Forum Replies Created
Hi Christian Zagarskas (@thezman),
We have used this plugin on at least a couple of versions of WP, and at least the last three versions of PHP (prior to each upgrade).
This plugin has performed its function most of the time; not all of the time.But we have never upgraded, until we have run a test through to completion, to identify which plugins are not up to compatibility.
If it were not for this plugin, we would probably be back at PHP5.6.
Also, a number of the plugins we use that showed incompatibilities have updated after being notified (may not be directly due to notification).The times when plugin scans have gone awry, is usually related to our shared server, getting loaded by other sites on the same share. We have made some suggestion topics for improvements to the “reporting of progress during a scan”, which (reportings) would be quite useful in your type of situation.
1) Christian Zagarskas (@thezman), can you try to supply a bit more information about how the failure takes place?
2) Jason Stallings (@octalmage), is it possible to have the plugin collect some information on the progress of the scan, and maybe server state during the scan (optionally set to be permitted by the user), so this information can be sent back to the plugin author, on completion of scans that took longer than usual, and on scans that did not complete.
Additional – this information might be made optionally viewable to the user by choosing a “detailed view” for the scan, or “progress indication” for briefer information.Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: – forum topic editor – formatting problemsHi Philip Ingram (@pingram3541),
I have had a quick read of your “rant” – not bad.Something that might help, re;
Why we don’t have a browser feature that allows one to forcefully underline all text links and removing all underlines of non-linked text when desired is beyond me. Seems like that would be less invasive than removing a long time feature that is still a valid element in both html5 and Word Processors.
Thanks for asking. It prompted me to ask myself the same question. I use several browsers. But I checked Firefox. There are ways to customize it well beyond the menu system settings, but the menu settings is as far as one needs to go. The location in the menu varies between versions.So I’ll give instructions more generally on
How to force underlines for links in Firefox;
i) Look for “preferences” or “options”
2) Under either of those, look for “Content” (This will probably be on the same menu that starts with “General”).
3) Look for the section “titled” “Fonts & Colors”, then click on “Colors”.
4) In the box or page that is displayed after clicking on “colors”, look for a checkbox that is labelled “Underline Links”. Put a check mark in the box and all is done.
Notes ;
a) You can also force the color system that your browser uses, in the options at this and some previous points along the way to here.
This is useful if you happen to have sight impairments, or color blindness, so what ever site you are looking at, your browser will force the formats that you have chosen to best suit your own sight requirements.
b) Though it is possible to force links to be underlined, it is not specific as to whether it can alternatively force links to be stripped of underlines (which it may well do, but I haven’t checked to confirm).As you seem to be alluding to – it is far more easier if the folks with special visual requirements are afforded the capability to over ride any/all websites, through their own browser settings, rather than all websites try to cater for them by using settings which maybe even some of the visually impaired would not prefer.
Perhaps a similar system could be set up for titles.
Nobody would need to vote, be consulted, or be forced to accept any changes, because they could all set their own browsers to read titles how they wish (if only there was some format/style that can be used for the “title” – which could be set to ordinary fonts styles on the website).I hope this is helpful.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: – forum topic editor – formatting problemsHi Philip Ingram (@pingram3541),
Thanks for confirming clarification.
I was addressing the “win” approach, and wanted to be clear about intentions to maintain happiness (where ever possible, and I do understand things can be very frustrating at times).
Any way, please do not worry about the rant, as I said, I will read it and probably comment on it (but in a few days).By the way,
Re;I realize now that I’ve since revised my response but only after you’ve read it
a) how did you revise your response?
b) how did you revise your response after it had been read?Hi James Huff (@macmanx),
I notice that the TinyMCE plugin has had 2 million installs (over the years?), and the other plugin has had 30,000+ and would have been useful since WP4.7 . These are downloaded by people that have been told about them, or think to look for something that returns the underline. There are probably many others who have not found them, or imagined to look for them.Thanks to you, I am now one of the people that have been told about them, and will look at them.
Here’s a thought;
Use a style for “title” (heading) format, as a dummy.
If there is any hope of having some sort way to format a title, some time in the future, then a style type could be used. But until the style type that will actually be used is decided upon, then in the mean time a title can be formatted using a title style type set to a dummy setting, such as ordinary text/paragraph.
But would it be possible to set the format say to <H13> or something like that, so it is a header type format, but very low rank.
This allows the following matters to be solved;
a) The site can choose whatever formatting they want, and change it any time they want, just by changing the CSS.
b) The heading number is so low, that it would hardly rank with search engines (if it got noticed at all), and so would deter the over use of headings for rankings. The heading number may be set so low, that it means nothing if used on any other website.
c) This also means that when a style/format is eventually decided upon, all previously styled topics will immediately show in the new format, which maintains backward compatibility.The fundamental objective is to be able to signify that something is a title, whatever the styling that is used, and that that styling is (preferably) unique to the use of titles, so that it can not cause confusion (nor should be abused).
It could be a different font, or slightly larger font, that is used for the <H13> style – just something uniquely different, that satisfies all other criteria for all concerned.As I understand it, the problem is with the “format/style” (e.g. confusion with similar styling to links) for titles, and is not that there is some objection to the use of titles in text (e.g. abuse of text, by over use of titles).
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: – forum topic editor – formatting problemsHi Philip Ingram (@pingram3541),
1) Re
The use of underlines as emphasis is felt to create a moral dilemma by perpetuating a bad use that can no longer be tolerated.
As to my topic; I was not wanting to use underline for emphasis. I wanted to use underline for “titles“. As I understand it, this is a centuries old literary (if not grammatical) tool.
What I have found is that with underlining being non existent, that some form of emphasis is required as a substitute, which is inadequate.So this problem rephrased amounts to ;
How do we show a title, so that it is readily understood to be a title?
Is there a new convention for how to title ? for;
a) on the internet
b) on paper2) I will read the rest of your comment when I get some time, and possibly will respond also.
But I will comment on your “intro”, Re “
you’re not going to win this one.
Just to build understanding;
I do not employ a “win” or “Loose” outlook, and I prefer to avoid adversarial approaches to problem solving. I put forward suggestions believing (in large part) that they are sensible. There may be many reasons why a suggestion is not taken up, and hopefully that is because there is good sense not to.Thank you
Do any of us think this sounds easy?
The instructions would be very handy if made available while in an editor.
Perhaps looks like a button that inserts and image (which function it may perform eventually in future, but for now) opens up a text box with the instructions of how to go about referencing an externally hosted image.I had originally thought that it was possible some how to embed an image in the topic. But this functionality is not available, and sounds like it is actually prohibited/inhibited. So thank you Philip Ingram (@pingram3541), for attempting to explore some method of work-around to obtain similar functionality, even to little avail.
The lack of ability to easily convey concepts and events related to graphics matters, has an impact on all aspects of any core, plugin or theme discussion and ability to innovate in relation to GUI. This is low priority, and can wait.
The instructions given above appear to be the method for uploading an image to a wordpress site, rather than for this site.
You can copy and paste that report, and goto the wordpress page for the plugin that PHP Compatibility Checker has identified that error with. Go to the support page for that plugin.
Then paste that text in a post message for them to sort the problem out.You do not need to know how to fix the problem.
Hi Mostafa Soufi (@mostafas1990),
It sounds like you are implying something in the message but I am not sure what it is.
Are you saying that there is someway to handle the feature requests, by using a specific label on github? (i.e. “Can do”)
Are you saying that there is no way of handling a feature request, by using a specific label on github? (i.e. “Can’t do”)
Are you saying that some other method is needed?
I am not sure what you are saying.Can you handle the transfer from here to GitHub, possibly using some form of cross-reference?
Hi Mostafa Soufi (@mostafas1990),
We are not on GitHub, and do not want to join more sites.
We may consider GitHub in the future if we get more deeper involved,
but not at present.Thanks
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Reduce Excessive Bandwidth usage on plugin and theme pagesHi Samuel Wood (Otto) (@otto42),
It’s good news to hear this is not off the table yet.
I am not sure how close to the edge, or within elbow range it is,
but sometimes what seems outlandish or overkill today, becomes outstanding and disruptive the next.On our website, we get visitors that view on mobile devices at about 300 pixels wide, through to tablets, and PCS, and what are probably large screen TVs at over 4000 pixels wide.
That is a very large range (more than magnitude 10).The importances of image resolution, and use of space, and page height considerations are vastly different between the extremes, and vary through the device screen sizes.
For a site to give a good experience for users on each device type, the above factors must be at least suitable, and should be optimized for best experience.
Presently there are compromises.Users’ behavior and duration on a site is closely related to their experience on arriving (and continuing to stay) on it.
The demographic of the visitor is (loosely) correlated with the device they are viewing the site with.
For some sites, it is almost imperative that these visitors be catered for in order to maximize conversion.It is doubtful that nobody is interested in overcoming this impediment.
But what is needed to overcome it, is a group of people that want to work on it.
It would be a great way for theme developers to show their versatility.
The WordPress team could enable a convention for handling the extra breakpoint (or what ever it is called), so all the main core systems and other plugins can continue to work as they do presently.
I am not suggesting that the WordPress Core Team become burdened with yet another task, but do encourage the enabling of this expansion of capability, so those that are interested of keen can start working with each other (see some more thoughts for future below).If it ends up going nowhere, then that will be because of lack of interest. But if it does eventuate in to something exciting, then it’s probably good that it didn’t go to, or start at, somewhere else.
A spinoff from this, is that it might be possible to allow the user to set as many “breakpoints” as they wish, and what those points are (they just need to have more space to store files particularly when caching).
Another spinoff thought
If “break points” can be treated arbitrarily, based on device detection, then
in the future (maybe keep this on the table),
the same system will be able to detect a 3d viewer, or holographic device, and display the website content in best appearance for such device.One thing for sure though is,
The WordPress site is a major opportunity for show casing the latest advances in wordpress’s capabilities (especially while maintaining backwards compatibility for those that do not yet have the latest great stuff).This may not (presently) be the main course, nor the salt and pepper,
but sometimes some fun can be had by playing Ketchup.Hi jrsoft (@jrsoft),
Detecting a “change to the database”, is one way of detecting the change.
Another way to detect the update/submit button/etc being pressed (event), and noting the page/product item that the press was for, and then flushing that page (and any others that use the same information).
Being able to flush individual pages is important,
because shops usually work on the site over the week.
They seldom cram the website work into one or two long sessions.
It is done between more urgent tasks.This means the edits are more or less continuous.
That means the cache needs to be flushed more often (very often).
That means the pages need to be regenerated, and that takes processor power,
and that makes the system go slow,
and that defeats the main purpose of having a cache.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Embed Code - Headers & Footers by DesignBombs] Code Sections Toggle functionI was thinking more generally, for code that does any function.
Very easy to compare alternatives.
Very easy to switch on an off.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PHP Compatibility Checker] PHP Compatibility CheckerI forgot to add
” – sort list in order of incompatibility”
to the end of the title.There is no ability for me to post edit a topic post.
Sorry.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AceIDE] PHP7 Compatibility – possible issues to be fixedHello,
We are running WP 4.8.1 on PHP7.0 .
We did another scan of this plugin using PHP Compatibility Checker, and found some possible incompatibilities, shown below.
We have supplied these to you in case there is a problem.
If these are a problem, and you know that this plugin is fully compatible with PHP7, then it would be helpful to add this plugin’s name to the PHP compatibility whitelist.Name: AceIDE
FILE: /home/WebSiteName/public_html/wp-content/plugins/aceide/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SFTP/Stream.php
182 | ERROR | Global with variable variables is not allowed since PHP 7.0
——————————————————————————————————————-FILE: /home/WebSiteName/public_html/wp-content/plugins/aceide/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/X509.php
4387 | ERROR | Using a call-time pass-by-reference is deprecated since PHP 5.3 and prohibited since PHP 5.4
4412 | ERROR | Using a call-time pass-by-reference is deprecated since PHP 5.3 and prohibited since PHP 5.4
4479 | ERROR | Using a call-time pass-by-reference is deprecated since PHP 5.3 and prohibited since PHP 5.4
4551 | ERROR | Using a call-time pass-by-reference is deprecated since PHP 5.3 and prohibited since PHP 5.4Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ace Edit] Ace Edit – PHP Compatibility Checker scan for PHP7Hi,
Sorry, my mistake.
You are completely correct.
Sorry to cause you trouble.
I git mixed up.Ace Edit passes with full compatibility.
Thanks for getting back to me.
I will resend it to the correct plugin team.Thank you
Looks like our options are redis and memcached.
There is also opcache and apcu available – can you make use of these?
Apologies for the delay are happily accepted.
Keep up the good work.