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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] xCache Supportvery useful topic! thanks all!
my wordpress blog has 8k visitors/day, 100-200 online at the same time
after reading this topic, i uninstall xcache and install APC
so now i need to change all from xcache to apc right, is it better?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] How to know it is working or not?anybody help me pls ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] How to know it is working or not?@playgod: thanks! my site is running fine now!
my xcache.ini locate at /etc/php5/cgi/conf.d/xcache.ini cos i run Nginx webserver
do i have to edit php.ini too? because i remember that when i installed xcache, i added this code to bottom of php.ini file:
[xcache-common] extension = xcache.so [xcache.admin] xcache.admin.user = "mOo" ; xcache.admin.pass = md5($your_password) xcache.admin.pass = "" [xcache] ; ini only settings, all the values here is default unless explained ; select low level shm/allocator scheme implemenation xcache.shm_scheme = "mmap" ; to disable: xcache.size=0 ; to enable : xcache.size=64M etc (any size > 0) and your system mmap allows xcache.size = 64M ; set to cpu count (cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep -c processor) xcache.count = 4 ; just a hash hints, you can always store count(items) > slots xcache.slots = 8K ; ttl of the cache item, 0=forever xcache.ttl = 0 ; interval of gc scanning expired items, 0=no scan, other values is in seconds xcache.gc_interval = 0 ; same as aboves but for variable cache xcache.var_size = 64M xcache.var_count = 1 xcache.var_slots = 8K ; default ttl xcache.var_ttl = 0 xcache.var_maxttl = 0 xcache.var_gc_interval = 300 xcache.test = Off ; N/A for /dev/zero xcache.readonly_protection = Off ; for *nix, xcache.mmap_path is a file path, not directory. ; Use something like "/tmp/xcache" if you want to turn on ReadonlyProtection ; 2 group of php won't share the same /tmp/xcache ; for win32, xcache.mmap_path=anonymous map name, not file path xcache.mmap_path = "/dev/zero" ; leave it blank(disabled) or "/tmp/phpcore/" ; make sure it's writable by php (without checking open_basedir) xcache.coredump_directory = "" ; per request settings xcache.cacher = On xcache.stat = Off xcache.optimizer = On [xcache.coverager] ; per request settings ; enable coverage data collecting for xcache.coveragedump_directory and xcache_coverager_start/stop/get/clean() functions (will hurt executing performance) xcache.coverager = Off ; ini only settings ; make sure it's readable (care open_basedir) by coverage viewer script ; requires xcache.coverager=On xcache.coveragedump_directory = ""
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] How to know it is working or not?just changed all option to opcode Xcache and preview, here is result:
Warning: xcache_set() [function.xcache-set]: xcache.var_size is either 0 or too small to enable var data caching in /var/www/fr3x.us/wp-content/plugins/w3-total-cache/lib/W3/Cache/Xcache.php on line 40
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] How to know it is working or not?When i visit Preview link (https://fr3x.us/?w3tc_preview=1) it’s working.
Dont know why
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] How to know it is working or not?Yes, i ticked to this box: Deselect this option to disable all caching functionality.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] How to know it is working or not?Here is my testing site: https://fr3x.us/
Change all option to Disk Exchanced/Disk and nothing new:
<!-- Performance optimized by W3 Total Cache. Learn more: https://www.w3-edge.com/wordpress-plugins/ Served from: fr3x.us @ 2010-08-04 04:09:17 -->
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] How to know it is working or not?@braddor: yes, Enabled with Opcode: Xcache
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] Fatal error after emptying (opcode) cacheI tried again
nano /etc/php5/cgi/conf.d/xcache.ini
xcache.admin.enable_auth = Off
Not found error, but when i add new post, it cannt save draft (always: Saving Draft… )
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] Fatal error after emptying (opcode) cache@galerio: i tried your solution but it still error.
;xcache.admin.user = "admin" ;xcache.admin.pass = "" xcache.admin.enable_auth = Off xcache.test = Off xcache.coredump_directory = ""