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  • Thread Starter mimilon


    @mrclayton Thanks you for all of your support!
    @rlmoura89 A Stripe falou que nao pode ativer o parcelamento pra minha conta por enquanto porque essa fun??o é uma fase beta ??
    To triste de mais…. Mas muito obrigado ppor voce responder esse topico!

    Thread Starter mimilon


    your link arent working.

    whoever… i tested in test mode with my credit card for installments and it didnt work again…. this plugin isnt working for installments for brazilians credtic card.

    Thread Starter mimilon


    I do conected with my strip account and when I try a live or test purchase with installments there are this messagem from the plugin:

    NO installments plan available.


    Thread Starter mimilon


    I am using both.

    Thread Starter mimilon


    Hello… the problem is there are no installments in credt card . and there are no PIX method as payment….

    Here in Brazil everyone buys with PIX and installments credit card….

    Thread Starter mimilon


    Thank you very much. I will be waiting for PIX and installments!

    Thread Starter mimilon


    Say hi to me!
    Hello everyone!
    When will it be updated to accept PIX and credit card installments for customers in Brazil?

    These options are already available in Stripe accounts as the official email I received from Stripe support:

    Stripe Support <[email protected]>

    Good afternoon Maylon,

    Thanks for getting in touch and I hope this email finds you well!

    I see you would like more information about enabling Pix and Installment using a platform. I can definitely go into more detail on this for you.

    In order for you to accept Pix and Installment payments using a platform (like Woocommerce) that you are connected to, the platform will first need to integrate these methods into their integration. Otherwise, it will not be possible to enable and use it with the plugin.

    In this case, we recommend that you contact Woocommerce directly to check what their forecast of this integration is, since in Stripe accounts these options are already available.

    We’re sorry to be redirecting you to the platform, but we don’t have information on when they will make these methods available.

    I really hope this clears things up, but if there’s anything else I can do to help, please don’t hesitate to contact me, and I’m always happy to help.

    Yours sincerely,

    i have the same problem!

    Thread Starter mimilon


    As you can see in the video, the site I used is not
    but a temporary site on that site I didn’t use any plugin, just woocommerce.
    on this new site i bought a new server, to host
    all server caches are clear,
    it is a CLEAN installation

    Thread Starter mimilon


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    Thread Starter mimilon


    @judagutor @rainfallnixfig Hello Guys…

    I reinstalled from scratch a new wordpress and after installing I simply installed woocommerce, after that I added a product manually. I recorded a video showing the same problem that is happening. As you can see in the video, this is a chronic problem that happens on all web browsers.
    Notice the errors that happen when I try to slide the screen with the mouse (my finger) over the product thumbnail. after the error I can no longer select the variations.

    Thread Starter mimilon


    Hello. Thanks.
    Have you checked the console debugging? there is a lot of error there even in your firefox.
    however, if you click on the thumbnail again after choosing a product option you will see the error, it will crash…. Or if you click on the product thumbnail and slide your finger, a bunch of errors appear in the debugger console…
    Tested on Mobile, chrome, Microsoft Edge, instagram Browser etc…..

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