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  • Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: feedburner error

    Where is the message showing up?

    Your posted feed is valid according to Feed Validator at



    You’re welcome ??



    When you do finally log in, there is still an option to change the url to the if you really want it to be accessed that way…. but that is another story…


    (@mitodi40) is actually not the same as

    Here is a WordPress topic that explains the difference and what you could do if you want people to go to the

    Do you have a preference for:
    vs. ?

    Godaddy can take some time with those installs but then the other option is to install it manually which was not the easier way for you in having to manually create mySQL databases and upload WordPress files.



    Correct…A blank folder is a sign that it is not installed yet. When you see folders with wp_ as a prefix, etc. then it is installed by Godaddy and you can see it at the url and start logging in.



    I am glad you are on your way to blogging with WordPress ??



    You would type ‘blog’ where the blank field is and ‘same as subdomain’ may mean that you want the folder to be the same name as ‘blog'(first radio button) instead of creating another name or selecting an existing folder(second radio button). Is there any other wording around the buttons or above them? I would choose same as subdomain…

    then once it is created you wold go to the WordPress install feature and if you did the subdomain creation correctly, some drop down or something will show the subdomains you can choose from to install onto. Make sure you are not choosing just “”

    What host do you have?



    In your control panel do you see any subdomain options under ‘Domains’? Do you see any information about your hosting account including this at no additional cost?




    In your hosting account, if you have access to creating subdomains under your domain, then it is fairly simple to just add WordPress that way and start blogging from scratch. Does your host have Fantastico or one click installation of WordPress? This way you don’t have to do the manual mySQL database creation.



    I can see your main site now on Joomla and I can click through links without errors. I can also see your WordPress site.

    Are you still having issues with the main site? I don’t think there is a need to uninstall WordPress in fantastico but if you still have a Joomla problem and since we know WordPress is on a different database, the Joomla support forum would help with those specific issues.

    I hope everything is working out for you now.



    In your control panel you should also be able to view the database information and there you would also see something about which install uses which database ie. Joomla would have a set of database parameters(db name, db user, etc.) and WordPress would have a certain set of parameters. If the parameters are the same for each then they are using the same database(requiring a solution I can post later if this is the case) or if they use a separate database then the joomla error is not due to the sharing of the databases. I do not have a host account with a cpanel but there has to be something in your host telling what databases they use – try “mySQL databases”.

    a step further once you know which database or you can just go to phpmyadmin and browse the databases to see if you have wp_ tables and jos_ tables in one database.

    The statement you pasted from fantastico about “Installing any script will use one of your available MySQL databases.” just means that it uses a ‘new’ database from however many databases your host allows on your account. So it really should not be installing within the same database. You may just have another issue within Joomla.




    are you saying that the wp install is using the joomla install’s database. In your control panel there should be a way to go back to fantastique to uninstall the wordpress site. Fantastique does not normally use a database that already has another app. installed but see if that works to delete the wp site.




    Did you mean that when you go to the url you cannot install WordPress or do you mean that after the install you cannot access the site or admin section?

    I have 1and1 hosting also and if you have one WordPress set up on that host and you are using the same host account for version 3.1 it should install fine – with regards to your question about MOD rewrite. I have never had to ask 1and1 about that.
    Not sure why you needed to edit the config file because the newer versions of WordPress automatically ask for that info on the installation pages once you upload the files and put the url in the browser. aka The Famous 5-Minute Install…

    When I have blank errors I just upload all files again because I have had ftp upload issues on 1and1 before.

    Hope something helps.



    Here is the Just Host instructions for creating a database:

    To create a MySQL database please follow the steps below:

    – Login to your control panel at
    – Click on ‘MySQL Databases’ in the ‘Databases’ menu
    – Enter the name of your new database and then click on ‘Create Database’
    – Add database users by assigning them a username and password then clicking on ‘Create User’



    Within your Just Host control panel you should be able to set up a database and it will walk you through the information you need to record for later use. A database should be allowed to be set up regardless of any particular domain – or at least for most hosts (as I do not have an account with Just Host. Then with the steps outlined for manual installation, you would access the url for the subdomain folder.

    I am new to this forum and don’t know if we are allowed to give help off line but I am willing to help over the phone or something…

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