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Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: HayblogThanks for the input, and I agree because I have tried it without and I liked what i saw. Maybe I need to look at how those cute little icons for the sidebar items are done much like the ones i’ve seen from the sites being reviewed. thanks orangeguruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ??
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Hayblogi guess i’m going with this design.
is anyone having issues with the page links and category link on the sidebar using the connections theme by pat muller? maybe I need to post this elsewhere.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My design…I’m not sure what they are using. Post a question in the theme and template support ask if anyone has done what you’re trying to do, this will save you time. If not, you can always customize your own in wordpress that is very easy to do.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My design…I went to your site again, I didn’t think you would change it just from one suggestion but anyways I have a few more. When designing a website you have to consider your USERS. I don’t know if you have a site statatistic software, but you must desing your site based on the screen size of the majority of your viewers. I’ve seen a lot of photo-blog and they mostly design their site for viewers with 1024×768. In a small site like mine, 98% of my users uses that screen resolution therefore I have design my site using that resolution. In a photo-blog it is important to consider ease of use meaning, what your viewers have to go thru to view your contents. Design it so that when one is viewing yoursite, all the control is right there in front of them and not hidden. Another suggestion is using the same size of pics. this will make it easy for you to design user interface. you can use apps such as ph0toshop to resize without loosing clarity, there are a lot of free software out there do not buy anything. google is your friend search for them. I’ll see if I can surf and find you some good photo-blogs to compare or pick up ideas.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: AP4U2D – Please CommentI couldn’t get to your old site but the new site is cool. One thing tho, and this is just me, when I go to a site to read something, I look for easy to the eye font specially when the site is wordy. Overall, I think the site has a good layout and color scheme.
congratulations and goodluck to all of you
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Hi all!wow, the dark gray on green is a beauty with the main page in white it brings out the elegance of all the scribles, tho i was scratching my head because i can’t read scribbles I thought the overall design was very crisp and clean with an excellent choice of color combination. nice job
congratulations and goodluck
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My design…site looks awsome and very fast loading. one suggestion tho, i’m lazy to scroll i dunno how many out there are the same, so maybe using one pic per page and let the button do the walking… just a suggestion
congratulations and good luck
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Hayblogthank you, i played with the original sidebar header pic and layed a blue gradient, then applied the blind effect horizontal then vertical set to width 1px@ #fff to give the fading effect. same effect was applied to the main header pic. I used psp 7.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: aloha.very crisp!!! wow !!! Nice implementation of the calendar. I never did like the calendar at the front page, but I think I will follow your lead and show it when you’re going thru the archives. It sure makes it so easy to go thru old archives by day.
Congratulations, and best wishes