Forum Replies Created
@iainpurdie – I only get that option when viewing the post as a stand alone, not in the timeline.
@jkudish – gave that a try and it didn’t seem to help. I’m still getting the same error. It happens on both sites and with any connection I try to make (Facebook or any of the others) – whether they are my first attempt to connect or not.
Oh. I guess I won’t give the updates a try. I had disconnected Facebook from publicize. Now, when I try to reconnect, I get this error message:
Something which should never happen, happened. Sorry about that. If you try again, maybe it will work.
Error code: -32300
@jkudish – thanks for the updates. I’ll give it a try with my next post.
@iainpurdie – I’ve had the same problem with Facebook forever. It seems to randomly pick images from the post instead of the featured one. If you go to the post and click on the little arrow in the upper right, you can click on “Refresh share attachment” and that often brings up the featured image.
It’s the exact same image size as other photos that have cross-posted without the bars before yesterday.
https://www.miriland.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/IMG_7693.jpg – 1500×1000https://www.miriland.com/2015/05/21/barbed/
https://www.miriland.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/IMG_7692.jpg – 1500×1000Thanks. I’ll probably be turning it off on another site as well since, for some reason, it’s now adding black bars to the top and bottom of my photos.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152843952710737&set=a.10151981331850737.1073741827.713745736&type=1 (this isn’t so bad since the photo is black and white, but for others it would change the feel of the photo to me.)
Agree that being able to create templates would be ideal. I cannot imagine anyone wanting this kind of a jumble for a post:
https://www.facebook.com/NadalNews/posts/976124535765378Where’s my heading? My paragraph tags? My article link? (That was stripped out and instead a link to the site was auto-generated – which is not helpful at all). It’s a completely unreadable mess. The post this is linking too is crammed full of enough info (and a bit of a mess, I admit) – seems like the cross-posted blurb should at least be succinct.
Can you help me understand why the longer format is not desirable for posts shared on Facebook?
One reason: paragraph breaks are stripped out and the resulting blob of text is a mess. And what’s the point of the custom text field if it’s not used? I use it for a reason. I want to customize the text included in the Facebook post for that medium.
is there a reason why you don’t use Publicize to directly publish to Twitter?
Yes – I post things to Facebook throughout the day that aren’t included on the WordPress site right away. I want those posts to be tweeted. I don’t want posts to the site to tweet out twice, so my only option is to leave control on the cross-posting to twitter on the Facebook side.
(Sorry if I sound grumpy, but it’s annoying to have things change without any warning. If it’s not going back to using the custom field, I’ll simply stop using the feature and will cross-post manually.)
1. https://www.nadalnews.com/2015/05/22/rg-pre-tournament-presser-transcript/
2. https://www.facebook.com/NadalNews/posts/976010372443461
3. RG: Pre-tournament presser transcriptSame here – publicize used to post the title and image, nice and neat. Now it posts the first X characters of an article and the image – not so neat. This is worse since I have facebook set to cross-post to Twitter automatically. The tweets make even less sense than the facebook posts.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Unable to update plugins after upgrade to 4.2Now I have this same problem with trying to update to 4.2.1 on a subdomain. *sigh*
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Unable to update plugins after upgrade to 4.2Thank you so much! de-activating the plugin before trying to update worked perfectly. I too was trying this on a subdomain. I do all my updates on a dev.mysite.com subdomain to test things first. I didn’t have the same problem once I felt okay doing the update on the main www site.
Thanks again!
No idea, but I am having the same problem. If this plugin won’t do this for me any more, I’ll have to look for another one.
I really don’t want subscribers to have access to any of the Dashbord pages or the admin bar.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Post titlesOh, I need to add that to my functions file. That helps. Some of my custom page types are goofed up, but that’s my problem to solve.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Post titlesYes
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hueman] Post titles1.5.0 per the theme page – it should be the most recent one as I just upgraded a bit ago.