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  • I have experienced the same issue both in the title and the body of the entry. The title seems to be browser-specific, in Chrome its ok, in Firefox, it breaks the line in the middle of a word.

    I’m not sure about the body line because in the meantime I decided to alter the text to work it around.

    Superb, many thanks!

    Its not live yet but I hope a screenshot will be helpful as well. Thanks!

    In the settings I only see the Timeline Title option which modifies the page title only. Hope I didn’t make a silly mistake somewhere. ??

    Hello Evan,

    Many thanks for the quick reply. I have managed to find that setting which is a nice feature. What I’m looking for at the moment is to change the heading size of an actual entry in the timeline and not the overall page itself (I left it empty because its not needed). It is H2 too and the text size is too large compared to the extent of the box which makes a short text shown in 3-4 lines above the date of the timeline entry.

    Hope I managed to clarify a bit what I’m looking for. ??

    Thanks a lot!

    Kind regards,


    Dear Evan,

    I’d have a similar question, although I’d like to reduce the size of the item title. It seems it is a H2 controlled by the theme but I would not like to change the theme css, it would be great to reduce the font-size: 30px; entry to 20px.

    Is it possible to separate the item title size from the generic H2 styling without hard coding? The theme I use feature the addition of custom css so I could add it on the admin interface, I’m just not sure what exactly I should put in.

    Many thanks for considering my enquiry and also for the nice plugin!

    Kind regards,


    Thread Starter Viktor Adorjan


    Dear Nicola,

    It appears that I had an outdated or somehow corrupted translation on the server because it works fine now with the file that you have provided.

    Many thanks for your support and for the great plugin! The issue is now solved!

    Wish you all the best!

    Kind regards,


    Thread Starter Viktor Adorjan


    Hello Nicola,

    I made the localized .mo and .po files inactive in their folder (so basically reverted for the basic English version) and it seems it is working this way. This suggest to me that there may be something wrong with the translation although I’m not sure what may cause the problem as it seems to done in poedit, even through it is not fully translated yet.

    Hope it helps to bring the issue closer to the solution.

    Many thanks,


    Thread Starter Viktor Adorjan


    No, although I’m not exactly sure what kind of message I’m looking for. Chrome’s console only says the following:

    Consider using ‘dppx’ units, as in CSS ‘dpi’ means dots-per-CSS-inch, not dots-per-physical-inch, so does not correspond to the actual ‘dpi’ of a screen. In media query expression: print, not all, (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.25), (min-resolution: 120dpi) widgets.php:26

    Consider using ‘dppx’ units, as in CSS ‘dpi’ means dots-per-CSS-inch, not dots-per-physical-inch, so does not correspond to the actual ‘dpi’ of a screen. In media query expression: only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min-resolution: 144dpi)

    I don’t think it is what we are looking for. I’ve read that the Use Google Libraries plugin can be a possible workaround but it isn’t whether it is switched on or not.

    Thread Starter Viktor Adorjan


    The title of the widget in Hungarian is “K?zelg? események” rather than “Upcoming events” because it is translated using the supplied library file.

    The widgets that are listed alphabetically in the settings and those that are ahead of the “K?zelg? események” widget in the order can be using with drag and drop but not the others.

    Many thanks for taking care of this issue!

    Thread Starter Viktor Adorjan


    We’ve tried to generate it and see the outcome in the browser and it was OK by default but not when we received it with Gmail. I guess it is probably something to do with the Gmail but we haven’t checked with any other services yet.

    Thread Starter Viktor Adorjan


    fantastic, thank you very much for your effort!

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