Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding flash movie to page :: wysiwyg won’t accept embed tagThat doesn’t seem to be working for me. I get a flash of a broken image icon and then nothing.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Show subcategories only when browsing categoryI’ve been looking for a way to do this as well. I keep searching and finding hints at it, but nothing that’s got me all the way there. So far, I’m settling for css drop down menus, but I’d really like to show the full sub-cats when in one.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HTTP Connection not closingI know. I love the plugin too and use it on two sites. It was working perfectly until today. If you get more information about it, please post!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HTTP Connection not closingDo you have WP ShortStat enabled? I was having a similar problem until I deactived that plugin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Slow page renderingI was having the same problem – the sidebar on the page would never finish rendering. Deactivating the WP-ShortStat plugin fixed the problem for me, though.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: limiting words in excerptThank you! This is just what I needed for a site I’m making. I love these forums and the search feature. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: `<!–more–>` doesn’t workI just installed 1.5.1 on a test server and imported content from a very old Postnuke site. I am cludging together the post nuke “homepagetext” and the “bodytext” into the WordPress “post_content” field like this:
‘”.homepagetext.”\n<!– more –>\n”.bodytext.”‘I’m using the default template (until I can get this sorted out) and I don’t get a “read more” link. If I edit the post, I can see the “yadda, yadda
<!– more –>
yadda, yadda” text, but it’s not displaying. If I take out the “<!– more –>” and then add it back in and save the post, everything is fine. Any ideas? I’ve tried using line feeds and straight br tags, neither seems to help.Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My siteThanks for the feedback! The title font is a free font from fontdiner.com – they have a lot of fun fonts there. The one I used is called “fontdinerdotcom”
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Might as well show offVery nice. I always want to make a clean and appealing design such as this, but seem to lack the ability to make it simple and interesting.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My new Clean ThemeVery much like stopdesign.com – I love that site.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Links PageExcellent! Thank you.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Links PageThose are getting links from posts, though, right? I meant straight links added via the Links Managment tool. I think I can call get_links(); to put all links on a page, but how do I create a page like this that WP understands and knows how to handle?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: IE and site CSS problemsSince you have some fixed widths on items with padding, it’s probably IE’s faulty box model. It doesn’t include the padding in it’s calculation of total div width. It probably doesn’t think that’s there’s room for your side bar and that’s why it’s shoving it below everything else. You can get around it by doing something like this:
#divname {
padding: 10px;
width: 760px; //IE width
}html>body #divname {
width:780px; //rest of the world width