Forum Replies Created
In layman’s terms: This issue is going to be resolved one way or another
@cybr for the win. It’s very refreshing to see two plugin authors be so willing to sort this sort of thing, rather than playing “it’s THEIR fault” ! ??
I too have been having this issue. @cybr Sybre, your code worked for me!
FWIW, the ThemeComplete people who make the excellent Extra Product Options said there was a similar issue with Elasticpress and a workaround was achieved.
Looks like you two plugin authors are in touch- look forward to a resolution!
I was using the excellent WooCommerce Extra Product Options plugin and I think this is the reason they have SEO Framework listed as an incompatible plugin: support post from me got the following response from the developer (see below).
Does it seem like the upcoming update will fix the same issue?
I have determined the cause of this issue.It’s in the file \autodescription\inc\classes\init.class.php and this is the code:
\add_action( 'pre_get_posts', array( $this, 'adjust_archive_query' ), 9999, 1 );
public function adjust_archive_query( $query ) {// Don't exclude pages in wp-admin.
if ( ( $query->is_archive || $query->is_home ) && ! $this->is_admin() ) {$meta_query = $query->get( 'meta_query' );
//* Convert to array. Unset it if it's empty.
if ( ! is_array( $meta_query ) )
$meta_query = $meta_query ? (array) $meta_query : array();/**
* Exclude posts with exclude_from_archive option on.
* Query is faster when the global relation is not set. Defaults to AND.
* Query is faster when no value is set. Defaults to 'IS NULL' because
* of 'compare'. Having no effect whatsoever as it's an exclusion.
$meta_query[] = array(
'key' => 'exclude_from_archive',
'type' => 'NUMERIC',
'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS',
);$query->set( 'meta_query', $meta_query );
}When this executes it overrides the plugin’s own meta query and there isn’t anything in the code to make to do that from my end, thus the incompatibility.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 500 Error only with ChromeThanks for the answer here- I was having exactly the same problem! All good in browsers other than Chrome. Deleting the cookies for the domain, using Dev Tools, solved the problem.
Thanks Oscar.
My only concern with that is that *you* might make changes to country-selector.php and then if I’m overriding it, it can fail in non-obvious ways that leave a semi-functioning website. Yuk!
I guess whether it’s worth adding it as a checkbox depends on time needed vs value. I think the former isn’t much- it’s a single boolean:
“Don’t show ‘other countries'”
that can default to false if it’s undefined (for backwards compatibility).As to the value… don’t know if there are other people out there who would appreciate it.
(small note for anyone replicating: you also need to take the ‘>’ off the end of line 35:
<?php foreach ($countries as $key => $value) :>
)Hey steve49589, can’t you just turn off the firewall in Wordfence?
Remove Wordfence completely if you wish, but I find it’s generally awesome, and I think the level of support shown here by WFMattR (which seems a fairly prompt and comprehensive solution to an fairly edge-case scenario) is pretty bloody good. It certainly helped me on the right path, which is why I posted more specifics too- good info deserves to be highlighted.
Thanks, billspd – glad it sorted things for you. But really, all I was doing was following up on the original excellent info provided by WFMattR – superb support from him.
@wfmattr – Your info here was excellent help in providing a solution for me.
I was having exactly the same issue- BackupBuddy extracted the files but then got the JSON error noted above.
After reading your info, I opened user.ini via Cpanel’s file manager, and changed:
auto_prepend_file = '/home/OLDSITEDIRECTORY/public_html/wordfence-waf.php'
auto_prepend_file = '/home/NEWSITEDIRECTORY/public_html/wordfence-waf.php'
(the NEWSITEDIRECTORY word was exactly what Cpanel’s editor showed at the top next to ‘Currently editing:’)
and then went back to my BackupBuddy tab and tried to continue again- success!
Hopefully this will help others solve the issue too.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YUZO] Plugin not working after updateI found the same thing. It appears that I had the matching set to ‘Tags’, which previously was working fine (even without tags set). I changed it to ‘tags & categories’ and posts showed up. If you change MAIN SETTINGS > Related to – to Random or something else, do your posts turn up??
If so, my guess is that the matching became more strict with 5.06 and it wasn’t finding any matches, thus not displaying.
My suggestion to iLen would be to offer one more option: “fill out with random posts” – so if your matching provides less than the requested amount of related posts, random ones get added to give you the correct total.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CF7 Advanced DatePicker] Localised Date FormatI was trying it with Firefox (Win 7.1, FF 38.01).
Well, all seems to be working for me now both with that and IE.
Datepicker puts in the right date. Just did a test submission- does the email look wrong?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CF7 Advanced DatePicker] Localised Date FormatUh, when I go there and try to put in a date, it doesn’t pop up the datepicker calendar (compare with my link above).
Shouldn’t it do that if you’re using it as an ‘advanced datepicker’ field??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CF7 Advanced DatePicker] Localised Date FormatHmm. Strange- that all looks right.
You can see my version working here: your contact form similar?
Just to confirm: does the date appear in the right format when it’s entered in YOUR contact form, but not in the email? Or is it wrong in both?
MintyForum: Plugins
In reply to: [CF7 Advanced DatePicker] Localised Date FormatFullej, does the date appear in the right format when it’s entered in the contact form, but not in the email? Or is it wrong in both?
Can you post your js code (as I have done above)?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CF7 Advanced DatePicker] Date FormatHi Markus,
Ajit posted a solution in another support thread and it worked for me. Hopefully it will for you too. See below.
MintyHi Ajit,
Thanks for the quick reply- I’m sorry to be slow myself, but I didn’t get a notification about your post!
That *** worked ***. I copied your text above, and now I have a date format that works for NZ. Many thanks!
code that is working in “cf7-advanced-datepicker/js/custom-script.js” to give day/month/year formatted date:jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('.cf7-adv-datepicker').datepicker({ dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy', autoclose: true, showAnim: setting.effect, changeMonth: setting.monyearmenu, changeYear: setting.monyearmenu, showWeek: setting.showWeek, minDate:, }); //verion 1.0 fail-safe $('#cf7-adv-datepicker').datepicker({ dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy', autoclose: true, showAnim: setting.effect, changeMonth: setting.monyearmenu, changeYear: setting.monyearmenu, showWeek: setting.showWeek, minDate:, });