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  • Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: MySQL errors


    butimnoexpert, are you using for your server?



    I want to confirm that GoDaddy is being completely unhelpful about this. I now have one of my blogs “grinding to a halt” (as someone else noted above) while loading. After a certain point, the “MySQL server has gone away” error message appears at each point that data from the database should appear on the page.

    I called tech support and they claimed that they checked the connection on my database, but they never asked me which one was having the problem and they refuse to admit that they made changes in the settings to MySQL or PHP on their side. If they didn’t change anything and I didn’t change anything then why am I having these problems?

    GoDaddy was down for a bunch of hours right before this problem started. I wonder if something screwy happened then. I just wish they’d stop denying the problem and research it.

    Right now I’m on hold waiting for another person to pick up. I think they try to drive you nuts with their hold music.



    I have also been getting this error on a hosting account. I only seem to get it when I try to post a new entry using the WordPress interface (normally I use endo).

    The full error is as follows:

    WordPress database error: [Lost connection to MySQL server during query]
    DELETE FROM wp_postmeta WHERE Post_ID = 594 AND meta_key = 'sticky';
    WordPress database error: [MySQL server has gone away]
    INSERT INTO wp_postmeta (post_id,meta_key,meta_value) VALUES ('594','_pingme','1')
    WordPress database error: [MySQL server has gone away]
    INSERT INTO wp_postmeta (post_id,meta_key,meta_value) VALUES ('594','_encloseme','1')
    WordPress database error: [MySQL server has gone away]
    SELECT ID FROM wp_posts WHERE TRIM(to_ping) != '' LIMIT 1
    WordPress database error: [MySQL server has gone away]
    SELECT post_id FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key = '_pingme' OR meta_key = '_encloseme' LIMIT 1

    When I check to see if the post was saved in WordPress, it is and everything is fine. But I don’t like getting this error message and would like to fix it if it’s broken.

    That site’s running WordPress 2.0.4.

    I’ll verify this. Just tried it and got the same results.

    There’s also free services like and I’ve used both successfully on my blogs. You sign up, get the code, and insert it in your template file where you want the counter to appear.

    Thought I’d update this with new info. When I moved my WordPress blogs off my server and onto a GoDaddy server about two months ago, trackbacks and pingbacks started working immediately.

    So the problem appears to have been with MY server setup — not necessarily WordPress. I don’t know what was wrong with my configuration and will probably never find out. To those of you having the same problem, try setting up a test blog on another server and see if that helps.

    I also think there are too many ads. But I’ve seen a lot worse. (Contentmart is definitely worse.)

    The horizontal scrolling is a bad thing. I’m at 1024×768 and shouldn’t have to scroll (at least not THAT far) horizontally. You need to get that content in the other column or rework the layout to make it all fit.

    Also, you shouldn’t ask for comments unless you’re ready to take the baad with the good. If you expected people to praise the site to high heaven, your expectations were wrong. The site isn’t anything special at all. When you ask for comments, you’re far more likely to get negative ones (as in “you need to fix this”) than positive.

    And while I think your primary commenter may have been a bit harsh, I pretty much agree with most of his/her comments.

    Postie does seem to remove the line break, but it’s inserting 2 spaces. In my case, they happen to come in the middle of a URL for link, thus making the link unusable.

    I see no way to specify how long a line should be. Frankly, I don’t know why these characters are being inserted at all and where they’re being inserted: at the mail application? Or by WordPress?

    I’m having the line break problem, too. Using Mac Mail message created by FileMaker Pro. Line break and space character being inserted in the middle of a URL, making it unusable. No idea how to fix it.

    Additional info: I tried Postie and although it removes the ‘
    ‘ code, it leaves two spaces in its place. This renders the link invalid.


    I’m having this problem, too. The mail messages in question always include a URL and the <br /> is coming in the middle of the URL, along with a space. When this is interpreted by Feedburner (for a fully-automated podcast solution I’ve come up with), the link won’t work — although it looks and works fine in the blog.

    Any idea how to remove the line breaks generated in the wp-mail import process?

    It’s always easy to search when you know what the question is…. ??

    Amen to that, brother.

    I was having the same error message referencing the functions.php file. The solution to that, if anyone needs it is:


    foreach ($array as $k => $v) {


    foreach ((array)$array as $k => $v) {

    Got the answer to that in the Never Never Land support forum for XDForum. (The problem is a WordPress problem, not an XDForum problem.

    Anyone have any idea why this fix appears to be necessary for some of us?

    Satterbianco, what version of PHP are you using? I started getting the error after upgrading PHP.

    I am also getting the error message:

    PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /Library/WebServer/Documents/marialanger/wp-includes/functions.php on line 2117

    It appears in my Apache error log.

    I updated to PHP 5.1.4 (?), which has error reporting turned off by default. I turned error reporting on to troubleshoot another problem and saw this message. When I turn it back off, the site works fine but the message still appears in my log.

    I am not using the Recent Links plugin, although I am using a bunch of others. I did not just install a plugin when the problem started; all I did was update to the new PHP — and that was so I could get captcha support.

    I hope this helps shed some light on kepano’s problem. I’d like a fix; I don’t like error messages, even if they’re not in your face.

    I think you need to edit your page template (normally page.php) to remove author and date/time info, as well as comments.

    Does your theme have a page template? If not, you might want to create one. Just modify your index.php template so it only includes the information you want to show in The Loop for pages, omitting the author and date/time info. If you never plan to allow comments, you can remove anything that calls for comments, too.

    A good resources is:

    I had this same problem with “No Comments” appearing at the bottom of my pages when comments were closed. A person would click that link and be told that comments were closed. If they were closed, that link shouldn’t appear! But my theme’s page template wasn’t written that way.

    I modified the template to include the following:

    <?php if ('open' == $post-> comment_status) : ?>
    <!-- If comments are open, but there are no comments. -->
    <?php comments_popup_link(__('Add Comment'), __('1 Comment'), __('% Comments')); ?>
    <?php else : // comments are closed ?>
    <!-- If comments are closed show nothing. -->
    <?php endif; ?>

    Hope this helps.

    I am my host. ??

    My sites are running on a Mac OS X Tiger server using its built-in Apache and PHP. DSL connection, fixed IP address.

    Versions per phpinfo():
    Apache: 1.3.33
    PHP: 4.3.11

    mod_rewrite is loaded

    Although the problem MIGHT be Mac specific, I don’t think it is — a lot of other people appear to be having the problem. In fact, I’m willing to bet that a lot more have the problem than know about it, since it only manifests itself when you attempt to send a trackback or pingback. Not many people do that and those who do don’t always take the time to check to see if their trackback/pingback succeeded.

    Any advice on things to check would be greatly appreciated.

    Of course it COULD be my ISP — Qwest — somehow blocking trackbacks or pingbacks?

    Maybe if I had a better understanding of HOW trackbacks work I could troubleshoot it. In other words, what exactly happens when I send a trackback? My ping goes out; is something required to come back? Does it need a specific port? Perhaps I just need to open up another port. All of the trackback/pingback articles I’ve read — and I’ve read a BUNCH! — are either too simplified or too complex to be useful or understandable.

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