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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Reviews] creating the form without the buttonsorry to be a complete newbie, but where do I find my theme’s style.CSS file? I’m using dusk to dawn.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Reviews] show form w/o having to click buttontried #wpcr_button_1 {display:none !important;}
no change (I tried it in the Simple Custom CSS, not the code itself)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Reviews] show form w/o having to click buttonOh! Now I see where I can change to the .css file. Newbie mistake…
Adding #wpcr_button_1 {display:none;} to the Simple Custom CSS did not change anything.
I also changed the .css file (the first one) to
#wpcr_respond_2 { background-color:inherit; } but still no change.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Reviews] show form w/o having to click buttonI used a work-around by changing the text on that button to: “Please fill out the review form below and click submit”
BTW, thanks for the help on here- what a great forum!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Reviews] show form w/o having to click buttonSo… I downloaded and activated the Simple Custom CSS plug-in and pasted the line (#wpcr_respond_2 { display:block !important; }) in the blank editor section.
It kind of worked. It does show the form now, which is great, but it also still shows the button to show the form, which makes no sense to a use. Here it is:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Reviews] show form w/o having to click buttonHere is the coding around “wpcr_respond2” There’s only one instance of this, but the display:none does not show up here:
/* different output variables make it easier to debug this section */ $out .= '<div id="wpcr_respond_2">' . $req_js . ' <form class="wpcrcform" id="wpcr_commentform" method="post" action="javascript:void(0);"> <div id="wpcr_div_2"> <input type="hidden" id="frating" name="frating" /> <table id="wpcr_table_2"> <tbody> <tr><td colspan="2"><div id="wpcr_postcomment">' . $this->options["leave_text"] . '</div></td></tr> ' . $fields;
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Reviews] show form w/o having to click buttonI guess bolding doesn’t work on code…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Reviews] show form w/o having to click buttonwoops! Seems I’m still learning how things work here. Let me try again and just paste what I believe may be relative lines. I bolded anywhere it says disply:none:
if ($this->options['hreview_type'] == 'product') { $reviews_content .= ' <div class="hreview" id="hreview-' . $review->id . '"> <' . $title_tag . ' class="summary ' . $hidesummary . '">' . $review->review_title . '</' . $title_tag . '> <span class="item" id="hreview-wpcr-hproduct-for-' . $review->id . '" style="<strong>display:none</strong>;"> <span class="fn">' . $meta_product_name . '</span> </span> <div class="wpcr_fl wpcr_sc"> <abbr class="rating" title="' . $review->review_rating . '"></abbr> <div class="wpcr_rating"> ' . $this->output_rating($review->review_rating, false) . ' </div> </div> ' . $name_block . ' <div class="wpcr_clear wpcr_spacing1"></div> <blockquote class="description"><p>' . $review->review_text . '</p></blockquote> ' . $review_response . ' <span style="<strong>display:none</strong>;" class="type">product</span> <span style=<strong>"display:none</strong>;" class="version">0.3</span> </div> <span class="item vcard" id="hreview-wpcr-hcard-for-' . $review->id . '" style="<strong>display:none</strong>;"> <a class="url fn org" href="' . $this->options['business_url'] . '">' . $this->options['business_name'] . '</a> <blockquote class="description"><p>' . $review->review_text . '</p></blockquote> ' . $review_response . ' <span style="<strong>display:none</strong>;" class="type">business</span> <span style="<strong>display:none</strong>;" class="version">0.3</span> </div> <hr />'; if ($this->options['hreview_type'] == 'product') { $reviews_content .= ' <span class="hreview-aggregate haggregatereview" id="hreview-wpcr-aggregate"> <span style="<strong>display:none</strong>;"> <span class="rating"> } else if ($this->options['hreview_type'] == 'business') { $reviews_content .= ' <span class="hreview-aggregate" id="hreview-wpcr-aggregate"> <span style="<strong>display:non</strong>e;"> <span class="item vcard" id="hreview-wpcr-vcard">
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Reviews] show form w/o having to click buttonNeat! I didn’t even know Plug-in Editor existed. ??
I went through all the text, and while I see those 2 phrases, I don’t see them together. Would you be able to point out the correct place for me? (I’m thinking maybe it’s a bit different on mine.) Here is he code I am looking at:
[Excessive code removed]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Reviews] show form w/o having to click buttonThanks Shansta,
That sound promising- where do I find the .css file?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Reviews] show form w/o having to click buttonif it helps, I’m using Version: 2.4.8
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Reviews] show form w/o having to click buttonNo, I never found how to do what I want, but the work-around is that I went to the settings for this plug-in and changed the text to read: “Click here to fill out a review form.” I hope that makes it more clear to the user what the button is for.
The check box just showed up for me- not sure what to do if it doesn’t show…
Deactivated En Spam, now using Spam Stoppers. Seems to work…
Looks like the support page is in Hebrew. Maybe there another one I can use?
I’m still keeping En Spam active.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: seeking FB like and count button for sidebarI’m just using Simple Social- the default for now. Seems to work fine…