Forum Replies Created
Thank you
pppdogHI I am me too ..
But I add: define('WP_DEBUG', true);
by wpsso
Message as follows:
WPSSO Notice HTML debug mode is active (transient cache use is disabled). Informational debug messages are being added as hidden HTML comments.2.I have add for my header.php
<!--[if !(IE 7) & !(IE 8)]><!--> <html <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <!--<![endif]--> <head <?php echo apply_filters( 'head_attributes', '' ); ?>>
Checking https://pppdog.me/10457/勞力士-rolex-台南-高雄-買賣二手名錶.html webpage header for duplicate meta tags (see Theme Integration settings).
I do not know what went wrong
Can see here…
Thank you
pppdogForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Lightbox 2] Stopped Working with 4.4 UpdateOh. WordPress 4.4 and WP Lightbox 2 for Version: beta.
Is Ok see.. my home..postForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPSSO Core - Complete and Optimized Structured Data SEO] upgraded ErrorHi….
I have upgraded is ok.
But today Google for Article..
image: https://pppdog.me/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/money-tainan.jpg
datePublished: 2015-05-13T17:42:36+00:00
author: 請提供這個必要屬性)(Please provide this essential attribute)
name: 請提供這個必要屬性(Please provide this essential attribute)
publisher: (請提供這個必要屬性)(Please provide this essential attribute)
dateModified: 請提供這個必要屬性 (Please provide this essential attribute)
mainEntityOfPage: 請提供這個必要屬性 (Please provide this essential attribute)
HereForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPSSO Core - Complete and Optimized Structured Data SEO] upgraded ErrorHI
“You could also try disabling WPSSO SSB before updating WPSSO. A new version of WPSSO SSB was released as well this morning to support the latest WPSSO change”
Yes. my all sites (one site) Ues this .But Stop WPSSO ssb,thanks you.
I try again.
pppdogForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPSSO Core - Complete and Optimized Structured Data SEO] WooCommrceI was new for WooCommerrce. I need to learn,
Someday I’ll buy good plugins(WPsso so good)
Thank you very much
Zeng pppdogHi all
My question should not arise in this.
But,have two sites, all can’t used “Visitor Votes”
No solution is found….long time.
I use: Wp Super Cache, Autoptimize WPtouch Pro (Infinity Cache)
Disabled can not solveMy post help me
Zeng pppdogForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPSSO Core - Complete and Optimized Structured Data SEO] WooCommrceToday Upgrades Wpsso by Version 3.11.0 .
Warning longer appear Plugin conflict detected – WooCommerce …
(required by WordPress for its content filters).. SSO Advanced settings pageWpsso 3.11.0 Support WooCommerce ?
The great plugins(Wpsso all and NGFB)
Thank you!
pppdog.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPSSO Core - Complete and Optimized Structured Data SEO] WooCommrcei add code in my functions.php
this post
Does not support multi-site?
pppdogForum: Plugins
In reply to: [NextGEN Facebook] Conflict with customize.php(Custom Appearance)Ok
I look at the article.
Thank you
pppdogThank you
Upgraded yasr 0.9.6
is Ok.
pppdogThank you
pppdogThank you,
Zeng pppdogOK
I understand
Zeng pppdoghi..
js. You So good.