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Thanks again for the reply. Unfortunately passing the third argument to get_field as true throws an error with wp-graphql.
In the end I’ve settled for a bit of a messy brute force approach but it’s working for now..
Would be nice to see more acf addons working with wp-graphql in the future though.Thanks for the plugin none the less!!
* Add custom field types to the list of supported field types in WPGraphQL for ACF.
add_filter('wpgraphql_acf_supported_fields', function ($supported_fields) {
return array_merge($supported_fields, ['font_awesome', 'unique_id']);
add_filter('wpgraphql_acf_register_graphql_field', function ($field_config, $type_name, $field_name, $config) {
$acf_field = $config['acf_field'] ?? null;
if (!$acf_field || !in_array($acf_field['type'] ?? '', ['font-awesome', 'unique_id'], true)) {
return $field_config;
// Define GraphQL field type and resolver function
$field_config['type'] = 'String';
// Custom resolver function
$field_config['resolve'] = function ($root) use ($acf_field) {
// Get the raw field value
$value = isset($root->ID) ? get_field($acf_field['key'], $root->ID, false) : ($root[$acf_field['key']] ?? null);
// Handle FontAwesome field type
if ($acf_field['type'] === 'font-awesome' && is_string($value)) {
return handle_fontawesome_value($value);
// Return the value as-is for other fields (e.g., 'unique_id')
return $value ?: null;
return $field_config;
}, 10, 4);
* Handle FontAwesome value, whether it's a JSON string or plain string.
* Because acf font awesome v5 and v6 return different values (either stringyfied object or simple string).
* @param string $value The raw value from the ACF field.
* @return string|null The processed FontAwesome class string or null if invalid.
function handle_fontawesome_value($value)
// Check if the value looks like a JSON string (starts with "{" or "[")
if ($value[0] === '{' || $value[0] === '[') {
// Attempt to decode the JSON string
$decoded_value = json_decode($value, true);
// If decoding succeeds and it's an array, construct the FontAwesome class
if (json_last_error() === JSON_ERROR_NONE && is_array($decoded_value)) {
$style = $decoded_value['style'] ?? 'regular';
$id = $decoded_value['id'] ?? '';
return "fa-$style fa-$id"; // Return the formatted FontAwesome class string
// If not JSON, assume it's already a valid Font Awesome class string
return $value;
* Add custom field types to the list of supported field types in WPGraphQL for ACF.
add_filter('wpgraphql_acf_supported_fields', function ($supported_fields) {
return array_merge($supported_fields, ['font_awesome', 'unique_id']);
* Register custom ACF field types in the GraphQL schema.
add_filter('wpgraphql_acf_register_graphql_field', function ($field_config, $type_name, $field_name, $config) {
$acf_field = $config['acf_field'] ?? null;
if (!$acf_field || !in_array($acf_field['type'] ?? '', ['font-awesome', 'unique_id'], true)) {
return $field_config;
// Define GraphQL field type and resolver function
$field_config['type'] = 'String';
$field_config['resolve'] = function ($root) use ($acf_field) {
if (isset($root->ID)) {
return get_field($acf_field['key'], $root->ID, false) ?: null;
return $root[$acf_field['key']] ?? null;
return $field_config;
}, 10, 4);So I’ve been back to check what code we already have and the above is how we have been registering a couple of custom acf field types into the graphql schema. As you can see we are using get_field() in the resolver so I’m still at a loss as to why this isn’t returning the type as specified in the field settings.
Do you have any ideas.. ??Thanks for the response. I’ll look into the “register_graphql_acf_field_type” API and post any success going down that route.