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  • Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Image upload Issue

    I am having trouble as well, after reading this I disabled all my additional pluggins but still have the issue. Did anyone ever hear which pluggin wiredpig was having issue with?

    This has happened on all three of my 2.3 sites as well. I have installed a couple of upload style plugins and now can’t get the upload to refresh after the upload occurs. If you refresh the screen the browse button is there an you can see the image you just uploaded but until you refresh it is just a blank. Very frustrtating as it is holding me up from allowing users to get on. i have 1 more to build but I don’t want to get started on it until I know why this has happened.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Comment Spam

    I too renamed mine to something completely unrelated to anything and I am still getting this spam, is there a way to just dump the comments instead of moderateing them? The innocous comment with less than 2 links seems to work just fine, I haven’t had a real commetn get moderated yet. At this point I would just prefer a delete all button or toss them into the dumper. When your getting 15 a day it is still a pain to go in and click delete on each of them.

    2 days ago my site reverted back to an older MT site I was running, no notice from my ISP but I think som files got restored. I pushed a backup I have up and the site works, but now I can’t login. I have tried the replacing the Password option and the changing the line in wp-login and neither work. Are there any file rights that could be goobered becaus eof the restore that would affect my ability to log in?

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