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  • I got the same error as hugin.

    There’s definitely something wrong with the plugin. I can’t get it to work under 2.7 or 2.6.5. Would love to downgrade to the previous version to try that again, but I can’t track it down.

    Any help here?

    Thread Starter mlanger


    That would be entirely too much to ask. But since you’re volunteering…

    I see there’s a newer version…it might resolve these issues, but I doubt it. My copy of the theme is modified, so I can’t simply update.

    Thanks in advance for anything you can do to help me with this.

    I caught the spam problem when about 250+ spam tweetbacks appeared in my comments panel and shut the plugin down. Before I try again with the latest version (just installed but not yet activated), I want to make sure that this problem has really gone away with the next version. jshare’s post here still has me concerned.

    You need to edit the header.php file to insert the links. Insert something like this:

    <li class="menus"><a href="">Maria's Guides</a>

    right before the lines that begin:

    	if($options['menu_type'] == 'categories') {

    I used this myself when I first set up this theme, but later decided to move the external links to a list at the top of the sidebar. If the names of the pages are too long and extend beyond the space in the menu area, the layout gets screwed up and needs some major CSS editing to fix.

    It’s a nice theme, isn’t it? Very clean.

    Good luck.

    I am also having this problem after an upgrade to WordPress 2.7. Any ideas? Have disabled and re-enabled the plugin.

    Complete error on my site is:

    WordPress database error: [Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list]
          SELECT ID, post_title, post_content,MATCH (post_title, post_content) AGAINST ('mango chutney') AS score FROM wp_posts WHERE MATCH (post_title, post_content) AGAINST ('mango chutney') AND post_date <= '2008-12-14 15:05:00' AND (post_status IN ( 'publish', 'static' )) AND post_type = 'post' AND post_password = '' ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 5
        * No related posts.

    I’m actually working on one for a third-party organization. We hope to have it out in January. I’m under non-disclosure and can’t say more right now.

    Thread Starter mlanger


    Thanks very much. Sorry to bother you with a false bug. 2.7 looks GREAT and I can’t wait to fire up all my blog-based sites with the final release.

    Thread Starter mlanger


    Well, I’ve taken it offline — it was a test — but the site is at

    Is the problem in the CSS file?

    Thread Starter mlanger


    Update: It doesn’t work with Safari or Opera, either. This is telling me that it’s either a server problem (not likely; ISP-hosted and no problems with other blogs running 2.5.x) or a WordPress problem.

    Thread Starter mlanger


    The problem seems to have been caused by the plugin’s category exclusion options. When I disabled all categories (to allow display from any of them) it began working. I may have added a category on March 22 that was being treated as if it should be excluded.

    So I think the problem is resolved. Sorry to bother you all.

    Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
    In reply to: 2.3 RC1 Mail hang?

    Any resolution to this? I’m seeing the same thing on only one of my sites running WP 2.3.2.

    Have compared its plugins to my other site and disabled the ones the other site doesn’t have. Problem does not go away.

    Also manifests itself at the completion of any admin task — for example, editing a post.

    This is possible with the Ultimate Category Excluder plugin, which I use. But I just discovered a conflict between it and WordPress 2.3.1 which disables the Category filter in the Manage Posts administration panel.

    I’m starting to think that it might also be affecting some of the category-related conditional statements I use in my sidebar, but don’t have time to verify that right now.

    Thread Starter mlanger


    While I was waiting for help, I started isolating plugins. I started with the plugins that affect the way categories work and found the culprit on the first try.

    The problem I’m having is caused by the Ultimate Category Excluder Plugin.

    Will contact the author to notify him of the problem.

    Glad its not a MySQL problem.

    I’d also like to do this — export posts from specific categories to import into a new blog. Any solutions for the comment issue? I really don’t want to lose the comments.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Quick PHP Question
    Thread Starter mlanger


    Nope. That didn’t do it.

    Although the code you provided above does work, the problem I’m having didn’t go away.

    Perhaps it’s my own code. Here’s what I have now:

    …sidebar stuff

    <!-- RECENTLY POSTED -->
    <li class="widget">
    <h2>Recently Posted</h2>
    <?php query_posts('showposts=10'); ?>
    <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <li><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><?php the_title() ?></a><span class="recent_date"><?php the_time('n.j') ?></span></li>
    <?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php rewind_posts(); ?>
    <?php if ( is_home() || is_archive() ) { ?>

    …stuff I want to appear only on the Home or Archive pages…

    <?php } ?>

    …more sidebar stuff…

    Is my conditional statement in error? I’m clueless when it comes to the : and ; thing.

    I should note here that my theme has two sidebars that appear side by side. The above code also “turns off” the IF/THEN logic in the other sidebar, which appears to its right.

    However, when I place my IF statement above the RECENTLY POSTED stuff, everything works fine.

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