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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Super Cache] The pages do not match! Timestamps differ or were not found!Hello.
It seems that the problem caused an error in the Contact Form by Supsystic plugin. Today an update was released and it started to work.
Hi Rogier.
I did it. It seems perfect.
Good job!
Many thanks!
Martin…. first win. On https version I see actual data.
But http does not redirect to https. Site has old data.Martin
Long-term settings
Mixed content fixer ON
Enable WordPress 301 redirection to SSL ON
Enable 301 .htaccess redirect OFF
Enable Javascript redirection to SSL ON
Debug ON
Stop editing the .htaccess file OFF
Switch mixed content fixer hook ONCACHE OFF
CloudFlare NO USESite unchanged….
Where does my home page find out what to do with http or https when you type in the search engine row?
… all contens are outdated. Only on home page.
http and https – (only here i see secure lock) has different content.
Loading site over two another browsers.Martin
I tried it, but nothing happened.
In the WP Super cache plugin I can see this:Cache Tester
Test your cached website by clicking the test button below.Note: if you use Cloudflare or other transparent front-end proxy service this test may fail.
If you have Cloudflare minification enabled this plugin may detect differences in the pages and report an error.
Try using the development mode of Cloudflare to perform the test. You can disable development mode afterwards if the test succeeds.
Fetching to prime cache: OK (0.html)Fetching first copy of OK (1.html)
Fetching second copy of OK (2.html)
Page 1: 200 (OK)
Page 2: 200 (OK)
The pages do not match! Timestamps differ or were not found!Things you can do:
Load your homepage in a logged out browser, check the timestamp at the end of the html source. Load the page again and compare the timestamp. Caching is working if the timestamps match.
Enable logging on the Debug page here. That should help you track down the problem.
You should check Page 1 and Page 2 above for errors. Your local server configuration may not allow your website to access itself.test https
Cache Tester
Test your cached website by clicking the test button below.Note: if you use Cloudflare or other transparent front-end proxy service this test may fail.
If you have Cloudflare minification enabled this plugin may detect differences in the pages and report an error.
Try using the development mode of Cloudflare to perform the test. You can disable development mode afterwards if the test succeeds.
Fetching to prime cache: OK (0.html)Fetching first copy of OK (1.html)
Fetching second copy of OK (2.html)
Page 1: 200 (OK)
Page 2: 200 (OK)
The pages do not match! Timestamps differ or were not found!Things you can do:
Load your homepage in a logged out browser, check the timestamp at the end of the html source. Load the page again and compare the timestamp. Caching is working if the timestamps match.
Enable logging on the Debug page here. That should help you track down the problem.
You should check Page 1 and Page 2 above for errors. Your local server configuration may not allow your website to access itself.
Send non-secure (non https) request for homepageIs not this all caused by this?
No one of cached homepages have actual data.Martin
On pages, where are not displayed correctly, I′m changed new copy that. It works.
Menu looks correctly.
But http and https mixed home page. Maybe problem on home page start – ssl.
Look at logs:This page checks to see whether WordPress can detect HTTPS.
Tests completed.
Your server can detect HTTPS normally. The recommended setting for HTTPS detection is standard WordPress function.
Your server environment shows this:
[TMPDIR] => /data/web/virtuals/206325/virtual/tmp
[REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING] => action=sslfix-environment&sslfix_nonce=c6edef49a4ea1eb87a71387b3fa3c785
[REDIRECT_URL] => /wp-content/plugins/ssl-insecure-content-fixer/nowp/ajax.php
[LD_LIBRARY_PATH] => /usr/local/openssl/CURRENT/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
[HTTP_X_PROXY_UUID] => 78704176-cc22-43cf-9721-dbc9e5c5c2bd-12239
[HTTP_VIA] => https/2 8bb1fbbe0b1b[78704176-cc22-43cf-9721-dbc9e5c5c2bd] (ApacheTrafficServer/8.0.1)
[HTTP_DNT] => 1
[PROXY_SCHEME] => https
[HTTPS] => on
[LOCAL_SCHEME] => https
[REDIRECT_UNIQUE_ID] => XEciknQWs9VBPwb9MAmOBQAAAFcLog for debugging purposes
Send me a copy of these lines if you have any issues. The log will be erased when debug is set to false
* WordPress redirect
* Mixed content fixer
SERVER: apache
SSL is enabled for this site
** Detecting configuration **
plugin version: 3.1.3
Already on SSL, start detecting configuration
** Configuring SSL **
testing htaccess rules…
test page url, enter in browser to check manually:
htaccess rules tested successfully.
checking if .htaccess can or should be edited…
.htaccess does not contain default Really Simple SSL redirect
retrieving redirect rules
converting siteurl and homeurl to httpsThank you Rogier.
When i clearing the browser cache, still see only old layout and old data. Nn some pages the WP builder line is missing.
Pages are not displayed correctly. No changes, upload data, they are not visible on the site.
After install SSL all pages do not match my edits.
Old data, no WP builder line administration, no footer …Thank you for your answer Rogier.
Hi …. Please, any idea?
Thank you
Thank you angelo and caimin_nwl. I will try by myself sort it. When will be OK I leave a post here.
Thanks for your help.Short code is inserted into functions.php at child theme. In the end.
/* USAGE: [events_list hide_recurring=1] */ add_filter('em_events_get_default_search','my_em_styles_get_default_search_hide_recurr',1,2); function my_em_styles_get_default_search_hide_recurr($searches, $array){ if( !empty($array['hide_recurring']) ){ $searches['hide_recurring'] = $array['hide_recurring']; } return $searches; } add_filter('em_events_get','my_em_hide_recurr',1,2); function my_em_hide_recurr($events, $args){ if( !empty($args['hide_recurring']) && is_numeric($args['hide_recurring']) ){ foreach($events as $event_key => $EM_Event){ if ( !empty($EM_Event->recurrence_id) ){ unset($events[$event_key]); } } } return $events; }
When I used a shord code, reccuring events has separated from home page list of events and were seen only on extra page for recuring events here , but I lost all navigation for next page and all code below – affiliate code and text. And i saw four events only. I have more than twenty actual events in the future. I had to disable it.
When I disable short code, recuring events appear on home page ?? , and I see all navigation below and code looks right. This is situation of now, what you see.
Before now, code is depend on short code, OK but I could never correctly adjust home page at settings.Many thanks for any help.
Oops i see them. Short code rewrite my navigate menu under list of events and number of visible actual events. I need edit this code yet. I seems your code is depend on short code.
OK. Short code is pasted and its looks very well. (code is inside functions.php at child theme)
But I lost my navigation below, to the next list of future events, and this list is limited to eight events only. Can this have it somewhere on modified? And then will be perfect.
Before home page depend on CONTENTS, now all depend on short code only.Thank you.