaccess file.
PROBLEM: Dashboard access is required to view WP Statistics Report Panel and other WordPress features.
TROUBLE SHOOTING: WP Statistics rewrites htaccess file when activated. When host provider replaces the htaccess file AND deactivates plugin THEN dashboard is available.
NOTE: Altho the Dashboard may not be accessible, plugin continues collecting data.
ISSUE: User unable to access Dashboard when Plugin is activated.
CAUSE: Unknown. Timeout may be related to MYSQL/PHP. Database is compiled but unable to report causing timeout? Is this related to database size? Is there a plugin fix workaround?
Did not know that HostGator provides a statistical service. However, users benefit by knowing this plugin is not permitted on some hosting sites. And the plugin does not work on some hosting sites.
GoDaddy is the right hosting provider judging from their user count.
Developer response above does not address the issue except to say some users use the host provider. Developer does not indicate having contacted host providers for resolution. The developer does not ask user for additional information or offer assistance.
Purpose of this advisory is simply to assist users of the plugin that there are instances where WordPress and this plugin are not compatible and may be the cause of operational issues. And to indicate the level of support developer provides in resolving functionality on major hosting sites.
Plugin is excellent when it functions properly.