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Pardon me for being a fool…I pasted the shortcode into the visual editor instead of the html editor. By doing this, it added ` tags around my text.
Also, I found that the Comprehensive Google Maps Plugin works well to add a map to my post. It would be cool if this could be added to the API at some point, but it works well to add the functionality needed.
I’m having the same issue. Also, I cannot seem to find where the data for Constant Contact is stored in the WP database. I figure I might be able to delete the forms data to start out fresh, but am unable to locate this info.
It seemed to work the first time I saved a form, but any subsequent changes have completely broken the designer and using it in a widget shows no form at all, regardless of the form selected.
Any update on this?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Add static menu item to all sitesThank you David…that’s just what I was looking for!
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Add static menu item to all sitesThank you for your response.
Yes, that’s what I want to do, just put a hardcoded link in, but how do I incorporate that with the wp_nav_menu call?
I made the following change:
<?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'container_class' => 'menu-header', 'theme_location' => 'primary' ) ); ?><a href="">Return to Main Site</a>
You can see it here:
Although it works, it doesn’t have the same styling as the menu, and doesn’t have the hover effect, etc. Also, how would I put a check in to exclude it from showing up on the main site.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Considering a multisite install, a few questionsAaarrgghh, my team pirate matey! Thank ye much!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Highlighting 'Home' category when using the static page optionNvm…I figured it out. In case anyone is curious, I changed this logic in my header.php file.
<li <?php if(is_home() || is_page(11)) { echo ' class="current-cat" '; } ?>><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>">Home</a></li>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Thumbnails missing after add_filterWe have a unique need for our sites. Basically, we have sites that are being used to service different areas. Ex.,,, etc.
What we’re doing, is using one database to service all of the sites. The site admin for all sites is done from only one of the sites. We don’t have each different site stored in different tables within the database. We have only one set of tables for all sites.
Then, we use the url to determine what info the calling site is able to see. For instance, if we’re creating a general post, then we put it in the General category and it is seen on all sites. Else, if we want area1 & area2 to see something, but not area3, then we tag it in category Area1, Area2.
This is actually working great for us, but we have had to hack up the template code just a bit.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Thumbnails missing after add_filterI am getting the category based on the domain name. Yes, if I put the actual ID’s the problem still remains.
Actually, I figured out the problem this morning, but you may have a cleaner way of fixing it.
Since the filter is being run on the posts, it is filtering out the post attachments. I took a look in the database and it seems that attachments default to category ‘1’. So, let’s say a post is in category 3…well, the attachment for that is in category 1, so it gets filtered out and doesn’t show up.
I just added category 1 into the line that sets the categories and they now show up. It works for us because we don’t have any uncategorized (cat 1) posts, but if one were to be in that category it would make it on to a page when it shouldn’t be there.
Thanks for the reply btw!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: query_posts…and/or???Hi t310s_,
Thought you might see this post. Your code worked perfectly for me…much thanks. But, it seems that my thumbnails are no longer showing when I do this. If you have some time, could you look at this post of mine and see if you see anything that might keep my thumbnails from showing?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: What gallery plugin is this site using please?Looks like it might be NextGen Gallery. If you look at the screenshots, the one further down looks the same but with the buttons below the main image.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: selective contentYou probably want to look at the excerpt tag. This will select ‘x’ number of characters from a post, but I think it will only select from the start of the post.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to set link to set as home page?From what I can tell, you need to use javascript to do this. There are a number of online generators that will create the code for you. Here’s one I found:
I can’t tell you if it will work or not, but it should be a step in the right direction.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: filter postsCheck out this link:
Custom Field Parameters
Retrieve posts (or Pages) based on a custom field key or value.
* meta_key=
* meta_value=
* meta_compare= – operator to test the meta_value=, default is ‘=’, with other possible values of ‘!=’, ‘>’, ‘>=’, ‘<‘, or ‘<=’Returns posts with custom fields matching both a key of ‘color’ AND a value of ‘blue’:
Returns posts with a custom field key of ‘color’, regardless of the custom field value:
Returns posts where the custom field value is ‘color’, regardless of the custom field key:
Returns any Page where the custom field value is ‘green’, regardless of the custom field key:
Returns both posts and Pages with a custom field key of ‘color’ where the custom field value IS NOT EQUAL TO ‘blue’:
Returns posts with custom field key of ‘miles’ with a custom field value that is LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 22. Note the value 99 will be considered greater than 100 as the data is stored as strings, not numbers.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Exclude duplicated postsGlad you got it worked out ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Is there a way to have a page that displays all my blogs?MylifeinFiction: You don’t need a plugin to display the posts on your “blog” static page. Just go to Settings > Reading from the Admin panel. Where it says “Front page displays”, select “A static page”. Then, select which page you want for you Front Page & then another page for your Posts Page. Easy peasy!