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  • Thread Starter mkirkwag


    I realized what I was looking at after I posted that. It shows up in the theme editor. It’s not a plug in – I’m pretty sure I added it to the code – which used to be easy to change, but apparently not anymore. I’m in the theme editor – can’t change anything. Probably because of the way the theme is written.

    Thread Starter mkirkwag


    Wow! Thanks for the lightning fast response and the information! I had no idea it was doing that. I have a new browser, but still, I should get rid of it. Easier said than done. I’m completely bewildered by the new theme editor. I think “Edit this entry” should do it, but it doesn’t load anything, so I guess I’ll need to do it via FTP.

    Thread Starter mkirkwag


    Thought I’d just make it public so maybe someone will look at it and lend a hand. I was embarrassed because it’s such a mess – the slider is gigantic, the features pics are misshapen, and then of course the issue that this post is about – what I see in the edit is not what appears online. The banner is not centered (though I centered it, and it’s missized. Thanks for your help!

    Thread Starter mkirkwag


    No link – it hasn’t been published. But it looks like any other site using Customizr – logo on the far left and tag line area starting in the middle and running to the right. Like this:

    I want it to have a banner above and tagline below. Like this:

    I know I need to do something with the header, but I could feel my way through html…CSS is a mystery. If you’re asking for the link to look at the source, I can post that somewhere (it’s a bit long for heree), but I think this is the relevant part:

    <!--Icons size hack for IE8 and less -->
    		    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
    		      <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
    	<body class="blog logged-in admin-bar no-customize-support" itemscope itemtype="">
    	   	<header class="tc-header clearfix row-fluid" role="banner">
    	        <div class="brand span3">
    	          	           <h1><a class="site-logo" href="" title="Rainhouse Studio | Unique Custom Jewelry and Polymer Clay Classes"><img src="" alt="Back Home"  width="760" height="97"/></a>
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    Thanks for looking!

    Thread Starter mkirkwag


    I’m resolving this because I found it in the codex right after I posted this.

    Thread Starter mkirkwag


    Thanks! That did it. I found it in the middle of the single.php page. It’s probably obvious from the above that I was looking at sidebar.php instead of single.php…I need a little red-faced emoticon here.

    Appreciate the help. I’m off to go read up on DIV

    Thread Starter mkirkwag


    ignore that. sorry.

    Thread Starter mkirkwag


    single.php begins
    <div id="sidebar" class="sidebars">
    and ends
    Seems right, doesn’t it?

    diannetrussell – me, too…but don’t be *too* confident…I got one, and I’m careful! I’ve started running a virus checker.

    Thread Starter mkirkwag


    I’ll look for it. I saw that…and it also says that there’s a body tag not closed. I can’t find a body tag that isn’t closed…v. frustrating! I’ll go through it when I get back this afternoon. Knowing the problem is probably an open tag is at least a good start!

    Thread Starter mkirkwag


    Actually, I ran the validator when I first set it up – no plugins – and couldn’t find the errors in the theme because they’re listed my line and column number, usually with very little text to give you a clue as to where they are.

    Thanks, adeptris. I’ve posted the shifting problem with a link to a post a couple of times and the only response I got was to put it through the validator, so I’m sure you’re right. It’s the single post that’s kicking the sidebar. I really thought I’d just accidentally altered the single post width, but I can’t find that.

    Here’s a single post:
    and here’s the blog page:

    Thread Starter mkirkwag


    Thanks, Reuben

    Thread Starter mkirkwag


    Thanks, Reuben…but I’m not actually doing any coding – I’m just trying to figure out what’s kicking my sidebar out of place on the single posts. I don’t understand much about coding, so it’s like digging through mud. I can fix little things, but…

    If it’s just the facebook widget that’s miscoded, I don’t care. I’ll go try to figure out where I put it and see if I can fix it, though!

    Do you know how to use the indent function on your visual editor? The arrow you click to indent? Let me know if you need help with that. If you’re looking to avoid doing it line by line, it usually works to paste formatted text from Word using the Word clipboard, though esmi pointed out in another post that this can backfire. Sorry I can’t be more help.

    Thread Starter mkirkwag


    Hi…does anyone have time to look at this to see if you can tell what the class id is for single post width? I can’t find it in the style sheet or in the single post.php…or anywhere else. My sidebar is getting bumped in single posts, and I’m wondering if I somehow changed the width of the posting area so that it’s bumping the sidebar.
    Here’s a single post:
    and here’s the blog page:

    Thanks in advance!

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