Forum Replies Created
Thank you!
I want to add my two cents … I just can’t use this excellent tool anymore ?? I am building a new website and changing browser viewport constantly to switch from “mobile” to “desktop” view, and with QM active the browser lags so horribly with repainting the page it takes seconds (!!!) to finish (window width change). In backend it takes some time after every page load to the page becoming responsive. It feels like the browser is doing something computing-heavy and I can’t click on anything until QM stats appear in admin bar 0.5-1 second after page load.
I don’t know what changed in the plugin, but my computer is not fast enough now (but it was not an issue in the past years).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pay for Payment for WooCommerce] Unregular fee added – random errorDobry den, @vyskoczilova,
bohu?el se to chová stále stejně ?? “update_checkout” trigger je tam po p?epnutí zp?sobu dopravy automaticky od WooCommerce, ten není nutné nově p?idávat, ne?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pay for Payment for WooCommerce] Unregular fee added – random errorAno, já vím, v?e tam funguje, jen z?stává “viset” poplatek za platební metodu, i pokud se záhy p?epnu na jiny zp?sob dopravy, a zpoplatněná metoda zmizí z nabídky.
Zkuste na -> pokud vyberu nějakou dopravu ?eská po?ta, tak je tam platební metoda “Platba na dobírku p?i doru?ení” za 45 K?. Po vyběru se poplatek p?idá k objednávce. Pokud se pak p?epnu na Zásilkovna dopravu, tak tam poplatek z?stane, i kdy? se vyresetují zp?soby platby, a p?edvybede se defaultní “Bankovním p?evodem” (jen dodám, ?e je tam nově “Hotově nebo platební kartou p?i vyzvednutí”, ale to je jiná dobírka bez poplatku, a stejně není ani vybrána).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pay for Payment for WooCommerce] Unregular fee added – random errorDobry den, @vyskoczilova, aha, já myslel, ?e je ?e? o regulérní Pokladna stránce – tam se mi tato chybka objevuje. Tam se update_order_review volá.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pay for Payment for WooCommerce] Unregular fee added – random errorDobry den, “Jediná věc, co mne napadá je, ?e zákazník zvolil volbu s dobírkou a pak se rozhodl zaplatit jinou metodou” … toto je p?esně p?ípad na mém eshopu. Pokud vyberu dopravu s dobírkou, objeví se poplatek, pokud pak dále dopravu změním, poplatek za dobírku z?stane … ale p?itom ona dobírka jako platební metoda ji? není k dispozici (pro onu dopravu). Pokud pak neudělám nic jiného ne? ?e reloadnu stránku pokladny, poplatek ji? zmizí (finální doprava a platba z?stanou vybrané). P?ece jen mi to p?ijde jako nějaky bug, ktery by mělo byt mo?né ?e?it, p?i update_order_review AJAX akci.
Yeah, I know about this … but it’s not quite suitable for less tech-educated users – aka “my clients” ?? Their first question would be “Why is it so complicated?”. Some dedicated section would be awesome.
But thank you anyway.
Hm, I see now where my question was wrong. Thank you.
Well, I would love this – current category mapping for Google and Facebook feed, and then custom category mapping for any other feed, and user will not choose from predefined Google categories, but there will be just simple text field for any value. When some marketing channel create its own list of supported categories, I am able to match them with my categories by simple copypasting them to these mapping fields. But for now I can’t do anything, and channel rejects my feed because of not using its categories.
Great! Thank you!
No. But again – I would expect this plugin to do fees recalculation automatically (somehow).
Thank you!
Well, yes, it’s in my custom PHP code. Just simple:
$woocommerce->cart->add_fee( 'Some fee' , $fee, false );
$fee is amount in default currency. And its display is unaffected by currency switcher.
I don’t think it’s incompability. It looks like the plugin does not care about cart fees currency.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Breadcrumb NavXT] Filter bcn_settings_init problemHm, I see. Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Core functionality after update to 3.0.1 not working@mikejolley I understand the issue with new downloadable files added to product … but today I have found out that all download links are (probably) invalidated even when only the product price changes! My client sells MP3s (not music) and changed prices a few day ago, and now no paying customer can download those files!
So even if I change one letter in downloadable product description, then all download links in older orders are broken???
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade to 4.7.2 breaks jquery in Menu admin pageWell, my function looks like this, and is placed in
function payment_gateways_by_shipping_zone( $available_gateways ) { global $woocommerce; if( ! $woocommerce || !isset($woocommerce->cart) ) // NEW LINE return $available_gateways; // NEW LINE $packages = $woocommerce->cart->get_shipping_packages(); foreach( $packages as $package ) { $shipping_zone = WC_Shipping_Zones::get_zone_matching_package( $package ); // rest of code ... } return $available_gateways; } add_filter( 'woocommerce_available_payment_gateways', 'payment_gateways_by_shipping_zone' );