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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Custom Field Template] display several options side by side?It’s not working completely. Probably styles issue. I have added the fieldset to the options; the fieldset is floated and wraps, but the select and radio options take up the full width of the fieldset, and so cannot float next to each other.
[date_fieldset] type = fieldset_open class = fieldGroup [Month] type = select value = Jan # Feb # Mar # Apr # May # Jun # Jul # Aug # Sep # Oct # Nov # Dec [Day] type = select value = 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 # 5 # 6 # 7 # 8 # 9 # 10 # 11 # 12 # 13 # 14 # 15 # 16 # 17 # 18 # 19 # 20 # 21 # 22 # 23 # 24 # 25 # 26 # 27 # 28 # 29 # 30 # 31 [Year] type = radio value = 2010 # 2011 # 2012 [date_fieldset] type = fieldset_close
I’ve tried setting a width for each one using the ID for each option (#dl_month1_0, #dl_day2_0, #dl_year3_0), nested classes, nothing affects the width of the select and radio button areas. Apparently I’m not overriding the plugin styles.
I also tried, using the ID for each option, setting display:inline-block to shrink-wrap them, but no effect either.
Currently have this in my stylesheet, trying for just the 2 select options:
#cftdiv .fieldGroup .select #dl_month1_0, #cftdiv .fieldGroup .select #dl_day2_0 { width:45%; margin-right:5%; float:left; }
Note for developer: the fieldset options are listed in the installation remarks,
* Adds the fieldset type. (type = fieldset_open, type = fieldset_close)
but don’t show in the plugin option list in the settings/admin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Custom Field Template] display several options side by side?Ah, thanks for that! I will give it a try and report back.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 3.0 Menu – Admin Configuration links missingI found the answer, within the codex but you have to be reading closely to see it.
You have to turn them on. In the Admin panel, in upper right corner right underneath your log-in name, there is a small light gray drop-down menu titled “Screen Options.” click that and you will then get a window opened up with check boxes to turn on these options such as classes, link target, and so on.
Clicking the “screen options” button again “saves” your choices.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Simple 301 Redirects] Awesome.Agreed, it is working well. Haven’t upgraded to 3.0 yet… but I had been having trouble with Redirection on some pages. This one seems great, very simple interface.
Request for future versions: I have several redirects that start with longer relative URLs than fit in the Requests text box. Can you make that one wider? so it would be easier to make sure one had typed correctly. Actually the Destination box could be longer, also. There is room on a 1280×1024 monitor resolution for me. Otherwise, quite awesome and thanks for your work!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: cforms WP comment feature: only some fields displayI figured this one out.
The top 3 fields do not appear unless you are logged out of the blog.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: .htaccess – Subdomain Rewrite RuleThis week I moved a WP blog from a sub-folder to a sub-domain.
It’s a long story why… *sigh*Anyway, in updating the database (replacing all the old URLs with the new one) and then restoring it, I was not able to log in. Even tho in the database the site URL and Home URL were correct.
What fixed the situation (.htaccess which I could not change as could not log in to admin panel) is what SS_Minow linked to, the codex page on changing the site URL. It was the functions.php solution, very easy, delete it afterwards. Now all is well.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: template loop is accessing all posts content?I’m still not sure why the all-posts-content appeared. When I did “view source” all the posts appeared to be within one loop?
As far as I can tell I am using query_posts correctly on the templates, though now that I’ve done all this research I may have set up this categories and templates in a way that was more complex than necessary. (I am not maintaining this blog, and tried to make things as brain-free as possible for the actual admin who knows nothing about HTML/CSS)
I have added straight URLs to the menu in the header; one thing that was happening is that the menu was picking up on WP’s system of putting the category into the path. The relative links just didn’t work with the category templates too.
So the blog is working correctly now, though I don’t think I answered my first inquiry. Thanks, Alchymyth.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: template loop is accessing all posts content?Thanks, I just tried one and it said no broken links detected.
I just realized I had forgotten to upload the 404.php page.
So now the broken link gets to that page. However I notice that now all the menu links seems to want the upload folder where the missing file should be. I can’t get out of the 404 page unless I click on home, which is using index.php. By get out of, I mean WP now thinks I’m within the uploads folder, so the menu links aren’t working (they are relative)/.
The problem isn’t the broken link; it’s what WP is doing within my loop(s) I think.
Somehow I have done the category page templates incorrectly I think.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: moving from ModX to WordPressHi, I am in the process of doing this right now. It is not really a blog, but a company site. So I am moving to WordPress as a CMS not as a blog.
My MoDX site has .html extensions… after looking at various htaccess options (which I would just copy, I am not capable of writing my own mod rewrite rules), I have decided the best option is to use a WordPress plugin called Redirection. I’ve used it on other sites for a straight HTML site going to WordPress. It’s super-easy to administer.
So I have a list of all my MODX page URLs and will redirect them to the WordPress urls…
To replace Ditto, I am using several plugins to mimic what Ditto does for Modx…
Yoast BreadcrumbsTo add breadcrumbs: fix the WP inclusion of “category” in the breadcrumb path: dropdown menu
To add easy drag-and-drop arrangement of pages to order the menu:
There’s another plugin called Page Mashup that i haven’t used but I believe does the same thing…
More plugins:The all-time best contact form plugin *ever*cFORMS am using multiple mini-loops (my term) that display one category, in the sidebar and on several pages that use page templates, such as this one for company awards:
<ul id="listAwards"> <?php global $post; $myposts = get_posts('numberposts=3&meta_key=announce-type&meta_value=awards'); foreach($myposts as $post) : ?> <li style="margin-top:6px;"><?php the_time('M j y'); ?> <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li><?php endforeach; ?> </ul>
For more help with customizing the loop, try this excellent post on Noupe: of the sidebar mini-loops are in widgets or applied in the page editing window, therefore I am using the plugin Exec-PHP.
Again, there is another similar plugin. Note that using this plugin is a security door. Be careful if you open up editing the site to other users.Have you made your own WordPress theme before? If not, try it… it’s not hard, just takes a bit of time.
Would highly recommend going from scratch, use this tutorial: find it less work than taking an existing theme and editing it. Not every theme developer does a good job on the stylesheet, and this way you can build the CSS your way and around the needs of your site.
Hope this helps!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: “The page isn’t redirecting properly”I’d like to add to this picture: the Redirection plugin was the culprit for me. I had installed and activated it, but not set up any redirections. Still it was somehow picking up on an older version of a page that I had renamed, and I ended up with the “not redirecting properly” loop.
I need the plugin though so will reinstall and see if that helps.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: More link with limit of wordsNo pay, people have helped me here already many times. WP is a shared community.
Glad it worked; you should change this thread to resolved.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: More link with limit of wordsIt sounds as if you are combining the ideas of the more tag and the excerpt. You can set the number of characters that display in the excerpt. The more tag is inserted manually, not automatically.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: More link with limit of wordsYou should check the link I posted above ^^^ Customizing the Read More
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: More link with limit of wordsAre you using the loop? because there is also
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>I don’t think the more link will work outside of the loop.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: More link with limit of wordsYou might also want this page: