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  • miquelpontes


    Hi, how can I capture the error? Is there a log somewhere?



    WordPress keeps deactivating WP Business Intelligence Lite after last upgrade. A sample page is in the “Abundance” section. You see a bar chart normally, but it disappears from time to time and the shortcode becomes visible, if I reactivate the plugin it works again for some time until the situation repeats.
    I suppose there’s a fatal error that provokes automatic plugin deactivation. How can fix this?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by miquelpontes.
    Thread Starter miquelpontes


    After upgrading to version 7.1.4 it works perfectly.

    Thank you very much Katie.

    Thread Starter miquelpontes


    Yes, there are references with lots of tags (in the hundreds at times), your assumption is right. I look forward for a solution. Thank you for your support and dedication along the years.

    Thread Starter miquelpontes


    This shortcode only works after clearing the cache, failing upon reload:

    [zotpress tag="Eubranchus vittatus" style="entomological-society-of-america" sortby="author" order="asc" target="new"]

    (active at URL: )

    And this one (with far more bibliographic references than the first) works always:

    [zotpress tag="Goniodoris castanea" style="entomological-society-of-america" sortby="author" order="asc" target="new"]

    (active at URL: )

    It’s not a matter of shortcode formatting, but on contents display. Some contents on the first “tag” provokes an error.

    Thanks !

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by miquelpontes.
    Thread Starter miquelpontes


    Hi Katie,

    I updated to the last version of Zotpress (7.1.3), cleared the cache and tried the shortcode:

    [zotpress tag="Eubranchus vittatus" style="entomological-society-of-america" sortby="author" order="asc" target="new"]

    First time I load the page, it loads and displays the Zotero entries with no problem.
    When I reload the page, the error that appeared before the update does no longer display but no Zotero entries are displayed, I get “There was a Zotpress error: No items found” message instead.
    Clear the cache, Zotero entries display, reload, No Items found.

    Pages that worked before (tag=”Goniodoris castanea”) still work fine all the times.

    Any ideas?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WP GDPR] Request Link


    Kim, no more tests are needed in my website. Thank you.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WP GDPR] Request Link


    Hi Kim,

    Regarding my website ( I have seen you have conducted a test of the problem because I received a form email with your test input, then the DPO email with the request form data link.

    Here I add you some extra information:

    The website theme is called Tempera. We’re running on last version of WordPress (4.9.5) and for the forms across the site we do not use any plugin but the WordPress provided [contact-form] shortcode, see (

    We actually do not have any Premium add-ons purchased for GDPR plugin, so there’s no need to open case in your Premium Support system, or should we do so anyway?. We do NOT actually have any of the plugins you consider candidates for Premium add-ons installed (Gravity Forms or CFDB7). We had them in the past for testing their capabilities, but they were uninstalled years ago. However they could leave some residues behind that could be fooling your plugin.

    Thanks for the prompt response.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by miquelpontes.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by miquelpontes.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by miquelpontes.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by miquelpontes.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by miquelpontes.
    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [WP GDPR] Request Link


    Yes it happens the same to me:

    First I send some data to one of my website forms (i.e., I can check it stored in the admin page, so the data is in the feedback database.

    Then I go to the GDPR Request Personal Data form ( where I use the shortcode [REQ_CRED_FORM] for the Data Request form, and it perfectly sends the email both to the user and the Data Protection Officer with the link to check for the data.

    When the DPO clicks the link, it perfectly shows all the feedback data to be managed. However, the link for the user who requests to selfmanage his/her own data shows a black screen, where the code is, basically, this:

    <div class="gdpr-container">
    		    <div id="gdpr-message-updated-entry" class="js-update-message"></div>

    So no code (and no information) is posted for the user to self-manage.

    I recall seeing this working in the past, but it is NOT working now.

    Any ideas? Thank you in advance !

    Thread Starter miquelpontes


    Hi Kim,

    That was a fast reply… and right on the spot.

    Deactivating the plugin and reactivating again solved the problem: The database error is gone.

    Thank you very much indeed.

    Best regards,



    Hi Kenton, website OPK ( running on WordPress 4.9.5
    I have encountered the same fatal error when activating version 3.0.1.
    I tried to delete wpbi_ prefixed tables, uninstall the 3.0.1 plugin and installing 3.0.1 anew, but the fatal error persisted.
    I deleted all this again, then restored version 1.6.7 from a backup, then it was worse, it rendered a error 500 and avoided me entering the admin site. Renaming the wp_business_intelligence plugin folder restored the admin site.
    Deleted everything (wpbi tables and plugin folder) again, installing the 3.0.2 plugin anew and I cannot activate because of “fatal error”, again.
    Your plugin is extremely useful, but I don’t know how to restore its former funcionality. You demmand for further error information, but which log do you need to know what’s happening here? Alternatively, is there a tool to completely clear all WPBI tables and configurations to retry a new installation as if it was never previously installed? Perhaps that would solve the problem. Thank you very much.

    Thread Starter miquelpontes


    Fixed indeed, thank you very much @hyno !



    Hi Katie,

    Credentials sent by PM. Please let me know when/if you discover something.

    Thank you for your superb plugin and service.



    Hi Katie,

    I have the same issue at my website OPK (

    1. I do: Zotpress-Accounts-Clear Cache
    2. Load a page with bibliography (i.e., bibliography loads nicely from the server and displays correctly, but with a message “There are no citations to display” at the end.
    3. If reloading this page, or visit it again after having visited it previously, no bibliography is displayed.

    By reading previous posts, I tried deactivating every plugin and trying again to no avail.

    My guess is that displaying bibliographies from cache does not work properly, at least with my use of the shortcode:

    [zotpress tag="Flabellina affinis" style="entomological-society-of-america" sortby="author" order="asc" target="new"]

    It happens with any browser I have checked (Chrome, Firefox,…), both in desktop computer and mobile devices, and fails since Zotpress versions 6.2.1 or 6.2.2 (I don’t have a clear idea of the precise moment). Version 6.2.3 didn’t show any difference from version 6.2.2 regarding this issue, which I already detected but had not the chance to report.

    If I clear the Zotpress cache it works just fine for the first bibliography display of every page, but second time the page is visited it simply does not work at all.

    Any advice?

    Thread Starter miquelpontes


    @danielve01 what happens if you load that app-generated KML into a local Google Earth installed in your computer?

    I tried to download your KML and import it into my local Google Earth and it showed an error like:
    “Analysis error in line 2, column 3: not well-formed (invalid token)”

    Once you clear this format error, I bet your maps will show again. If the KML was autogenerated by an APP, perhaps reinstalling the app in your cell-phone could help.

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