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Thanks for your reply.
I am mostly a designer not a developer.
However if it is merely html css coding i do it myself. Otherwise I keep away from implying either codes ike php, javascript etc.
I think you/Jason should do the correction being the author.I avoid making changes in the codes as the plugins are already incuded in my wordpress files at my host.
Hope you understand and resolve the issue.
Hi andrew,
Whenever I have any problem related to PMPRO, I find you because I get replies most of the times.It is an issue related to both Redirection and PMPRO so either or both can solve the issue. In PMPRO when we select the levels it opens that level in the same page and not in the new tab. So opening in new tab can be incorporated here itself so that when redirection is used the redirected page also opens in the new tab.
Definitely the issue is with redirection plugin. But plane HTML + CSS “target =_blank” will not work here. Javascript has to be added to enable the page open in new tab . I could not find any plugin for opening in new tab. There is one called “Redirect to Url” plugin but its not updated for years and will cause compatibility issue and risky.
I think I am justified in seeking a solution from you and your team and is important too as opening in same page is so inconvenient browsing the website.
I hope I will get a solution from you, my reliable source and Jason the expert.
There were many entries for the pmpro woocomerce integration along with earlier woocommerce columns and their column names are also confusing in the csv file for importing the product. Will it be possible for you to fill just one row. or is there any documentation to fill the integration related new columns? I exported the csv file but even then its difficult to understand and if not filled properly there are quite a lot chances that wrong entries wil go to the product data and may wrongly override too. presently to be safe I have done manually fr each product. but not a proper methd if the products are many and very time consuming too. through csv it takes just 2-3 mins for one row and 5-10 mins for the entire products.
There was one more very noticeable thing which I could see in the meta data of the product. That is while ticking the product as subscriptions it only asks for subscription price and not the price now and then the price for each subscription. Which is perhaps a big error if its there. So I could not mention the prices which I wanted too.These subscription prices are there in pmpro levels but will this price override the price mentioned in the meta data. How to achieve subscription then through the product details?
As an addition to the above reply:
I cannot remove this page from the pmpro checkout page in the pages settings. It takes back to the same levels page. I cannot specify woocommerce checkout page too in teh pmpro checkout page as it takes directly to the woo commerce checkout before purchasing any of the multiple products meant for that level.
I have named the levels same as the names of the product categories and redirected the levels to an intermediate page named as Product Category which has links to all the product categories so that all the products in a category comes in the corresponding level.
The url generated by the select buttons on clicking is …/…//?level=1 which I am not able to redirect directly. I wanted to redirect these urls of the select buttons to the corresponding category products instead of that intermediate page which is actually a redundant and repetition of selecting the levels in a way. I would appreciate if you tell me in short at the earliest how to do this. It would be helpful for others too who have confusion regarding redirecting the urls. or any other way if you know now. I have to implement it at the earliest.AS an addition to my above reply:
And yes it is also meant for selling oocommerce products as membership products. So it is both either you sell PMPRO membership as woocommerce products or sell woo commerce products as PMPRO membership.Andrew can comment on this if he wishes.
You either have to sell membership through PMPRO or through Woocommerce sparately. Both cannot work together. PMPRO-Woocommerce is to intgrae woocommerce with PMPRO membership. i.e to sell PMPRO membership as woocommerce products. when you select PMPRO checkout pages in the PMPRO settings only PMPRO gateays will work and not woocommerce gatways. If you want woocommerce pages to work you use woocommerce checkout pages by not using PMPRO pages.
Hope thats clear.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Namaste! LMS] Displaying course fee even if customer in not loginI have gone through the short codes and included them as required but my question is only on the payment gateway and checkout and I don’t see any on clicking the enrol button .As the course is sold as a product where is the payment gateway and checkout option coming?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Namaste! LMS] Displaying course fee even if customer in not loginThe enroll button is coming.but as I told the payment options are not coming.The candidate if he clicks the enroll button it just says that ‘you are logged in as so and so’.I mean where does the student pay the fees and checkout?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Namaste! LMS] Displaying course fee even if customer in not loginHi,
I have made the settings and included the mode of payment and created a course and mentioned the price of the course.But where does it show for any user whether logged in or non logged in that he has to pay the specified amount before taking the course.
There is only an enroll button in the course and when the user is not logged in it says it requires to be logged in.And if the user is logged in it says ‘you are logged in as so and so. but where is the paying feature gone which has been set in the settings and for the course?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Namaste! LMS] Setting Course PriceHi,
I created a course.I also mentioned that the student need to pay the amount for the course.Now when any logged in user clicks the enroll button it mentions ‘you are logged in as so and so?where has the payment option gone ?I mean it does not specify anything related to payment?How to see the payment option then on enrolment or any time?I have included everything required for payments in the settings and payment require for the enrolment for a particular course too.Yes offcourse it has to be as you are the developer.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Paid memberships pro-admin pages front end editing not workingIf I use the dashboard the link would be …../wp-admin/admin.php?page=pmpro-membershiplevels&edit=1 which takes me to edit membership levels page.What is required to be changed in the templates to get the edit membership levels screen in front end?I want this screen as shown in the screenshots and should work the functionality of editing.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to add an automatically created page to navigation menuMy permalink is already in postname and have kept as post name only.Right now its not required to exclude the pages this way.However if its required then i will ask u further how to do that if page ids are with postname.
Now my last issue is there for the time being .Its a bit complicated it seems but am sure You will be able to help me in that too and make it easier for me.I am pasting the link here or else you can find the link in my profile activities: