Forum Replies Created
Like that ?
i changed the bg color in a child css – and it works – but not in ie8 and ie9 on win7 as far as i can tell –
anyone know why that is ?
i kan upload the child theme some where if anyone wants it to startForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] Making the Header Background Transparenti had the same problem
i found that in my parent theme the div was called #wrapper and added
#wrapper {
background: none rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !important;
in my child theme
worksForum: Plugins
In reply to: teacher and students pluginwoops
forgot to make it a linkhere is the link to the theme-template on pastebin :
gomtar – I cant send you the url cause its not up yet
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: DirtySuds – Embed PDF pluginI have the same problem – and i am on a mac wit osx lion
Ian – I have sendt you my code – with the fancybox solution – I am working on a test with jquery ui ( ) also and have not yet decided which i will use for my project.
i would like it if the admin could also clik on the map to create a placemark as not all locations in my project has an adress – can you point me to where in the code i should rewrite that if i would like to test that ?Hi Ian – My code is a bit messy – I can sendt you
the lot later today but I will not have the time to clean it up and comment it before after
Xmas – hope thats ok.
I used the fancybox liberary to show the contents of the placemarks and to make it easy to read mayby i should write that part out.I am working on a feature like that at the moment – in that process i have come up with some ideas that i think will do the trick for you.
you will have to add some more code to the javascript and the php file (functions.js and core.php ) – in core.php it would be something like: category’ => wp_get_object_terms( $pp->ID, self::TAXONOMY, $args ) – and then in functions.js (where you extract the data ) you could make an array of all the placemarks ,an a array with the cattegories for the drop down menu and a multidimensional array with the categories assigned to each of them .. then when you create your map you can instatiate placemarks on the map based on a search in the array – in a loop i guess.
It worked for me ..thats what i have been working on for hours now ..
i added an extra value at the end of placemarks and then in functions createMarker i added an extra parameter … it works fine i can alert whatever value i prefer.
the problem is that i dont know how to get ′foo′ aka categories.
is it in here:
$query[‘tax_query’] = array(
‘taxonomy’ => self::TAXONOMY,
‘field’ => ‘slug’,
‘terms’ => $categories
or am i totally off ?.
Best regards
Martinpush instead of pull … that makes sense i just want access to the array of cattegories because i want to try and build a drop down wherein the user can filter the shown markers by categories ..
i thought i had it with the get_categories() function but it gives me the categories for the posts not the placemarks..
i have ben looking at loadResources and getPlacemarkers but i cant find a way to get theese categories to the javascript ..
what is this variable called in functions.js ? maybe that will help me ..
best regards
MartinI have mixed up a solution ,, dont know if it is any good
in core.php in the loadResources part add this
plugins_url( ‘fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js’, __FILE__ ),
array( ‘jquery’ ),
self::PREFIX .’style’,
plugins_url( ‘style.css’, __FILE__ ),
and add this after the if( !is_admin() && $this->mapShortcodeCalled ) – part
wp_enqueue_script(‘fancy’);$params = array(
‘autoDimensions’ => ‘true’,
‘width’ => 640,
‘height’ => 480
wp_localize_script( ‘fancy’, ‘my_unique_name’, $params );aaand in functions.js
ad this
$.fancybox.resize();if you want to change the params from javascript i guess one could just write my_unique_name.pamName=newValue (my_unique_name.width=320) before you make the fancybox call ?
anyways … im no really a programmer – what do you think ?