mister klucha
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Disable FEEDS – Who needs that?I did not know that my “wordpress site” could be unstable with this…
Unfortunately, I don’t have skills enough to transform this edit in a plugin or function…
If anyone have got an alternative solution, i’m interested in.Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Disable FEEDS – Who needs that?don’t you think this question falls under the scope of the initial question ???
only for knowing purpose and with one day more of search i found and it works :
delele line in wp-includes/general-template.php
echo '<link rel="alternate" type="' . feed_content_type() . '" title="' . esc_attr(sprintf( $args['comstitle'], get_bloginfo('name'), $args['separator'] )) . '" href="' . get_feed_link( 'comments_' . get_default_feed() ) . "\" />\n";
source https://www.blogofchris.com/remove-comments-rss-feed-wordpress/
best regardsForum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Disable FEEDS – Who needs that?And a way for disabling feeds but keep only https://my.site.web/feed ??
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Disable FEEDS – Who needs that?This plugin disable all feeds or any, and that’s not what i need. I already tried it a long time ago.
That’s not the point of this thread.
It’s talking about if enable/disable feeds options.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Firelight Lightbox] French translation and plugin pagegreat great news !
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Disable FEEDS – Who needs that?About Disable feeds :
After a lot of search and trys, my few skills in coding don’t allow me to manage to do this.
Then i come here to make a new topic and a request. Fortunatly, a topic is on about this point – amazing -, I can’t be the only one to need this !My pov :
I have 3 feeds :
1 feed of comments,
1 feed of posts,
1 feed of comments for the home page,
(i hope i’m right)
In my case, i only need the posts feed, and i don’t manage to keep only this one (and i tryed plenty of plugins, and codes).My request is : add a feature to enable/disable (enabled by default) 1, 2 or 3 feeds and choose the feeed we want to keep.
I agree with what have been said here by dadaas
As a wordpress newbie, i’d like to have this feature ! sorry Andrew Nevins.I think i don’t have to argue many more than i just want to be able to do what i want to have in/for my website.
Is it understandable ?
The main issue for me is : remains feeds that i don’t want that the visitor of my website read. it’s simple.Hope i will have the ability to do this in the next release.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Metaphor Shortcodes] Widget buttonbug report : i tested : with “post slider” using “post”, video post thumbnail and gallery post thumbnail are not displayed. Only post with image (i suppose you use featured images)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook Likes You!] Plug-in Error?
this plugin works fine…
Remove<?php if (@fopen("https://wolnaelekcja.pl/facebook-likes-you.html", "r")) { echo "<tr valign=\"top\"><th scope=\"row\" colspan=\"2\"><h3>"; _e("Important info for users", 'fb_like_trans_domain' ); echo "</h3></th></tr><tr valign=\"top\"><th scope=\"row\" colspan=\"2\"><iframe src=\"https://wolnaelekcja.pl/facebook-likes-you.html\" width=\"100%\" height=\"75\"><p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p></iframe></th></tr>"; } ?>
from facebook-likes-you.php
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flexible Map] "Icon" and get direstionOK ??
dirnomarkers is one of the worst… and best solution for now…
I hope it will be possible one day.
Best regardsForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kocuj Sitemap] Widget button in toolbargreat great news
ThanksForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Metaphor Shortcodes] Widget buttonThank you for looking at the tranlastion.
I just tried again, and it works now (on front end). I don’t know where this bug came from. Good news finaly.
But if the image is taller than the content, the image overlaps the table border created for the tab.
I also had problem when i clicked add tab -> 3 tabs were created each time i clicked “add tab”. This problem is gone now. prehaps a wordpress problem, i dont know.I also saw that in “content toggle” : Create a post and insert an image (pretty big).
Just right under create a “content toggle” and add a small content and second line have a stange behaviour. Perhaps it’s intended to work like that.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Metaphor Shortcodes] Widget button.Content Tabs, image path -> it didn’t work with the picture i tried
.I know that, i thought perhaps there is a way to debug this and allow tranlation, without changing wp_queryalso a 9$ is laying around somewhere and i couldn’t tranlaste/replace with euros/pounds/deutchmark…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Metaphor Shortcodes] Widget buttonSomethings conpletely else, when translating i tried almost everything and i had (without readme…) problem with
-image tab -> no displayed
-a percentage label of slide graph really narrow (possible -to decide of the witdh ? if the label wrap on 2 lines, 2nd line is hidden,
filter ID for toggle shortcode didn’t find how to make this workTranslation impossible for
comment_count etc etcI don’t know what’s really bug or not (i only use pricing tab and it works), it’s only for information purpose.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Metaphor Shortcodes] Widget buttonGreat that you consider looking at it. i wait for this.
For example, the development of the site is done graphiq and content is choosen/written, only texts and images posts have then to be uploaded.
All new content is written and only a blog section with posts is maintained.
So pricing, tab, post slider or graph is really not needed anymore.
It’s certainly not the only way to handle a website, but i’m sure i’m not the only one.
That’s why i talked about having an option to add/remove it. and by default enabled. leaving the choice to end user to decide.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Metaphor Shortcodes] Widget buttonlol, it’s funny
i know this.
Considering i found it useless,i might not be the only one.