Moin Shaikh
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CMB2] How can i see the code generated from CMBi wanted the code to be showed which the CMB2 used too Create, update and delete Custom fields.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] problem in custom taxonomy templateAll issues solved.
thanks @josh Pollock.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] problem in custom taxonomy templatecan you kindly edit the code.
and i will have to use $post object, when i will be working with post.Right.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] problem in custom taxonomy templatethe template is taxonomy-store.php
<?php get_header(); ?> <?php // call your taxonomy as a pod because when you extend it, it makes it a pod object $store = pods( 'store' ); // Get terms for post using typical wordpress terms loop $terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID , 'store' ); // Loop over each item since it's an array //do a typical fetch to get your pod fields $store->fetch( $terms->term_id ); $store_name = $store->get_field('name'); $store_description = $store->get_field('description'); $store_logo = $store->get_field('store_logo'); $store_currency = $store->get_field('store_currency'); $store_permalink = $store->get_field('permalink'); $store_website = $store->get_field('store_website'); $affiliate_start_url = $store->get_field('affiliate_start_url'); $affiliate_end_url = $store->get_field('affiliate_end_url'); $store_emi = $store->get_field('store_emi'); $store_free_shipping = $store->get_field('store_free_shipping'); $store_free_shipping_above_rs = $store->get_field('store_free_shipping_above_rs'); $store_cash_on_delivery = $store->get_field('store_cash_on_delivery'); $store_net_banking = $store->get_field('store_net_banking'); $store_paypal = $store->get_field('store_paypal'); $store_credit_card = $store->get_field('store_credit_card'); $store_debit_card = $store->get_field('store_debit_card'); ?> <div id="main" class="col-lg-9 clearfix" role="main"> <div class="content"> <div class="page-header"><h1><?php echo $store_name; ?></div></h1> <?php echo $store->get_field('name'); ?> <?php $listing_type = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'listing_type', 'posts_per_page' => 30, 'orderby'=> 'menu_order', 'paged'=>$paged, 'tax_query'=>array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'store', 'field'=>'slug', 'terms'=> $store_name )) ) ); $listing_type_num = $listing_type->post_count; ?> <?php $coupondeal = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'coupondeal', 'posts_per_page' => 30, 'orderby'=> 'menu_order', 'paged'=>$paged, 'tax_query'=>array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'store', 'field'=>'slug', 'terms'=> $store_name )) ) ); $coupondeal_num = $coupondeal->post_count; ?> <ul class="nav nav-tabs" style="margin-bottom: 15px;"> <li class="active"><a href="<?php echo get_site_url(); ?>/store/<?php echo $store_permalink; ?>">About</a></li> <?php if ( $coupondeal_num >0 ) { ?> <li class=""><a href="<?php echo get_site_url(); ?>/store/<?php echo $store_permalink; ?>?post_type=coupondeal">Coupons & Deals</a></li> <?php }?> <?php if ( $listing_type_num >0 ) { ?> <li class=""><a href="<?php echo get_site_url(); ?>/store/<?php echo $store_permalink; ?>?post_type=listing_type" >Products</a></li> <?php }?> </ul> <div id="myTabContent" class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane fade active in" id="about"> <?php echo $store_description; ?> </div><!-- end #about tab --> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-3"> <div class="text-center "> <img class="s-store-page-logo img-responsive" src="<?php echo $store_logo ;?>" alt="<?php echo $store_name; ?>"/> <div class="clearfix"> <br /></div> <a href="<?php echo $affiliate_start_url; echo $store_website; echo $affiliate_end_url; ?>" class="btn btn-primary buy-now" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Visit Website</a> </div> </div> <?php // get_sidebar('store'); // sidebar store ?> <?php get_footer(); ?>
Yes you are right, the output is wrong.
eg: if the path is > ..”amazon gets echo as $store name”.
it working in Pods 2.4 , hope this bug get fixed in next update.
thanks.number of posts associated with the current term in respective post_type.
how can i show count of both the post_type.
i am now using Better WordPress Minify!!
no issues with it.thanks @khang Minh.
the problem was created due to plugin (WP Minify) now i have deactivated it, now there no error on site map.
thanks again.there are no error.
now all the sitemap are blanks….
please help me out
currently i have 604,769+ post.
where can i see my logs..
i cleared cache but problem is same.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] error on codethanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] error on codeget_the_ID() is not working its showing same error.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] error on codehow can i Solve this issue.
i Am just a php learner.thanks