Thanks for the quick reply!
For the base url, I just meant that on WP Permalinks settings, we have them as a “Custom Structure” like /blog/%postname%/, which uses that for our blog posts.
Normal pages just appear under the root by default, as /contact/, for example.
But the export SCV shows it as /blog/contact/, when it should be just /contact/.
Looking at the code you mentioned, it seems the URL is wrongly saved on the _permalink_cache table, so the “url” column is showing pages starting with “/blog”.
Can you point me to where that data is saved? maybe I can modify it before it gets saved.
The other option I see, is to check the “meta” column of that table, which seems to say if it’s a page or a post, and I can use that to strip the uneeded /blog.
Let me know what you think?
Thanks again!