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  • morgur


    Turned on php display errors and found a plugin that was causing the error. disabled that and bingo it works.

    Current PHP version: 5.6
    display_errors On

    Fatal error: Class ‘WPSEO_Local_Endpoint_Locations’ not found in /home/testsite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpseo-local/local-seo.php on line 151



    Have the same problem but haven’t found the fix yet. Tried disabling visual editor under users but that doesn’t resolve it for me.

    On modality pro 1.05 and had the same problem. The checkbox to disable this only works for the meta info that’s inside the post but on the main page if you have the ‘latest news’ section turned on, it shows the ‘date by author’ with the calendar and person icons which I wanted to turn off as well.

    It would be GREAT if there was a checkbox to turn the meta info and the icons off for the main page of the latest news.

    I worked around this by clearing out the owlpost template, not the most elegant solution because maybe for certain categories I would want that info to show up.

    I setup a child theme and edited the Modality Pro: owlpost-info.php
    Removed everything except what you see below:

     * @package Modality
    <div class="post-info">

    These are also some plugins that I tried, one or all of them worked to remove the meta info but the icons still showed up which is why I had to mod the owlpost file.

    -WP Meta and date remover
    -Remove/hide Author, Date, Category Like Entry-Meta
    -Show Hide Author (worked but only within the post, same as the post info disable checkbox)

    On modality pro 1.05. tried all of those mods and no luck. Setup a child theme to play around with the code and workaround this for now. Really hope this will be fixed soon and included in the next update or someone has a fix they can share. I kept making smaller images to try and get them to fit but it just kept zooming in on them, this one seems like something that should be so simple but is really frustrating.

    Here’s a temporary workaround that I’m playing with and rather than change background-size:cover and settings in modality-image-sliders.php which I tried at length, I edited the slider in section 7 of the child style.css.

    I added a line in for color to match with the background of the website. Otherwise there was a black background showing up in between each image when they changed since the images didn’t cover the full space.

    Then I set the size to contain so the full image would show up and what I’ll do is resize all of my slider images to the exact same size so they look consistent.

    background-color: white;
    background-size: contain;

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
     *  7. Image Sliders Styles
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    .ideal-image-slider {
    	position: relative;
    	overflow: hidden;
    .iis-slide {
    	display: block;
    	bottom: 0;
    	text-decoration: none;
    	position: absolute;
    	top: 0;
    	left: 0;
    	width: 100%;
    	height: 100%;
    	background-repeat: no-repeat;
    	background-position: 50% 50%;
    	background-color: white;
    	background-size: contain;
    	text-indent: -9999px;

    same issue here, on 1.05 modality pro.

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