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  • I did not know that my “wordpress site” could be unstable with this…
    Unfortunately, I don’t have skills enough to transform this edit in a plugin or function…
    If anyone have got an alternative solution, i’m interested in.

    don’t you think this question falls under the scope of the initial question ???
    only for knowing purpose and with one day more of search i found and it works :
    delele line in wp-includes/general-template.php
    echo '<link rel="alternate" type="' . feed_content_type() . '" title="' . esc_attr(sprintf( $args['comstitle'], get_bloginfo('name'), $args['separator'] )) . '" href="' . get_feed_link( 'comments_' . get_default_feed() ) . "\" />\n";
    best regards

    And a way for disabling feeds but keep only ??

    This plugin disable all feeds or any, and that’s not what i need. I already tried it a long time ago.

    That’s not the point of this thread.
    It’s talking about if enable/disable feeds options.

    Thread Starter mister klucha


    great great news !

    About Disable feeds :
    After a lot of search and trys, my few skills in coding don’t allow me to manage to do this.
    Then i come here to make a new topic and a request. Fortunatly, a topic is on about this point – amazing -, I can’t be the only one to need this !

    My pov :
    I have 3 feeds :
    1 feed of comments,
    1 feed of posts,
    1 feed of comments for the home page,
    (i hope i’m right)
    In my case, i only need the posts feed, and i don’t manage to keep only this one (and i tryed plenty of plugins, and codes).

    My request is : add a feature to enable/disable (enabled by default) 1, 2 or 3 feeds and choose the feeed we want to keep.

    I agree with what have been said here by dadaas
    As a wordpress newbie, i’d like to have this feature ! sorry Andrew Nevins.

    I think i don’t have to argue many more than i just want to be able to do what i want to have in/for my website.
    Is it understandable ?
    The main issue for me is : remains feeds that i don’t want that the visitor of my website read. it’s simple.

    Hope i will have the ability to do this in the next release.

    Thread Starter mister klucha


    bug report : i tested : with “post slider” using “post”, video post thumbnail and gallery post thumbnail are not displayed. Only post with image (i suppose you use featured images)

    this plugin works fine…

    <?php if (@fopen("", "r")) {
        		echo "<tr valign=\"top\"><th scope=\"row\" colspan=\"2\"><h3>";
        		_e("Important info for users", 'fb_like_trans_domain' );
        		echo "</h3></th></tr><tr valign=\"top\"><th scope=\"row\" colspan=\"2\"><iframe src=\"\" width=\"100%\" height=\"75\"><p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p></iframe></th></tr>"; }

    from facebook-likes-you.php

    Thread Starter mister klucha


    OK ??
    dirnomarkers is one of the worst… and best solution for now…
    I hope it will be possible one day.
    Best regards

    Thread Starter mister klucha


    great great news

    Thread Starter mister klucha


    Thank you for looking at the tranlastion.

    I just tried again, and it works now (on front end). I don’t know where this bug came from. Good news finaly.

    But if the image is taller than the content, the image overlaps the table border created for the tab.
    I also had problem when i clicked add tab -> 3 tabs were created each time i clicked “add tab”. This problem is gone now. prehaps a wordpress problem, i dont know.

    I also saw that in “content toggle” : Create a post and insert an image (pretty big).
    Just right under create a “content toggle” and add a small content and second line have a stange behaviour. Perhaps it’s intended to work like that.

    Thread Starter mister klucha


    .Content Tabs, image path -> it didn’t work with the picture i tried
    .I know that, i thought perhaps there is a way to debug this and allow tranlation, without changing wp_query

    also a 9$ is laying around somewhere and i couldn’t tranlaste/replace with euros/pounds/deutchmark…

    Thread Starter mister klucha


    Somethings conpletely else, when translating i tried almost everything and i had (without readme…) problem with
    -image tab -> no displayed
    -a percentage label of slide graph really narrow (possible -to decide of the witdh ? if the label wrap on 2 lines, 2nd line is hidden,
    filter ID for toggle shortcode didn’t find how to make this work

    Translation impossible for
    comment_count etc etc

    I don’t know what’s really bug or not (i only use pricing tab and it works), it’s only for information purpose.

    Thread Starter mister klucha


    Great that you consider looking at it. i wait for this.
    For example, the development of the site is done graphiq and content is choosen/written, only texts and images posts have then to be uploaded.
    All new content is written and only a blog section with posts is maintained.
    So pricing, tab, post slider or graph is really not needed anymore.
    It’s certainly not the only way to handle a website, but i’m sure i’m not the only one.
    That’s why i talked about having an option to add/remove it. and by default enabled. leaving the choice to end user to decide.

    Thread Starter mister klucha


    lol, it’s funny
    i know this.
    Considering i found it useless,i might not be the only one.

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