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  • Thread Starter minguet


    No, it continues to fail.

    It only fails on the mobile version (<932 px wide).

    The menu should open when clicking, that works, the problem is that it also displays when hovering, and that makes it difficult to click (the first one especially)


    Thread Starter minguet


    Hi, thanks for write.

    I have flushed cache and disabled litespeed cache afterwards, and the same thing happens.

    On the menu, it is a custom menu that I made, I leave here the html that I use, and the JS.
    I suppressed the JS and the error persists.


    <button id=”menu” onclick=”menu()” style=”border:none; background:none; width:40px; height:44px”><i id=”menu-icon” class=”icon line-icon icon-menu” aria-hidden=”true” style=”color:#333;font-size:1.6em; vertical-align:middle”></i></button>

    <span id=”overlay” onclick=”menu()” style=”visibility:hidden; position:fixed; width:100vw; height:110vh; top:0px; left:0px; right:0px; bottom:0px; background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); cursor:pointer;”></span>


    var menuIcon=document.getElementById(‘menu-icon’)
    var submenu=document.getElementsByClassName(‘sub-menu’)[0];’none’;
    var overlay=document.getElementById(‘overlay’);
    var main=document.getElementById(‘main’);

    function menu() { if (’none’) open(); else close(); }

    function open() {’block’;
    menuIcon.className=’genericon genericon-close-alt’;’visible’;’blur(7px)’;’blur(7px)’;

    function close() {’none’;
    menuIcon.className=’icon line-icon icon-menu’;’hidden’;’none’;’none’;


    I’ll leave the report here, I hope it helps you (Site don’t have elementor, maybe it was a typing error…?)

    ### wp-core ###

    version: 5.8.1
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    auto_update: Desactivado

    ### wp-plugins-active (7) ###

    Jetpack: version: 10.1, author: Automattic, Actualizaciones automáticas desactivadas
    JWT Authentication for WP-API: version: 1.2.6, author: Enrique Chavez, Actualizaciones automáticas desactivadas
    LiteSpeed Cache: version: 4.4.1, author: LiteSpeed Technologies, Actualizaciones automáticas activadas
    My Custom Functions: version: 4.51, author: Space X-Chimp, Actualizaciones automáticas desactivadas
    Ocean Extra: version: 1.8.1, author: OceanWP, Actualizaciones automáticas desactivadas
    Rank Math SEO: version: 1.0.72, author: Rank Math, Actualizaciones automáticas desactivadas
    Shortcode in Menus: version: 3.5.1, author: Gagan Deep Singh, Actualizaciones automáticas desactivadas

    ### wp-media ###

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    ### wp-server ###

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    ### wp-database ###

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    ### wp-filesystem ###

    wordpress: writable
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    ### jetpack ###

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    cxn_tests: All Pass.

    Thread Starter minguet


    Thank you!

    Not the answer I was looking for, but yes it did give me a great idea and with a little help JS I was finally able make a unique desktop menu similar to mobile, but positioned at the width limit (1200px) and not on the right: 0px;

    You can see it under 950px

    Thank you!

    Friend, I found a solution!!
    Now you can cache url with search query too

    1. Go plugin editor > Hyper Cache > advanced-cache.php
    2. Delete or comment as shown here

    if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
        hyper_cache_header('stop - query string');
        $cache_stop = true;
        return false;
    Thread Starter minguet


    Ok thanks

    I did the tests with the wp console plug-in (if that is relevant)


    Thread Starter minguet


    I have tried several url (query url’s, category, home…)

    output: null

    Is a permissions issue maybe?
    Many thanks!

    Thread Starter minguet


    Hello Marko, thanks for you attention.

    Page cache method: Disk
    Cache URIs with query string is enable

    The cache is create correctly, the problem is that when a new post is created/edited, only the group of pages checked in the checkboxes is purged, but not the additional pages.
    (Have try with purge limit 0 and 999)

    Others cache:
    Opcode: not available
    Database: yes, disk
    Object: no
    Browse: no
    CDN: no
    Fragment cache: disk

    (I still have to find out a configuration so that an more current page cache has preference over the browser cache. But at the moment, the browser cache is disabled)

    Thanks for the support

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by minguet.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by minguet.

    I have not geted to cache anything with query string (url with: ?)

    Thread Starter minguet


    *sorry my bad english

    I think understand it.
    1. Those 3 elements was are loaded.
    2. sidr replicate those 3 elements content.

    Result: twice elements

    I was be trying catch an checkbox form in mobile menu by element id, and always all unchecked.
    what was happening is that I was fill out the form in sidr (2) but reading the (1)

    SOLUTION (for lack of something better)

    * it is necessary to place the code somewhere in the mobile menu.
    It will not serve place it in additional JS.
    I pasted it in a mobile menu link, just after the visible name: Link_Text <script> … </script>

    * It will be executed twice, when loading nav-menu and when creating the sidr.
    Therefore, it must be prevented from running the first time, so that sidr can correctly replicate the 3 elements before deleting them (if)

    if ( document.getElementById('sidr') ) {
    /* Only if search menu is active */
    Thread Starter minguet


    ok, thanks

    Thread Starter minguet


    I try and no result…

    I also tried to place it at the end of the post with the same result, the label if take it well, the author places it as part of the content

    I’m also trying to specify a category (already created) and I’m not succeeding either, I tried category name:

    you can show any example please? thanks

    Thread Starter minguet


    tags: cars
    author: 1
    Here begins the post ….

    Will something like that work? (1 is userId)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by minguet.
    Thread Starter minguet


    Many thanks

    Thread Starter minguet


    Today i reinstall wordpress and works correctly, unexplained.. haha

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