Forum Replies Created
yes Gabe. That’s exactly what I thought:
unloading if the user is not logged-in (or keep it loaded as an exception if the user is logged-in)thanks for answering. And again congratulations for the impeccable work.
Now I found a possibility of improvement ??
Suggestions:– on page “admin.php?page=wpassetcleanup_bulk_unloads” add the plugin name unloaded. The list shows only unloadeds file handles;
– add a logged in/out user filter. A conditional rule for file unload only if not logged in user ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redis Object Cache] Conflict with Gravity Forms Help Scout addonOk Till. But in this case, how do I solve? Is there a way to “ignore” Redis just for Gravity Forms and their addons?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoremove Attachments] How autoremove only post body attached images?working perfectly! thank you very much
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoremove Attachments] How autoremove only post body attached images?Hi Eusebiu, thanks for answer. My post type is “coupon”. So I would not want to remove the featured image. Because each coupon has a relationship to the store taxonomy, and the featured image of the coupon is the same file from store logo.
Hello. I researched a bit more and found a more appropriate solution. Instead of removing the “next” and “previous” meta tags (introduced by Yoast SEO) from the entire website, I made only for home page and my custom taxonomy, by Yoast filter bellow:
/* Remove Yoast SEO Prev/Next URL on some pages * Credit: Yoast Team * Last Tested: Jun 10 2017 using Yoast SEO 4.9 on WordPress 4.8 */ add_filter( 'wpseo_next_rel_link', 'custom_remove_wpseo_next', 10 ); add_filter( 'wpseo_prev_rel_link', 'custom_remove_wpseo_prev', 10 ); function custom_remove_wpseo_next( $link ) { /* Make the magic happen here * Example below removes the rel=”next” link */ if (is_tax( 'mycustomtax' ) || is_front_page() ) { return false; } else { return $link; } } function custom_remove_wpseo_prev( $link ) { /* Make the magic happen here * Example below removes the rel=”previous” link */ if (is_tax( 'mycustomtax' ) || is_front_page() ) { return false; } else { return $link; } }
- This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by moisb.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Breadcrumb NavXT] BreadcrumbList Schema disappeared after Yoast update 11.0thank you very much John. I installed the extension and deactivated Yoast’s BreadcrumbList. Now it’s all right again.
Question: When you release the next official version of Breadcrumb NavXT do I need to uninstall this extension?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Breadcrumb NavXT] BreadcrumbList Schema disappeared after Yoast update 11.0Hi John. Many thanks for the reply. After activating the Breadcrumbs option in the Yoast settings I found BreadcrumbList inside the “CollectionPage” schema (introduced in version 11) but the breadcrumbs are not the same as they are configured in NavXT ??
I also see several PHP warnings like this:
Notice: Undefined index: selected in wp-content\plugins\content-control\classes\Condition_Callbacks.php on line 162the plugin has not been updated for more than 1 year, and is probably obsolete for PHP 7+
it seems that the author has abandoned development, so at this point it is wise to look for another plugin
ok @duongcuong96 thanks for you reply ??
@gabelivan I got it! Thank you very much for your attention.
Yes, I used the WP Engine plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Brazilian Market on WooCommerce] N?o está fazendo a busca automática de cepAqui também o mesmo problema, n?o tá puxando o endere?o automaticamente após inserir o CEP.
Obrigado @julioandolfo, seu código funciona, porém n?o é legal ficar editando/adicionando trechos de códigos em plugins de terceiros. Pelo menos eu n?o gosto, prefiro que o developer corrija e atualize o plugin.
@claudiosanches, alguma previs?o para lan?ar o update com esse bugfix?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Fatal error after 7.0.1 updateok Michael, thank’s!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Related Posts by Taxonomy] Related taxonomies BY categories…Hi Keesiemeijer. No.
I want to show related stores on the single store page similar to this:
A relationship implemented by relating the stores (custom taxonomy implemented by theme) through the categories and/or manually in the store editing screen.I believe that for this is necessary some hook in your plugin, if possible, and will require programming work. I’m willing to pay for your time if you can do that.
Ok. I use the following code to configure the PageMap for Google CSE. If it’s not too much to ask, would it be possible for you to give me an example of how I could do the same for the WPSOLR inserting a filter in my functions.php?
I don’t have a lot of programming skills. I can only manage with a few things ??<?php if ( is_single() && has_post_thumbnail() ) { $thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'thumbnail' ); $url = $thumb['0']; echo "<!-- <PageMap> <DataObject type='thumbnail'> <Attribute name='src' value='".$url."'/> <Attribute name='width' value='112'/> <Attribute name='height' value='90'/> </DataObject> </PageMap> -->"; } elseif ( is_tax('store') ) { global $category; $merchant_logo = $GLOBALS['CORE_THEME']['category_icon_'.$category->term_id]; echo "<!-- <PageMap> <DataObject type='thumbnail'> <Attribute name='src' value='".$merchant_logo."'/> <Attribute name='width' value='112'/> <Attribute name='height' value='90'/> </DataObject> <DataObject type='action'> <Attribute name='label' value='".$category->name."'/> <Attribute name='url' value='".$category->slug."'/> <Attribute name='class' value='store'/> </DataObject> </PageMap> -->"; } elseif ( is_singular( 'coupon_type' ) ) { echo "<!-- <PageMap> <DataObject type='thumbnail'> <Attribute name='src' value='".catch_that_image()."'/> <Attribute name='width' value='112'/> <Attribute name='height' value='90'/> </DataObject> </PageMap> -->"; } else { echo "<!-- <PageMap> <DataObject type='thumbnail'> <Attribute name='src' value=''/> <Attribute name='width' value='112'/> <Attribute name='height' value='90'/> </DataObject> </PageMap> -->"; } ?>
- This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by moisb.