Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Feature images and images don’t appear in wp classic mode anymoreWhat I sent in the screenshot is in my portfolio when I try to edit it. I have send a message to my Theme’s people. Unfortunately they are living under terror at the moment in Ukraine. I hope they are still well and alive. Anyway. Thank you very much for your help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Feature images and images don’t appear in wp classic mode anymoreOh I just saw this under the panels. Does that mean that I cannot edit my photos anymore?
Elements within this list are deprecated and are no longer supported in newer versions of WPBakery Page Builder. RowPlace content elements inside the row Text BlockA block of text with WYSIWYG editor SectionGroup multiple rows in section ZigZag SeparatorHorizontal zigzag separator line Hover BoxAnimated flip box with image and text Single ImageSimple image with CSS animation Pageable ContainerPageable content container SectionSection for Tabs, Tours, Accordions. Widgetised SidebarWordPress widgetised sidebar Raw HTMLOutput raw HTML code on your page Raw JSOutput raw JavaScript code on your page Old TabsTabbed content Old TourVertical tabbed content Old AccordionCollapsible content panels Dfd Contact Form AnnouncementDisplay announcement with icon Contact Block HorizontalDisplay your contact info in horizontal block Contact BlockDisplay your contact info in block CountdownDisplay animated countdown block DelimiterDelimiter line allows to separate the content List IconAdd a set of multiple icons and give some custom style. List Icon ItemAdd a list of icons with some content and give some custom style. Info banner 2Add image banners with content Info boxBox with information Milestone New FactsDisplay facts with number and icon New Share ModuleDisplays social share New Subscribe ModuleDisplays Subscribe Form Pie ChartsDisplay animated pie charts Pricing labelsLabels for pricing blocks in current row Pricing blockYour pricing information Progress barDisplay animated progress bar Services 2Text blocks connected together in one list. Service item 2Info Box with appear text Team memberInfo about your team Testimonials sliderDisplay slider of your clients testimonials TestimonialDisplay client testimonial Timeline Video PlayerDisplay Button with video popup DFD AccordionCollapsible content panels Button moduleShows customizable button Button Gradient DFD CarouselApply animations everywhere. Equal height content blocks Animated textAnimated text with changing or typing effect Google MapDisplay Google Maps to indicate your location. HeadingHeading module Horizontal scroll galleryFor horizontal gallery. Horizontal scroll shortcode item container Horizontal scroll Item HotspotDisplay single images with external links and hover effects Image Layers DFD Single image shortcodeSingle image shortcode Modal Box Blog postsDisplays blog posts Gallery moduleDisplays Gallery items Portfolio moduleDisplays Portfolio items New Social AccountsDisplays new social accounts icons News scroller module (Beta version) Top container Bottom container Post item Post item Pricing List Rotate Box Scrolling content blocks Scrolling content blocks2 Scrolling effect modulePretty scrolling effect. Can be used at the top of the page only Slide parallax moduleDisplays two images one under another with draggable handle SpacerSpacer module DFD TabsTabbed content DFD TourVertical tabbed content Twitter moduleDisplays recent tweets carousel Side by Side slider Side by Side Left Container Side by Side Right Container Side by Side Slider Item Masonry/Grid container Masonry/Grid item Client Logos Image Carousel Slider Revolution 6 Smart Slider 3 Advanced Custom FieldAdvanced Custom Field Gutenberg EditorInsert Gutenberg editor in your layout
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Feature images and images don’t appear in wp classic mode anymoreBasically I can’t see the images I added to my portfolio. May it be the featured image or the images that goes into the portfolio. I am not sure if there is a way to bring this panel back or if this is simply a bug.
Thank you for your kind help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Feature images and images don’t appear in wp classic mode anymoreIt’s inside wp tho. Can I send a printscreen?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] 2 configuration error foundOk I’m going to give up the website part. It’s not too important anyway.
The rest is working, it’s all what matters!
Thank you very much to both of you for your very effective help!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] 2 configuration error foundThank you!
It’s working fine now. For some reason my last reply on here doesn’t show.
Ok so…everything is working fine except for the visitor website.
In the form:
<p>Your website<br /> [url url-199] </p>
In the mesage body:
Website: [url url-199]
This is not a required field but for some reason I don’t receive it.
Any idea why?
Thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] 2 configuration error foundThank you! Indeed now it’s working fine except for the website.
In the form it’s added like this:
<p>Your website<br /> [url url-199] </p>
And in the mail like this:
Website: [url url-199]
As this is a non required field, I didn’t add a * but the website still won’t show at reception.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] 2 configuration error foundThank you Davinian,
Well this is what I did hereunder and it’s not working too well.
In the mail fields this is how it looks now (in caps what I changed):
TO: [email protected]
FROM: [your-name] <[email protected]>
ADDITIONAL HEADERS: Reply-To: [your-name] <[your-email]>Then in the form field, this is how it looks and of course not working:
*Required [your-name] <[email protected]> <p>Reply-To: <br /> [your-name] <[your-email]></p> <p>Your website<br /> [url url-199]</p> <p>Subject<br /> Message from (badweb.com) [your-subject]</p> <p>Your Message<br /> [textarea your-message] </p> <p class="contact-submit">[submit "SEND"]</p>
It’s probably something silly…but I don’t know what to change to make it work properly.
Thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] 2 configuration error foundHello davinian,
Thank you for your kind answer. I looked at your links but I don’t really understand what it’s all about. I took two printscreens of the problems. Maybe it will make it easier for you?
https://imgur.com/VdqRFHUThank you again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] 2 configuration error foundHi.
I created a test page but I still have 2 configuration errors showing up on the first form (and one on the second form).
*Required <p>Your Name*<br /> [text* your-name] </p> <p>Your Email* <br /> [email* your-email] </p> <p>Your website<br /> [url url-199] <p>Subject<br /> [text your-subject] </p> <p>Your Message<br /> [textarea your-message] </p> <p class="contact-submit">[submit "SEND"]</p>
I created a test page and the form is showing and also working just like on the main (non-test page)…although I still get those configuration errors. Not sure where it comes from. Do you?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] 2 configuration error foundHello barnez.
Yes actually the form was previously created and worked fine until the last update. Now, on the page hosting the first form,
[contact-form-7 id="82" title="Contact form 1"]
is in the text field.
I didn’t change it as it was working. Now the form is telling me that I should add[contact-form-7 id="82" title="Contact form 1"]
into the page….which is strange because it is already on the page and in the text part not the visual part.If you understand something….?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] 2 configuration error foundbackticks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] 2 configuration error foundI tried to post my form on here but it’s not working…:(
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] 2 configuration error foundThat’s my first form:
<p>Your Name*<br /> [text* your-name] </p> <p>Your Email* <br /> [email* your-email] </p> <p>Your website<br /> [url url-199] <p>Subject<br /> [text your-subject] </p> <p>Your Message<br /> [textarea your-message] </p> <p class="contact-submit">[submit "SEND"]</p>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] 2 configuration error found@barnez: the shortcode is already pasted into the text part of the page containing the form. I don’t understand where the error comes from.