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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SPD Shortcode Slider] [Plugin: SPD Shortcode Slider] Historic jQuery used?I will look into this – thank you for bringing it to my attention!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SPD Shortcode Slider] [Plugin: SPD Shortcode Slider] suffusion themeSorry it seems like it may be a conflict with the suffusion theme’s CSS, or the theme’s media settings.
I can only guess on the issue but I would recommend:
1) Either set your the medium image size to 295x 295 (in dashboard>settings>media) OR create a custom size at 295px x 295px using
2) Remove ‘term_slug=”slideshow” tax_slug=”display”‘ so that you are only pulling in local category.
The Plugin does not allow for one slide to have a different image size than the other slides. However if you mean changing all the slides to a specific size You can edit WordPress default image sizes (Large, Medium,thumbnail) in Settings > Media.
If you choose to make a add a size to your wordpress site (i.e a custom size) you can then refence that custom name in the tag see codex here
<?php do_shortcode('[spd_slider slider_layout="thumbnails-side" ]'); ?>
(After you install the plugin) go to Dashboard > Settings > SPD Shortcode Slider, where all the possible attributes are listed along with example codes for implementation.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SPD Shortcode Slider] 3.5 update?Hi I currently have the plugin running on a couple sites with WordPress 3.5 and they show no issues, perhaps it is a conflict being thrown by another plugin or theme?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SPD Shortcode Slider] [Plugin: SPD Shortcode Slider] Not working as expectedHi – I wasn’t able to see the slider on your site – perhaps you can add it on another page and and put up the link here?
It sounds as if it may be a CSS issue. – did you embed the template tag into a page template? – if you used it within a page/post content that might be the issue as well –
Hi Joy – I updated the description of the shortcode usage in the plugin readme, also i fixed a JS error – hopefully that will clear up the issue for you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Select archive post per page amt with dropdown 10 | 20 | view allJust in case anyone is searching for an answer to this – I have gotten most of it to work here:at pastebin
I realized in my original tries I was trying to reset the whole url using values of the query – when I only needed to add to the url (silly on my part)- now the function is far simpler to read.
Also the code I have in the pastebin allows you change posts_per_page and orderby without resetting the earlier variable value. meaning you can sortby date and then view ‘all posts’, and then sort by ‘modified date’ and the posts will still be view all amount (not reset back to the default 10). My next move is add order direction.
AND hopefully get the highlight class to work. it applies the class – but then the class gets removed when the query is refreshed.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Select archive post per page amt with dropdown 10 | 20 | view allI figured how to use buttons:
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("button").click(function(){ var str = $(this).text(); window.location.href = "<?php echo site_url(); ?>/<?php echo $archivetax ?>/<?php echo $archivetype ?>/?a="+str; $(this).addClass("highlight"); }); }); </script> <style type="text/css"> button{background-color:#eee;border-width:0;} button:hover{background-color:#ccc;} button.highlight{font-weight:bold;} </style> View per page: <button >20</button> <button >50</button> <button >all</button> <?php $args = array( 'cat' => $catid, 'posts_per_page' => $amtper ); query_posts( $args ); ?>
thanks for the heads up!
Not all my posts have manual excerpts so I wanted the description to default back to the cropped content if the post excerpt field is empty.
I added a ‘AND if the excerpt is not empty’ to the ‘if excerpt option is selected’ line (line 293 in upzSlider.php)
from:if($post_excerpt==1 ) { $content = tronc_str(__( $post->post_excerpt),$slider_desc_max_char);
if($post_excerpt==1 && !empty($post->post_excerpt) ) { $content = tronc_str(__( $post->post_excerpt),$slider_desc_max_char);
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Post Types vs Post Formats with remove_meta_box functionI believe the only way to customize the post editor screen is to do a custom post type – meaning to have have custom meta boxes (that don’t also appear on all your post editors) you need to do a custom post type.
I think Post formats only format the output and the taxonomy could do the same depending on your taxonomy templates / use of conditionals in a template.
ok – so after working on this forever – it seems I just needed to make sure each wp_dropdown_categories had its own var and id for each to work correctly. I’m pasting it in its entirety – although no one else would probably need it :
<form action="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>" method="get" > <!-- drop down select 126 Ingredients --> <?php wp_dropdown_categories('id=cat1&orderby=name&show_option_none=Ingredients&child_of=126'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var divElements = document.getElementById("cat1") function onCatChange() { if ( divElements.options[divElements.selectedIndex].value > 0 ) { location.href = "<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/?cat="+divElements.options[divElements.selectedIndex].value; }} divElements.onchange = onCatChange; --></script> <!-- drop down select 127 Cuisine and Location --> <?php wp_dropdown_categories('id=cat2&orderby=name&show_option_none=Cuisine and Location&child_of=127'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var divElements2 = document.getElementById("cat2") function onCatChange() { if ( divElements2.options[divElements2.selectedIndex].value > 0 ) { location.href = "<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/?cat="+divElements2.options[divElements2.selectedIndex].value; }} divElements2.onchange = onCatChange; --></script> </form>
This one spits out an array of drop downs – but the show option gets repeated and the script doesn’t work…
<?php $cat='129,127,131,128,130'; $dropdown_array=explode(",", $cat); $display=get_cat_name($cat); echo '<form id="drop-down-container">'; foreach ($dropdown_array as $cat) { wp_dropdown_categories('child_of='.$cat.'&show_option_none='. $display .''); } echo '</form>'; ?> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- var dropdown=document.getElementById('cat'). function onCatChange() { var dropdown = document.getElementById("cat"); function onCatChange() { if ( dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].value > 0 ) { location.href = "<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/?cat="+dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].value; } } dropdown.onchange = onCatChange; } --></script>