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  • Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Quick PHP Question
    Thread Starter mlanger


    Jeremy, I’ll try it right now and report back. Thanks for the quick response.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Quick PHP Question
    Thread Starter mlanger


    Moshu, I think you’re on the right track. I’m hoping someone with more coding expertise can help.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Quick PHP Question
    Thread Starter mlanger


    I should mention here that I think the error might be in the IF and WHILE portions of the code or the ENDWHILE or ENDIF portions. The rest should be right. The code works perfectly as written.

    These are great feature requests. I’d also like to see them implemented in a future version of Twitter Tools.

    Thread Starter mlanger


    Anyone have a hack for the start time issue?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: twitter tools issues

    I’ve asked this elsewhere but never got an answer.

    How can I adjust the start time for the Twitter Tools post? It’s on GMT; I want to start the day at midnight local time. That’s -7 hours. How/Where do I make the adjustment?

    I’d just like WordPress to automatically turn off smart quotes for any text within <code></code> tags. Is there any way to hack WordPress to get that effect? I don’t mind typing in the codes for other stuff (like < and >).

    I’m interested in some kind of code or hack or plugin that will prevent the curling of quotes within <code></code> tags. Any suggestions?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Ecto and MORE Tag
    Thread Starter mlanger


    Well, I just upgraded to WordPress 2.2.2. And I have the most current version of ecto for Macintosh.

    The problem is different. I insert the <!--more--> tag and ecto properly sends it to WordPress. But when I reopen the same post in ecto, the <!--more--> is gone.

    Anyone have any suggestions?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Fotobook Help

    Well, I was also having the “Lost Connection” and “Server Gone Away” errors with GoDaddy. In my case, I hadn’t changed a single thing on my site. The errors just started happening when I used the WordPress interface to compose or update a post. (I normally use ecto.)

    I approached GoDaddy and was told it was a WordPress problem. I managed to get a supervisor involved and the problem researched more. Then the problem went away (by itself — I didn’t do anything) and the GoDaddy people came back and said it was a WordPress problem.

    GoDaddy is a cheap server. And GoDaddy has terrible support. It’s obvious to me that they changed something in their MySQL or PHP setup that was affecting WordPress 2.0.4, 2.0.9 and 2.1 (which are the versions I was running for various sites at the time). That’s why I came here and asked around if people having a similar problem were using GoDaddy. They were.

    Of course, the problem went away so I stopped researching it.

    I don’t mean to start a debate about GoDaddy here. But I do want to point out that we get what we pay for and, at, we’re not paying much. One of these days, I’ll getted POed enough to find another host. Until then, I’ll just deal with what I’ve got and make the best of it.



    Might help. It was working fine for me until I upgraded to WordPress 2.0.9. Now I can’t get it to work.



    Well, they did see the error. And they did look into it. And this is what I just got from them:

    “The error that you are receiving indicates that your MySQL Queries are taking an excessive amount of time and are timing out. We are not able to assist you in resolving this issue as this is a coding issue.”

    A coding issue? All of a sudden? I haven’t changed anything. Why would my queries suddenly be taking longer?

    Can someone knowledgeable about the inner workings of WordPress please step in here and explain why my queries should suddenly start taking longer?



    I just spoke to a GoDaddy supervisor and got this problem escalated.

    It’s VERY important that anyone who is having this problem get in touch with GoDaddy support and tell them about it. Be sure to use the exact error message, “MySQL server has gone away” and tell the support person that the problem has been escalated and you might have additional information for the admins.

    The problem appears to be timeout related, as it happens about 95% of the time on one of my sites that has a lot of database queries. That site is still on WordPress 2.0.4.

    All of my sites display the error message when I post new content or edit existing content, even though the new or revised post appears online okay.

    I don’t want to move to a new server. I just want this fixed. Trouble is, so many people call GoDaddy with questions about WordPress that aren’t GoDaddy-related (plugin errors, coding errors, etc.) that GoDaddy support is “programmed” to simply refuse to help. Then, when we have a real problem that may really be related to the server, we can’t get them to look at it.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Fotobook Help


    Are you using for your server?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: database error


    Are you guys using

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