Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Publish To Apple News] THERE HAS BEEN AN ERROR WITH THE API: WRONG_SIGNATUREI should have thought about that but didn’t. But it did fix the problem ??
Thanks!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Publish To Apple News] THERE HAS BEEN AN ERROR WITH THE API: WRONG_SIGNATUREI’m not entirely sure what actions were involved at the time the issue started occuring. But I remember Flywheel upgrading WordPress and me upgrading a bunch of plugins as I do on a regular basis. I have also installed the CloudFlare plugin but disabling that doesn’t seem to be fixing the issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Publish To Apple News] THERE HAS BEEN AN ERROR WITH THE API: WRONG_SIGNATURE1) Flywheel
2) 4.6.1
3) PageLines Framework 5
4) 1.1.8
5) Maybe 2 weeks ago, I don’t recall the exact day
6) Ad Blocking Advisor, Akismet, Category specific RSS, CloudFlare, CloudFlare Flexible SSL, Google AdSense, Instagram Feed WD, JetPack, Medium, Monarch, various PageLines Extensions, Publish to Apple News, ShortPixel Image Optimizer, Simple 301 Redirects, Vimeography, Yoast SEO.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Publish To Apple News] THERE HAS BEEN AN ERROR WITH THE API: WRONG_SIGNATUREhere is part of the API response:
API Response:
[headers] => Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary Object
[data:protected] => Array
[www-authenticate] => HHMAC
[content-type] => application/json; charset=UTF-8
[content-length] => 39
[body] => {“errors”:[{“code”:”WRONG_SIGNATURE”}]}
[response] => Array
[code] => 401
[message] => Unauthorized
)[cookies] => Array
)[filename] =>
[http_response] => WP_HTTP_Requests_Response Object
[response:protected] => Requests_Response Object
[body] => {"errors":[{"code":"WRONG_SIGNATURE"}]}
[raw] => HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: HHMAC
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 39{"errors":[{"code":"WRONG_SIGNATURE"}]}
[headers] => Requests_Response_Headers Object
[data:protected] => Array
[www-authenticate] => Array
[0] => HHMAC
)[content-type] => Array
[0] => application/json; charset=UTF-8
)[content-length] => Array
[0] => 39
[status_code] => 401
[protocol_version] => 1.1
[success] =>
[redirects] => 0
[url] =>
[history] => Array
)[cookies] => Requests_Cookie_Jar Object
[cookies:protected] => Array
[filename:protected] =>
[data] =>
[headers] =>
[status] =>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Publish To Apple News] 1.1.2 Problem : INVALID_DOCUMENTWarning: Anchor with targetComponentIdentifier [TextComponent-9] is out of range. Range has been removed.
documentIt’s always the same warning, just the X in TextComponent-X is different based on the article.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Publish To Apple News] 1.1.2 Problem : INVALID_DOCUMENTThe Preview tool doesn’t show any error messages in my case. Only a warning for some JSON files but the article renders otherwise fine (without the images as discussed in the other thread).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Publish To Apple News] 1.1.2 Problem : INVALID_DOCUMENTNo, this is a new issue. In my old thread the JSON file couldn’t be previewed in News Preview. Now the preview works but publishing still doesn’t.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Publish To Apple News] Images removed from JSON fileNothing in the logs unfortunately and no new plugins that I have enabled. In fact, I disabled two plugins earlier today…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Publish To Apple News] Images removed from JSON fileIf I copy/paste the HTML source into my local WordPress instance (running on my Mac), the downloaded JSON files contain the image URLs and are displayed properly. I’ll turn on WordPress debugging on my main host to see if anything pops up…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Publish To Apple News] Images removed from JSON fileThis is the JSON file after disabling remote images:
Here is the HTML source:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Publish To Apple News] Images removed from JSON fileThe JSON file is linked above – but here is the link again:
I could resolve the issue by disabling “Browser Integrity Check” on CloudFlare for /wp-content/*.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Publish To Apple News] 1.1.2 Problem : INVALID_DOCUMENTI’m having a similar issue. News Preview works but publishing through plugin fails with INVALID_DOCUMENT error.
I just downloaded the News Preview app yesterday and it’s the latest version available as far as I can tell:
Are you aware of a newer version?
Thanks for the update! I just updated the plugin, enabled Remote Image support but now I’m getting this error for every post I’m trying to publish:
There has been an error with the API. Please make sure your API settings are correct and try again: INVALID_DOCUMENT
News Preview claims: Error: Could not read image data at URL []
documentWarning: Anchor with targetComponentIdentifier [TextComponent-20] is out of range. Range has been removed.
documentBut the URL is correct when pasted into browser. I guess I will need to contact Apple Dev support since it’s not really your plugin that’s failing ??