Forum Replies Created
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Automatic upgrade broke everythingIt all looks fine now. Don’t know why the internal links lead no-where for a while – it could have to do with the browser cache.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Automatic upgrade broke everythingThe repair worked! I am now able to use the admin section as before, editing posts etc. I can also see the front page of the blog on the net.
But there is another problem now: When I click on a post to get to the single page view, the page is missing.
I will work on it from this end, but any suggestions for what to look for is appreciated.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Automatic upgrade broke everythingThank you! The tables and their contents are still there, thankfully.
I will try what you suggested.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: JavaScript stopped workingOK – I figured this one out too… I activated a plug-in on a whim and it turns out it is not compatible with the theme.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Front page blank, admin area OKHi – the problem was in the theme. It is resolved now by switching theme.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Front page blank, admin area OKhmm… Looks like the problem was in the theme, which is surprising since it worked at the other site.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: XML import and phpAdmin import failureI had the tech support people import the database from their end, so now the tables are there at least. The site itself is blank now, when I go there, so I still have a few things to figure out.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: How to prevent redirects to domain nameOK, it worked! I followed the instructions under “Changing the URL directly in the database”.
(Went to phpMyAdmin in my cPanel, then changed the URL in two tables: siteurl and home.)
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: How to prevent redirects to domain nameThanks. I am actually in a similar situation now, only reverse! I need to access the WP Admin on my old site, but when I try to go there (using the IP address) I am forwarded to my new site (the WP installation on my new host).
Can someone tell me, specifically and in simple terms, what I need to do? I read the “Changing the site URL” page, but am a little confused by all the different options. (And don’t want to do anything that could create trouble.)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding blog to WP site that uses static pagesOK. I found the answer a little further down in the forum:
“As for making the home page a static page, this is built in too. Just make a new Page that will become the home page. Put whatever content you want in it. Then make a new Page with no content, but with the name “blog” or whatever you want, because this will become the new blog page. Then change the settings on the Settings->Reading page to set which is the front page and which page will hold the blog posts.”
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Comments work on safari, not on Firefox and IEThanks! Yes, I see that your comment went through.
Yes, “The website cannot display the page” was an IE error message, and it repeats each time I try to post a comment using IE. For some reason, it seems that both Safari and Firefox can now post comments, so it is right now only an IE issue.
Here is the code:
<div class="commententry"> <img src="<?php gravatar("R",80, ""); ?>" alt="" /> <?php comment_author_link() ?> says so:<span style="text-transform: lowercase;"><a href="#comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>" title="Comment Permalink"><?php comment_date('l, F j, Y') ?></a> <?php if (function_exists('quoter_comment')) { quoter_comment(); } ?> <?php edit_comment_link('| e','',''); ?></span>