Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can’t deny commentsI also had this problem. I had to go back and turn off comments for each old post. This was no small feat as you have to edit each post, save it and open the next.
Is there some batch way to turn off comments for all historical posts?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Links list – target=”_blank”?How can I set the default to _blank?
How do I bulk update all my links to be _blank?
Wish List:
1. Hide target on Status line
2. There are great linking programs out there. From affiliate programs to reciprocal links. It would be great to have these types of options.
Awesome program!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: phpGiggle 1.3.0
line 113
// just link
case (eregi(“$valid_url_regexp”, $giggle_link)?$giggle_link:!$giggle_link):
$newtext = str_replace($case_sensitive_search_word,”
$giggle_link .”\”>”.$case_sensitive_search_word.”“, $match);
I want to add TARGET=”_BLANK” to the code above. I don’t know PHP well enough to do it right. Thanks ahead of time.
MarkForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Change order of Linksi believe the links are alphabetical. you can always put a number in front of each category, as shown:
1 – Zoology
2 – Apple FarmsForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Textarea Tag and Displaying HTMLMoisie-
Care to take a stab at the CSS edit? I tried but to no avail.
Index.php –
<div class=”storycontent”>
<?php the_content(); ?>
I looked in wp-layout.css and print.css and did not see storycontent defined.
Would something like this do the CSS trick?
#storycontent textarea {
background: #fff;
border: 1px solid #333;
padding: .2em;
Also, I am going to try the blockquote idea. Liked that one.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Calendar…coolger –
thanks for your help. i installed a new css and didn’t realize until later that search and calendar had disappeared. switched my wp-layout.css and voila!Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Posting Listservs to Multiple CategoriesOK, I am amending my request.
I belong to 3 yahoo groups. I want to have the emails go into my blog. I have the wp-mail.php version that lets you restrict posts to recognized email addresses. In such a fashion, spam email doesn’t get posted.
Well, the yahoo group emails are always “to: [email protected]” but the from is whoever posted to the listserv.
Perhaps if I changed the wp-mail.php code to look for a valid “to:” address (e.g. [email protected]) I could make this work.
Anyone gotten yahoogroups to post to their blogs?
What would you do?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: e-mail spamyou can also display a .gif file with your email address on it. Don’t know how you can do that in the links section, but it is a low tech easy to do solution. Just don’t put your email address in the ALT tag.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blog By Email – invalid senderOK. I got it.
Here is my understanding of how it works –
1. Create an email account for [email protected]
2. Enter the login info for this account into Options | Writing screen
3. Create a new wordpress user. If you are going to send stuff to post from [email protected], enter this email address.
4. Set bill’s user level high enough to give post permissions
5. Send email To [email protected]
From [email protected]
6. Run to see it work.
7. Set up a cron job (there goes that searching again) to run wp-mail.php on a regular basis.
Thanks everyone.Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Where does Google adsense gogreat site. love the window for sponsored links.
care to post your template?