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  • I do not understand your question ‘Which URL did you give please?’

    To set your home page template go to ‘Pages->All pages’ and click to edit your home page content.

    In the Page Editor on the right-hand-side of the screen about half way down there is a dropdown box called ‘Template’. Click on ‘Home Page’ in the template box.

    Now click the ‘Update’ button to save your changes.

    I downloaded the theme and installed it in my sandbox. I had to install the Cheery Framework and the required ‘jigoshop’ plugin.

    I then set one of my pages to have the template Home Page.

    I then went to Settings->Reading and set the ‘Front page displays’ to A static page and set the front page to the same page that I just gave the Home Page template to.

    I then went to Slides->Add new and added two slides. I gave each slide a title, caption and URL and MOST IMPORTANTLY gave each slide a Featured image and then published each slide.

    Now when I look at my sandbox front page I can see the slider functioning correctly.

    So I think it all works and it works in a normal WordPress way.

    If you have followed these steps and it isn’t working I suggest:

    a) Ensure all your themes and plugins and your WordPress code are all updated to the latest versions
    b) Ensure your front page is a static page with template Home Page
    c) Contact the Crocoblock theme developers for more help – particularly if you think there really is a bug in the payment system.

    Please note my sandbox is for playing and testing various WordPress things; it’s theme and state changes regularly. At 20150516 it is showing the Jigoshop theme with a working slider. For history I have preserved its current state on the Waybackmachine.

    Yes, that is very helpful. Please replace the first four lines of the code you sent:

    function get_avatar_url($get_avatar){
      preg_match("/src='(.*?)'/i", $get_avatar, $matches);
      return $matches[1];

    with this code:

      function zephyr_get_avatar_url($get_avatar){
          preg_match("/src='(.*?)'/i", $get_avatar, $matches);
          return $matches[1];

    And save the file.


    a) The function get_avatar_url() was added to the core file links-template.php in WordPress version 4.2

    b) Therefore I expect the theme developers of Zephyr theme will issue an updated template soon and I recommend you upgrade your theme template as soon as you can.

    c) The two functions are different so this might not be a full fix yet. That is why I have changed the name of the function. We might need to change everywhere else in the Zephyr theme where it calls its different function get_avatar_url( to zephyr_get_avatar_url(. But looking at the code I think this edit above will get your theme working except the avatar link won’t work any more because I expect get_avatar_url($get_avatar) will now return the value FALSE so it means the avatar links won’t work in your Zephyr theme until the updated theme is issued.

    Perfect. That is exactly what we need to know.

    It means the Zephyr theme is accidentally declaring a function that is already being declared by WordPress core files. Possibly due to a WordPress update introducing that function into the core code.

    To fix this I suggest you edit the file /themes/zephyr/zephyr-includes/zephyr-functions.php and just before line 34 add this code:


    Now the harder part if you are not familiar with PHP code: you need to find the last line of the function that starts on line 34.

    The code should look something like this (from line 34):

    function get_avatar_url($someId){

    And that ‘}‘ closes the function. *After* that you also need to add another ‘}‘ to match the ‘{‘ of the if statement you added at line 33.

    So by the time you finish the code will look like this:

      function get_avatar_url($someId){

    Does that make sense? If it doesn’t, paste here the code from say line 30 to line 60 of the file zephyr-functions.php and I will edit it for you, then you can paste it back into your file.

    Then it does sound like a bug particular to the Zephyr theme. Can you get access to your Apache error log so that we can see what error is being logged; that will help determine if there is coding bug or if Zephyer is looking for a file that is missing.

    As a plan B you could try re-installing the latest version of the Zephyr theme.

    Not all themes can be used for creating child themes. Some are design for it, some are designed to make it difficult.

    Try copying the functions.php into your local directory and inspect the header.php file of the parent theme to see how it is handling the CSS.

    Also if the parent theme uses CSS files other than styles.css then I think you need to copy them into your child theme too or use functions.php to include them (or hard code it).

    Or just hack the Gridsby theme and don;t worry about updates. Well, you would manually add the theme updates.

    Actually I took a closer look at theme. It is also possible that hte slider is generated automatically from the product categories and the product category images.

    If the suggestions in my previous post don’t make any sense then try lookign closely at your category setups and make sure the categories have images. Maybe you need to define which categories go into the slider.

    Often themes come with a specific home page template.

    Have you created a new page and then on the left hand side of the page editor examine the ‘page template’ drop down box and select a template that looks like it is the home page template. Publish the page

    Then go to Settings->Reading and set the ‘Front page displays’ to static page and then choose the page you created that has uses the homepage template from your theme.

    Additionally, you might need to create the slider content. That will either be done somewhere under Appearance->Theme Options *or* inspect all the menu options down the left-hand-side; there might be a specif slider post type that you need to use to create a new slider.

    There shoudl be some instructions that came with your theme about how to do it.

    This is unusual; you shouldn’t have to do anything.

    Normally the theme determines where an excerpt is shown and where the full post is shown.

    Can you include a link to your website so that I can take a look at the HTML that is created?

    What theme are you using?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Site down

    Oh oh. Don’t panic.

    Are you able to access the server logs and/or access your website via FTP?

    If you tell me where your website is hosted I can advise on how you can edit the files again.

    In the meantime can you tell me exactly what ‘edited an wp admin theme to see what would happen’ means? For example did you edit a file from the WordPRess Admin area via the menu ‘Appearance->Edit’?

    Do you know which file you edit and what you changed?

    The current problem is most likely an innocent typing error.

    Are you able to access any of the server logs?

    A white page normally means a PHP error which you should be able to see in the Apache server log or the PHP error log.

    Your website host should be able to help you access those logs.

    Can you confirm if only the front-end of your blog with Zephyr is broken? Are you able to access the WordPress back-end dashboard and select different themes?

    The way the menu looks is normally set by your theme and is not user-editable.

    You might be able to alter it by adding custom CSS via the JetPack plugin.

    It will help if you tell us which theme you are using because some themes have ways to customise fonts and different parts of the layouts and some themes also accommodate custom CSS which you could use to set the font, colour and size without the JetPack plugin.

    What theme are you using?

    Are you using Magento 1.8? In 1.8 the default price.html file got that extra code added at line 50.

    Anyway, you can make your own price.html file and edit the code in it. The solution used is to create this file in your theme path to override the base file, so you would create a new file:


    and copy all the code from

    into it.

    Then change line 50 from

    $_specialPriceStoreLabel = $this->getProductAttribute('special_price')->getStoreLabel();

    if ($myTheme_dummy = $this->getProductAttribute('special_price')){
     $_specialPriceStoreLabel = $myTheme_dummy->getStoreLabel();

    Then upload this file to your server. (if you are using the default Magento theme because you bring everything into WordPress then use design/frontend/default/default/template/catalog/product/price.html to override the file – or even just change the base/default/... file; it’s discouraged but for your set up and this fairly benign edit it you should be fine).

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