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  • Thread Starter mortonc


    I’m using the latest version of wordpress 3.4.1 which is a fresh install.

    I’m also using the balita theme from smashing magazine / tokooko

    The problem is that I am using the oldest version of the theme because Icannot find an update for it.

    The main issue is with category display. We are unable to display the category list

    Thread Starter mortonc


    Yes thank you very much.

    Still having numerous presentation issues though. Not sure of its the theme or the plugin there

    Thread Starter mortonc


    Thank you very much you’re a life saver.

    hey guys.

    It will be live on your site just not appearing in your menu.

    Balita is not set to automatically add pages to your menu.

    To organise menus go to appearance>menus

    then create a new menu set it as the top navigation and select automatically add new top level pages.


    Thread Starter mortonc


    ah. I did that and then typed in CONTENTS on the page and it’s working.


    Thread Starter mortonc


    my page is currently set to full page but it is all overwritten by events manager.

    Thread Starter mortonc


    I can’t work out what to edit.

    Here’s what the file is:

     * WordPress environment setup class.
     * @package WordPress
     * @since 2.0.0
    class WP {
    	 * Public query variables.
    	 * Long list of public query variables.
    	 * @since 2.0.0
    	 * @access public
    	 * @var array
    	var $public_query_vars = array('m', 'p', 'posts', 'w', 'cat', 'withcomments', 'withoutcomments', 's', 'search', 'exact', 'sentence', 'debug', 'calendar', 'page', 'paged', 'more', 'tb', 'pb', 'author', 'order', 'orderby', 'year', 'monthnum', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'name', 'category_name', 'tag', 'feed', 'author_name', 'static', 'pagename', 'page_id', 'error', 'comments_popup', 'attachment', 'attachment_id', 'subpost', 'subpost_id', 'preview', 'robots', 'taxonomy', 'term', 'cpage', 'post_type');
    	 * Private query variables.
    	 * Long list of private query variables.
    	 * @since 2.0.0
    	 * @var array
    	var $private_query_vars = array('offset', 'posts_per_page', 'posts_per_archive_page', 'showposts', 'nopaging', 'post_type', 'post_status', 'category__in', 'category__not_in', 'category__and', 'tag__in', 'tag__not_in', 'tag__and', 'tag_slug__in', 'tag_slug__and', 'tag_id', 'post_mime_type', 'perm', 'comments_per_page', 'post__in', 'post__not_in');
    	 * Extra query variables set by the user.
    	 * @since 2.1.0
    	 * @var array
    	var $extra_query_vars = array();
    	 * Query variables for setting up the WordPress Query Loop.
    	 * @since 2.0.0
    	 * @var array
    	var $query_vars;
    	 * String parsed to set the query variables.
    	 * @since 2.0.0
    	 * @var string
    	var $query_string;
    	 * Permalink or requested URI.
    	 * @since 2.0.0
    	 * @var string
    	var $request;
    	 * Rewrite rule the request matched.
    	 * @since 2.0.0
    	 * @var string
    	var $matched_rule;
    	 * Rewrite query the request matched.
    	 * @since 2.0.0
    	 * @var string
    	var $matched_query;
    	 * Whether already did the permalink.
    	 * @since 2.0.0
    	 * @var bool
    	var $did_permalink = false;
    	 * Add name to list of public query variables.
    	 * @since 2.1.0
    	 * @param string $qv Query variable name.
    	function add_query_var($qv) {
    		if ( !in_array($qv, $this->public_query_vars) )
    			$this->public_query_vars[] = $qv;
    	 * Set the value of a query variable.
    	 * @since 2.3.0
    	 * @param string $key Query variable name.
    	 * @param mixed $value Query variable value.
    	function set_query_var($key, $value) {
    		$this->query_vars[$key] = $value;
    	 * Parse request to find correct WordPress query.
    	 * Sets up the query variables based on the request. There are also many
    	 * filters and actions that can be used to further manipulate the result.
    	 * @since 2.0.0
    	 * @param array|string $extra_query_vars Set the extra query variables.
    	function parse_request($extra_query_vars = '') {
    		global $wp_rewrite;
    		$this->query_vars = array();
    		$post_type_query_vars = array();
    		if ( is_array($extra_query_vars) )
    			$this->extra_query_vars = & $extra_query_vars;
    		else if (! empty($extra_query_vars))
    			parse_str($extra_query_vars, $this->extra_query_vars);
    		// Process PATH_INFO, REQUEST_URI, and 404 for permalinks.
    		// Fetch the rewrite rules.
    		$rewrite = $wp_rewrite->wp_rewrite_rules();
    		if ( ! empty($rewrite) ) {
    			// If we match a rewrite rule, this will be cleared.
    			$error = '404';
    			$this->did_permalink = true;
    			if ( isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) )
    				$pathinfo = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
    				$pathinfo = '';
    			$pathinfo_array = explode('?', $pathinfo);
    			$pathinfo = str_replace("%", "%25", $pathinfo_array[0]);
    			$req_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    			$req_uri_array = explode('?', $req_uri);
    			$req_uri = $req_uri_array[0];
    			$self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    			$home_path = parse_url(home_url());
    			if ( isset($home_path['path']) )
    				$home_path = $home_path['path'];
    				$home_path = '';
    			$home_path = trim($home_path, '/');
    			// Trim path info from the end and the leading home path from the
    			// front.  For path info requests, this leaves us with the requesting
    			// filename, if any.  For 404 requests, this leaves us with the
    			// requested permalink.
    			$req_uri = str_replace($pathinfo, '', $req_uri);
    			$req_uri = trim($req_uri, '/');
    			$req_uri = preg_replace("|^$home_path|", '', $req_uri);
    			$req_uri = trim($req_uri, '/');
    			$pathinfo = trim($pathinfo, '/');
    			$pathinfo = preg_replace("|^$home_path|", '', $pathinfo);
    			$pathinfo = trim($pathinfo, '/');
    			$self = trim($self, '/');
    			$self = preg_replace("|^$home_path|", '', $self);
    			$self = trim($self, '/');
    			// The requested permalink is in $pathinfo for path info requests and
    			//  $req_uri for other requests.
    			if ( ! empty($pathinfo) && !preg_match('|^.*' . $wp_rewrite->index . '$|', $pathinfo) ) {
    				$request = $pathinfo;
    			} else {
    				// If the request uri is the index, blank it out so that we don't try to match it against a rule.
    				if ( $req_uri == $wp_rewrite->index )
    					$req_uri = '';
    				$request = $req_uri;
    			$this->request = $request;
    			// Look for matches.
    			$request_match = $request;
    			foreach ( (array) $rewrite as $match => $query) {
    				// Don't try to match against AtomPub calls
    				if ( $req_uri == 'wp-app.php' )
    				// If the requesting file is the anchor of the match, prepend it
    				// to the path info.
    				if ( (! empty($req_uri)) && (strpos($match, $req_uri) === 0) && ($req_uri != $request) )
    					$request_match = $req_uri . '/' . $request;
    				if ( preg_match("#^$match#", $request_match, $matches) ||
    					preg_match("#^$match#", urldecode($request_match), $matches) ) {
    					// Got a match.
    					$this->matched_rule = $match;
    					// Trim the query of everything up to the '?'.
    					$query = preg_replace("!^.+\?!", '', $query);
    					// Substitute the substring matches into the query.
    					$query = addslashes(WP_MatchesMapRegex::apply($query, $matches));
    					$this->matched_query = $query;
    					// Parse the query.
    					parse_str($query, $perma_query_vars);
    					// If we're processing a 404 request, clear the error var
    					// since we found something.
    					if ( isset($_GET['error']) )
    					if ( isset($error) )
    			// If req_uri is empty or if it is a request for ourself, unset error.
    			if ( empty($request) || $req_uri == $self || strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'wp-admin/') !== false ) {
    				if ( isset($_GET['error']) )
    				if ( isset($error) )
    				if ( isset($perma_query_vars) && strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'wp-admin/') !== false )
    				$this->did_permalink = false;
    		$this->public_query_vars = apply_filters('query_vars', $this->public_query_vars);
    		foreach ( $GLOBALS['wp_post_types'] as $post_type => $t )
    			if ( $t->query_var )
    				$post_type_query_vars[$t->query_var] = $post_type;
    		foreach ( $this->public_query_vars as $wpvar ) {
    			if ( isset( $this->extra_query_vars[$wpvar] ) )
    				$this->query_vars[$wpvar] = $this->extra_query_vars[$wpvar];
    			elseif ( isset( $_POST[$wpvar] ) )
    				$this->query_vars[$wpvar] = $_POST[$wpvar];
    			elseif ( isset( $_GET[$wpvar] ) )
    				$this->query_vars[$wpvar] = $_GET[$wpvar];
    			elseif ( isset( $perma_query_vars[$wpvar] ) )
    				$this->query_vars[$wpvar] = $perma_query_vars[$wpvar];
    			if ( !empty( $this->query_vars[$wpvar] ) ) {
    				if ( ! is_array( $this->query_vars[$wpvar] ) ) {
    					$this->query_vars[$wpvar] = (string) $this->query_vars[$wpvar];
    				} else {
    					foreach ( $this->query_vars[$wpvar] as $vkey => $v ) {
    						if ( !is_object( $v ) ) {
    							$this->query_vars[$wpvar][$vkey] = (string) $v;
    				if ( isset($post_type_query_vars[$wpvar] ) ) {
    					$this->query_vars['post_type'] = $post_type_query_vars[$wpvar];
    					$this->query_vars['name'] = $this->query_vars[$wpvar];
    		// Convert urldecoded spaces back into +
    		foreach ( $GLOBALS['wp_taxonomies'] as $taxonomy => $t )
    			if ( $t->query_var && isset( $this->query_vars[$t->query_var] ) )
    				$this->query_vars[$t->query_var] = str_replace( ' ', '+', $this->query_vars[$t->query_var] );
    		// Limit publicly queried post_types to those that are publicly_queryable
    		if ( isset( $this->query_vars['post_type']) ) {
    			$queryable_post_types = get_post_types( array('publicly_queryable' => true) );
    			if ( ! is_array( $this->query_vars['post_type'] ) ) {
    				if ( ! in_array( $this->query_vars['post_type'], $queryable_post_types ) )
    					unset( $this->query_vars['post_type'] );
    			} else {
    				$this->query_vars['post_type'] = array_intersect( $this->query_vars['post_type'], $queryable_post_types );
    		foreach ( (array) $this->private_query_vars as $var) {
    			if ( isset($this->extra_query_vars[$var]) )
    				$this->query_vars[$var] = $this->extra_query_vars[$var];
    		if ( isset($error) )
    			$this->query_vars['error'] = $error;
    		$this->query_vars = apply_filters('request', $this->query_vars);
    		do_action_ref_array('parse_request', array(&$this));
    	 * Send additional HTTP headers for caching, content type, etc.
    	 * Sets the X-Pingback header, 404 status (if 404), Content-type. If showing
    	 * a feed, it will also send last-modified, etag, and 304 status if needed.
    	 * @since 2.0.0
    	function send_headers() {
    		$headers = array('X-Pingback' => get_bloginfo('pingback_url'));
    		$status = null;
    		$exit_required = false;
    		if ( is_user_logged_in() )
    			$headers = array_merge($headers, wp_get_nocache_headers());
    		if ( !empty($this->query_vars['error']) && '404' == $this->query_vars['error'] ) {
    			$status = 404;
    			if ( !is_user_logged_in() )
    				$headers = array_merge($headers, wp_get_nocache_headers());
    			$headers['Content-Type'] = get_option('html_type') . '; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset');
    		} else if ( empty($this->query_vars['feed']) ) {
    			$headers['Content-Type'] = get_option('html_type') . '; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset');
    		} else {
    			// We're showing a feed, so WP is indeed the only thing that last changed
    			if ( !empty($this->query_vars['withcomments'])
    				|| ( empty($this->query_vars['withoutcomments'])
    					&& ( !empty($this->query_vars['p'])
    						|| !empty($this->query_vars['name'])
    						|| !empty($this->query_vars['page_id'])
    						|| !empty($this->query_vars['pagename'])
    						|| !empty($this->query_vars['attachment'])
    						|| !empty($this->query_vars['attachment_id'])
    				$wp_last_modified = mysql2date('D, d M Y H:i:s', get_lastcommentmodified('GMT'), 0).' GMT';
    				$wp_last_modified = mysql2date('D, d M Y H:i:s', get_lastpostmodified('GMT'), 0).' GMT';
    			$wp_etag = '"' . md5($wp_last_modified) . '"';
    			$headers['Last-Modified'] = $wp_last_modified;
    			$headers['ETag'] = $wp_etag;
    			// Support for Conditional GET
    			if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']))
    				$client_etag = stripslashes(stripslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']));
    			else $client_etag = false;
    			$client_last_modified = empty($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) ? '' : trim($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']);
    			// If string is empty, return 0. If not, attempt to parse into a timestamp
    			$client_modified_timestamp = $client_last_modified ? strtotime($client_last_modified) : 0;
    			// Make a timestamp for our most recent modification...
    			$wp_modified_timestamp = strtotime($wp_last_modified);
    			if ( ($client_last_modified && $client_etag) ?
    					 (($client_modified_timestamp >= $wp_modified_timestamp) && ($client_etag == $wp_etag)) :
    					 (($client_modified_timestamp >= $wp_modified_timestamp) || ($client_etag == $wp_etag)) ) {
    				$status = 304;
    				$exit_required = true;
    		$headers = apply_filters('wp_headers', $headers, $this);
    		if ( ! empty( $status ) )
    			status_header( $status );
    		foreach( (array) $headers as $name => $field_value )
    			@header("{$name}: {$field_value}");
    		if ( $exit_required )
    		do_action_ref_array('send_headers', array(&$this));
    	 * Sets the query string property based off of the query variable property.
    	 * The 'query_string' filter is deprecated, but still works. Plugins should
    	 * use the 'request' filter instead.
    	 * @since 2.0.0
    	function build_query_string() {
    		$this->query_string = '';
    		foreach ( (array) array_keys($this->query_vars) as $wpvar) {
    			if ( '' != $this->query_vars[$wpvar] ) {
    				$this->query_string .= (strlen($this->query_string) < 1) ? '' : '&';
    				if ( !is_scalar($this->query_vars[$wpvar]) ) // Discard non-scalars.
    				$this->query_string .= $wpvar . '=' . rawurlencode($this->query_vars[$wpvar]);
    		// query_string filter deprecated.  Use request filter instead.
    		if ( has_filter('query_string') ) {  // Don't bother filtering and parsing if no plugins are hooked in.
    			$this->query_string = apply_filters('query_string', $this->query_string);
    			parse_str($this->query_string, $this->query_vars);
    	 * Set up the WordPress Globals.
    	 * The query_vars property will be extracted to the GLOBALS. So care should
    	 * be taken when naming global variables that might interfere with the
    	 * WordPress environment.
    	 * @global string $query_string Query string for the loop.
    	 * @global int $more Only set, if single page or post.
    	 * @global int $single If single page or post. Only set, if single page or post.
    	 * @since 2.0.0
    	function register_globals() {
    		global $wp_query;
    		// Extract updated query vars back into global namespace.
    		foreach ( (array) $wp_query->query_vars as $key => $value) {
    			$GLOBALS[$key] = $value;
    		$GLOBALS['query_string'] = $this->query_string;
    		$GLOBALS['posts'] = & $wp_query->posts;
    		$GLOBALS['post'] = (isset($wp_query->post)) ? $wp_query->post : null;
    		$GLOBALS['request'] = $wp_query->request;
    		if ( is_single() || is_page() ) {
    			$GLOBALS['more'] = 1;
    			$GLOBALS['single'] = 1;
    	 * Set up the current user.
    	 * @since 2.0.0
    	function init() {
    	 * Set up the Loop based on the query variables.
    	 * @uses WP::$query_vars
    	 * @since 2.0.0
    	function query_posts() {
    		global $wp_the_query;
     	 * Set the Headers for 404, if nothing is found for requested URL.
    	 * Issue a 404 if a request doesn't match any posts and doesn't match
    	 * any object (e.g. an existing-but-empty category, tag, author) and a 404 was not already
    	 * issued, and if the request was not a search or the homepage.
    	 * Otherwise, issue a 200.
    	 * @since 2.0.0
    	function handle_404() {
    		global $wp_query;
    		if ( !is_admin() && ( 0 == count( $wp_query->posts ) ) && !is_404() && !is_robots() && !is_search() && !is_home() ) {
    			// Don't 404 for these queries if they matched an object.
    			if ( ( is_tag() || is_category() || is_tax() || is_author() || is_post_type_archive() ) && $wp_query->get_queried_object() && !is_paged() ) {
    				if ( !is_404() )
    					status_header( 200 );
    			status_header( 404 );
    		} elseif ( !is_404() ) {
    			status_header( 200 );
    	 * Sets up all of the variables required by the WordPress environment.
    	 * The action 'wp' has one parameter that references the WP object. It
    	 * allows for accessing the properties and methods to further manipulate the
    	 * object.
    	 * @since 2.0.0
    	 * @param string|array $query_args Passed to {@link parse_request()}
    	function main($query_args = '') {
    		do_action_ref_array('wp', array(&$this));
     * Helper class to remove the need to use eval to replace $matches[] in query strings.
     * @since 2.9.0
    class WP_MatchesMapRegex {
    	 * store for matches
    	 * @access private
    	 * @var array
    	var $_matches;
    	 * store for mapping result
    	 * @access public
    	 * @var string
    	var $output;
    	 * subject to perform mapping on (query string containing $matches[] references
    	 * @access private
    	 * @var string
    	var $_subject;
    	 * regexp pattern to match $matches[] references
    	 * @var string
    	var $_pattern = '(\$matches\[[1-9]+[0-9]*\])'; // magic number
    	 * constructor
    	 * @param string $subject subject if regex
    	 * @param array  $matches data to use in map
    	 * @return self
    	function WP_MatchesMapRegex($subject, $matches) {
    		$this->_subject = $subject;
    		$this->_matches = $matches;
    		$this->output = $this->_map();
    	 * Substitute substring matches in subject.
    	 * static helper function to ease use
    	 * @access public
    	 * @param string $subject subject
    	 * @param array  $matches data used for subsitution
    	 * @return string
    	function apply($subject, $matches) {
    		$oSelf =& new WP_MatchesMapRegex($subject, $matches);
    		return $oSelf->output;
    	 * do the actual mapping
    	 * @access private
    	 * @return string
    	function _map() {
    		$callback = array(&$this, 'callback');
    		return preg_replace_callback($this->_pattern, $callback, $this->_subject);
    	 * preg_replace_callback hook
    	 * @access public
    	 * @param  array $matches preg_replace regexp matches
    	 * @return string
    	function callback($matches) {
    		$index = intval(substr($matches[0], 9, -1));
    		return ( isset( $this->_matches[$index] ) ? urlencode($this->_matches[$index]) : '' );
    Thread Starter mortonc


    some of them say that it’s line 199

    working great thanks



    This is really key for me…

    I really hope this gets sorted. I’m sure that of the 768 that downloaded this plugin something could be sorted.

    Thread Starter mortonc


    ignore previous posts I have sorted that out.

    What about the register form?

    Thread Starter mortonc


    sorry I’m a little confused…

    What I mean is I need to place the link in the post so it can be html or whatever from the editor

    Thread Starter mortonc


    thing is the links are in posts so it’s not php It has to be a url I think?

    Amy ideas?

    please could you share how you did it?

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