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Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 51 total)
  • Thread Starter mluzvdb


    @volkmar-kantor It is been over 2 months now, I am curious if a fix (besides keep on using the older version) is going to be implemented?

    Thread Starter mluzvdb


    I found the cause: I’ve added a custom column to another post type, and this caused the blank screen.

    Thread Starter mluzvdb


    @sc0ttkclark Thank you for your quick response, I tried to create the missing table with settings/tools, but there was indeed an underlying issue: sql/dump.sql was not present.

    After copying that file from another project it worked like a charm!

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by mluzvdb.
    Thread Starter mluzvdb


    Hello @mayuripatel,

    According to the latest updates in wp6.7 the lines of code that you suggest should no longer be necessary, as the language files are loaded from the languages/themes folder automatically.

    So the question I have still remains So what is the naming convention for child theme translations on the strings in the parent theme text domain in the languages/themes folder? does not work (of couse tested this with my own theme slug and language.

    The text domain in the style.css is set correctly by the way.

    Thread Starter mluzvdb


    unfortunately, when I add my translation files to the?wp-content/languages/themes/?folder with this naming convention (using my parent’s theme slug , the locale and my child theme slug, it still only loads the parent theme translations. It does not load the child theme translations. Note: as child theme slug I used the name of the folder of the theme.

    Are you sure this is the correct naming convention?

    Thread Starter mluzvdb


    This does not answer my question. I am using 6.7.1 and the parent theme translations are loaded just fine from the wp-content/languages/themes/ folder.

    But how can I now add translations for strings of the parent theme without overwriting the parent theme translation files in the wp-content/languages/themes/ folder? So what is the best practice / naming convention for child theme translations on the strings in the parent theme text domain?

    I do not want to overwrite parent theme translations (as they would be overwritten on theme updates).

    Thread Starter mluzvdb


    Hi Volkmar,


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    Thread Starter mluzvdb


    Hi Volkmar,

    Thank you for your reply.

    1. I’ve activated imagic. but it made no difference.

      2. The test for incompatibility?issues:
      With only the image crop plugin and all others deactivated: No difference
      With only the image crop plugin and in default theme: No difference

      3. Installing version 1.8 of the image crop plugin does make a difference! The images are cropped perfectly. So that is what I’ll use as a temporary fix for now.

      I am curius what changes where made that could cause this problem.

      Kind regards,


      Thread Starter mluzvdb


      Hi Volkmar,

      1. yes it happens to all images and sizes

      2. both vertical as portrait (and square)

      3. log:

      SUCCESS Temporary directory exists
      SUCCESS Copy testfile to temporary directory
      SUCCESS Testfile was successfully added to media-library. (ID:2515)
      SUCCESS Cropping the file
      SUCCESS Cropped image dimensions are correct.
      SUCCESS Test-attachement successfull deleted (ID:2515)
      SUCCESS Remove testfile from temporary directory
      INFO Tests complete
      INFO ----- System -----
      INFO Crop-Thumbnails 1.9.5
      INFO PHP 8.1.28
      INFO PHP memory limit 2048M
      INFO Server Apache/2
      INFO WP_Image_Editor_GD (choosed WordPress imageeditor class for jpg)
      INFO ----- Active Plugins -----
      INFO - worker/init.php
      INFO - acf-content-analysis-for-yoast-seo/yoast-acf-analysis.php
      INFO - adminimize/adminimize.php
      INFO - advanced-custom-fields-pro/acf.php
      INFO - all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall/wp-security.php
      INFO - cleantalk-spam-protect/cleantalk.php
      INFO - contact-form-7/wp-contact-form-7.php
      INFO - crop-thumbnails/crop-thumbnails.php
      INFO - disable-comments/disable-comments.php
      INFO - duplicate-page/duplicatepage.php
      INFO - edit-author-slug/edit-author-slug.php
      INFO - ga-google-analytics/ga-google-analytics.php
      INFO - pods/init.php
      INFO - redirection/redirection.php
      INFO - view-admin-as/view-admin-as.php
      INFO - wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php
      INFO - wp-accessibility-helper/wp-accessibility-helper.php
      INFO - wp-fastest-cache/wpFastestCache.php
      INFO - wp-mail-logging/wp-mail-logging.php
      INFO - wp-migrate-db/wp-migrate-db.php
      INFO ----- Image Sizes -----
      INFO {"width":600,"height":600,"crop":true,"name":"thumbnail","id":"thumbnail"}
      INFO {"width":300,"height":300,"crop":false,"name":"medium","id":"medium"}
      INFO {"width":1024,"height":1024,"crop":false,"name":"large","id":"large"}
      INFO {"width":900,"height":900,"crop":true,"name":"post-thumbnail","id":"post-thumbnail"}
      INFO {"width":1800,"height":700,"crop":true,"name":"header-image-lg","id":"header-image-lg"}
      INFO {"width":800,"height":400,"crop":true,"name":"landscape-image-sm","id":"landscape-image-sm"}
      INFO {"width":1800,"height":900,"crop":true,"name":"landscape-image-lg","id":"landscape-image-lg"}
      INFO {"width":900,"height":600,"crop":true,"name":"photo-image-sm","id":"photo-image-sm"}
      INFO {"width":1800,"height":1200,"crop":true,"name":"photo-image-lg","id":"photo-image-lg"}
      INFO {"width":440,"height":640,"crop":true,"name":"portrait-image-sm","id":"portrait-image-sm"}
      INFO {"width":880,"height":1280,"crop":true,"name":"portrait-image-lg","id":"portrait-image-lg"}
      Thread Starter mluzvdb


      Thank you, the priority fixed it for me!

      Thread Starter mluzvdb


      Thank you for your quick reply. I do not fully understand what you mean I should do? Can you give a more detailed explanation?

      Thread Starter mluzvdb


      Thank you very much

      Thread Starter mluzvdb


      I cleared all rows of that table in the database and as expected the database export now works!

      So it is indeed the same issue. Is there any way to clear the audit log in the AIOS wp admin or can it only be cleared in the database?

      Thread Starter mluzvdb


      On the AIOS forum this topic was pointed out to me:

      Hi @dbisupport

      I think just changing some settings to allow timeouts to take longer is only a temp solution. I manage multiple websites, and all of a sudden they all give these timeouts.

      Even with a fresh install of wordpress 6.2 and the default theme.

      I do use the All in one security plugin, and this plugin seems to me the most likely to cause conflicts because it can disallow acces or actions. But when I install the plugin the migration still works. When I import my default settings in de security plugin it also still works.

      I notice it happens when I follow these steps:
      1. Fresh install / existing install of wordpress with default OR custom theme
      2. Install All in one security plugin, activate, no custom settings
      3. Install a new plugin (does not matter which one, it does not even have to be activated), (I tried this with these plugins: Disable blog, Disable comments, Contact form 7 and crop thumbnails)

      When I install an other plugin (step 3) the migration starts to give the timeout. I notice 3 timeout errors in the log:

      PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1585446912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in [full local path…]\migratedbtest\wp-includes\plugin.php on line 173

      PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1585446912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 262144 bytes) in [full local path…]\migratedbtest\wp-content\plugins\wp-migrate-db\class\Common\Replace.php on line 689

      PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1585446912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 262144 bytes) in [full local path…]\migratedbtest\wp-includes\pomo\entry.php on line 100

      I was able to reproduce this with the 3 steps every time I followed them.

      The moment I deactivate and uninstall All in one security it is fixed again. When I then reinstall All in one security it is still fixed, untill I repeat step 3: install a new plugin.

      Do you have any clue what is the problemen with the combination of these two plugins and the errors?

    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 51 total)