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  • Thread Starter mkellam2


    Thank you. The page I was working with was:

    The bullet point starting with “Cut back on the amount of food you cook.” was a big paragraph. I added double break tags to make the spacing without more bullets.

    I wondered if there is a better way since the manually inserted break tags seem to go away sometimes when I edit and save a post at a later time, and it reverts back to the big blocky paragraph.

    I did change CSS for spacing unordered lists and it seems to have mostly eliminated the appearance of greater space in double break tags than between list items.

    Thanks, Mike

    Thread Starter mkellam2


    Hi Francisco,
    Thanks a bunch for your help! That worked on both counts.

    When I originally posted the question, even if I highlighted the text, all the text changed colors. Maybe there was a glitch in the block I was using. On a new test post, this worked perfectly.

    Ans I did not realise we were able to edit code inside the blocks, so the span worked perfectly for size, too.

    Thank you for your answer!


    Thread Starter mkellam2


    Thanks a bunch, Jose!

    I’m pretty sure I did it successfully before -data in, data out! lol

    Yes and I’ve had my share of learning experienced about backups!!

    Thanks again!


    Thread Starter mkellam2


    Hi Michael,

    Good News– I don’t think the problem is YARPP. Hostgator is very quick to blame YARPP but when I turned it off for 10 days based on their recommendation, the problem persisted. We REALLY like YARPP and are not willing to give it up so easily.

    Incidentally, the site was over 98% cached by YARPP already so I doubt we would have had any significant slowdown from it.

    I think the problem might be Hostgator and I plan to change hosts later this week so I can find out. I think something about their configuration is inefficient. I thought there was a host that was said to be more likely to handle YARPP well on large sites. I’ll have to look again, but I think it was Media Temple… If you have another thought, let me know.

    Thanks again and we do love your plugin!


    I tried the Hotfix plugin and it solved this problem! Thanks for the suggestion! MK

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